Unusual combination of lighting devices in a dwelling allows to emphasize its separate parts, to change the design of premises in an original way. After all, large and small lamps in the interior can perform not only the lighting function, but emphasize the style of decoration, furniture, decor. When connecting the fixtures to the energy security system, it is possible to increase the protection of housing. Therefore, when choosing suitable lighters, one must take into account their type, features of use, installation. The right combination of different types of lighting and lamps will help radically change the style of any home. And it is possible to select models according to the type of the premises, the peculiarities of its layout, design. Using these data, you can easily select the best lighting for an unusual and competent space organization.
Functions of fixtures
The main function of lighting is to create the right light. Each corner, working surfaces, rest areas should be high-lighted. But also by combining different types of illuminators, you can visually change the shapes of the fitted room. They will allow to expand the area, stretch the space horizontally, vertically. Installation of non-standard products will create a special atmosphere. Lighting devices can be used for unusual lighting of individual areas of the room, furniture, niches, and other non-standard constructions. With their help you can update, make more interesting the usual design. Important and protective function of illuminators when they are included in a special "smart" system. It is indispensable for people who often go on business trips, are not at home.
Correct and good lighting of any dwelling space is achieved when choosing bright instruments of different types. For example, for rooms in which owners rest, it is especially important to correctly illuminate places for work, reading, writing. After all, if the brightness of the light is insufficient, you will have to strain your eyes greatly. In the future, this will lead to problems with vision. Convenience, safety of movement in rooms and corridors in the evening, night time also depend on the correctness of the created lighting. A careful selection of illuminators should also be carried out for conditionally hazardous areas. For example, for kitchen worktops, stoves, work tables and surfaces in the garage, a home workshop where a variety of tools and machines are used. The availability of high-quality lighting will exclude injuries in any domestic work.
Creating a special atmosphere or rest
Unusual illuminators or the combination of several types of products contribute to the creation of different types of lighting. For example, to create a romantic atmosphere or ideal conditions for an evening view of movies, installation of illuminators with adjustable brightness is suitable. Muted lighting, backlighting in blue, purple tones will create a special comfort. A fabulous atmosphere for the child will help create the use of many small lighters, night projectors. The imitation of the starry sky will help the little dreamer to fall asleep in a great mood. In the halls and other rooms where the family often gathers, friends need to provide bright lighting. To do this, a combination of lighting fixtures, which are suspended, are attached to the walls. Such lighting will help create bright and colorful pictures, it is easy to carry out high-quality shooting of cheerful feasts.
Visual change of space forms
Increase the height of the walls, make the passage wider with the help of lighting devices is very simple. Visually expand the space will help the location of many wall lighters. The entry of vertical stripes of light onto the walls will provide an increase in their height. If such a light falls at an angle from above, it will help to reduce the height and make the room more comfortable. For small walkways, it is recommended to install lights throughout the entire ceiling perimeter. Facilitates the visual expansion of the passage and installation in the central part of the walls of small lighting devices. Using adjustable wall illuminators, it turns out and completely change the space. When directing light streams to different angles, you can draw a square room or visually round it.
The change of space should not contradict the correct light. Therefore, to darken for visual alteration of the room, those angles that are not used in the evening time are allowed. It is possible to arrange such angles with auxiliary illuminators, which are switched on separately.
Local and decorative lighting
It is easy and simple to change the decoration of the room, make it unique and stylish allow the use of decorative lighting. It can be carried out for the following zones, objects:
- niches, wall constructions, shelves;
Excellent for highlighting the head of the bed, plasterboard figured structures, arches, doorways. With a close arrangement of the shelves provides a visual increase in their depth.
- along the aisles, on the steps;
Mounted above the skirting the illuminators widen the passage and significantly lighten it. Equipping the steps with light bulbs ensures the safety of lifting and descending the stairs, giving it an unusual appearance in the daytime.
- furniture (tables, cabinets, beds).
A bright backlight under the bed creates an effect of lightness: its floating above the floor. Installation of muffled lighting in the cabinet, in the internal equipment allows you to highlight the product in general design, make its use as convenient as possible.
Protection of housing
The connection of lighting devices throughout the housing in a single circuit with remote connection allows for a good protection. For example, when the owners leave, the system will be able to turn lights on and off in different rooms. This will create the impression that the owners are in the apartment. Such precautions provide simple and effective protection. After all, the desire to penetrate into someone else's home from the attackers will not arise. Very useful and street, internal lighting with motion sensors. True, such lighting devices react to animals. It is advisable to install them in a housing where pets are not kept.
The system of switching on and switching off the illuminators can be controlled remotely by the application or immediately programmed for a certain mode of operation. When you choose it, you need to study all the features of functioning.
Kinds of fixtures by a way of fastening
The way to fix the fixtures in the room in many ways affects the convenience of their use, maintenance and cleaning. Highly available models will not allow each week to wash bubbles, remove dust. Access to wall products is quite simple, so caring for them will be easy. But fixing products in one place is not necessary. There are many mobile models of desktop and floor type. They simply move, they help to correctly illuminate working areas, rest areas. To create the correct light, it is recommended to combine different types of models. And for simplicity of arrangement of premises it is necessary to familiarize with the products which are not demanding the long installation and connection. The study of all types will ensure the ease of choosing the most appropriate models for all housing.
Stylish luminaires of suspended type can be mounted close to the ceiling or have a long leg, equipped with voluminous shades. The first type allows to exclude the reduction of space in the room, to achieve a laconic design. Ideal for fixing in gypsum plasterboard structures, stretch fabrics. Models with a minimum frame height can be equipped with different decor: pendants, figured metal and wooden elements. Can include several mini-plafonds, located on a common site. Lighting devices with "legs" are optimal for styling the room. Can be equipped with designer shades, made without plafonds. The latter attract their simplicity, ease of care. The most difficult to clean are products with numerous crystal, glass pendants and models with curved up plafonds (dust is constantly accumulating in them).
Beautiful lighting devices can not only be suspended, but built in. Models of this type are universal, suitable for placement in any part of the room. Products are often used to equip hotels: they occupy a minimum of space, are easily cleaned. Point models, installed in load-bearing and auxiliary gipsokartonnye structures, consume little electricity. Can be used to create lighting in the form of patterns, simple geometric shapes. Point models can be rotary and non-rotational. The first allow you to change the angle of the lamp, direct the light flux. Can be equipped with a matte or transparent protective glass, which determines the brightness and softness of light. Frameworks of models (framing lamps) can have silver, gold, bronze color or black-and-white execution.
Wall Mounted
Wall-type lighting allows you to arrange any room quickly and easily. Equipped with foot-mounts, mounting strap. For overhead models, wall-ceiling mounting is permissible. They have different forms: from squares to ovals and circles. The models have a neat body protruding above the surface to which they are attached. Some are equipped with a thin body and a glass ceiling, so that the light from them spreads in all directions. They are lightweight, ideal for mounting on plasterboard partitions, walls, other prefabricated structures. Used to equip furniture, stairs. The wall illuminator attracts a minimal space constraint.
The presence of sufficient free space on the floor of the room allows installation of floor-type illuminators. They are equipped with long legs, allowing the model to be used to illuminate a large radius of space around. Floor lamps can have round, cylindrical plafonds. Stylized models with figured (curved in sides) plafonds, shades in the form of flowers are very popular. By design features are divided into:
- open;
Those who have access to the lamp from above, below or from several sides.
- closed;
With stylized shades that have hidden ventilation holes. Seem as whole. Thanks to this design are easy to care for: dust, dirt inside the plafond almost do not fall.
- combined.
Include several open and closed plafonds. Allow to illuminate large areas. Ideal for halls, spacious hallways, halls.
Применение настольных изделий позволяет правильно осветить зоны отдыха и работы. Используются для установки на журнальных столиках, письменных и компьютерных столах, прикроватных тумбах. Обеспечивают комфорт чтения, письма. Незаменимы при обустройстве ниш в изголовьях кроватей. Подходят для стилизации помещений, оснащенных каминами. Могут иметь стандартное исполнение (включать небольшой абажур) или оснащаться стилизованными плафонами в виде шаров, цветов. Привлекательны комбинированные модели, имеющие встроенные часы, подставки для ручек, другой канцелярии. Tabletop изделия с ножками в виде статуэток прекрасно подходят для выделения столика или тумб, на которых они устанавливаются. Подобные модели отлично подходят для подчеркивания утонченности оформления жилья.
Recommendations for the choice of fixtures
A competent combination of design of premises with the chosen illuminators is a guarantee of good equipment. Consider when selecting models is their color range, the presence of jewelry, size. Correspondence to geometric shapes or to any objects affects the overall perception of the product in the room. For example, curved figure models emphasize refinement and originality of design. Large plafonds with minimal transitions of shades - a guarantee of creating a minimalist style. The use of spots, track models with a "rough" design will exclude the allocation of devices in the loft, chalet premises. But the use of small lighters, tape highlights is recommended only for cutting-edge trends: in the classics, baroque or empire styles, they can disrupt harmonious design.
Under the interior of the room
Observance of stylistics when choosing lighting is extremely important. Installed models can both supplement the general view of the room, and radically change it. When choosing the right products, you should follow the following style recommendations:
- classical;
This direction accepts the installation of any types of illuminators with carved and figured elements.
- modern;
The rigidity of the forms, 1-2 colors for the carcass and plafond, the presence of glossy surfaces - the basic requirements for illuminators of this direction.
- modern;
For stylistics, combining models with unusual shapes is suitable. For example, it allows the original illumination of door and window openings, the creation of space "portals" of them.
- high tech;
Compliance with the ideal geometry and white, but muted light devices - an excellent option for hi-tech direction.
- Scandinavian;
For the direction, black, white, gray models in the form of geometric figures, futuristic performance will do.
- Provence.
Graceful chandeliers in white and silver, pastel color with similar wall models - the best solution for the French style.
For different room types
Selecting the illuminators, it is necessary to take into account the location of their installation. It is easy to choose different types of devices the following help will help:
- living room;
In a spacious hall it is recommended to combine wall models and suspended products.
- kitchen;
Can be equipped with 1-3 suspended models and several sconces. Be sure to set the backlight over the worktop.
- bedroom;
Allows the combination of 1 suspended product and several wall models, different types of furniture illumination, openings.
- bathroom;
Can be equipped with any type of fixtures that have moisture protection.
- children's;
It requires combining different types of models to create the most correct light. Additional lights should be mounted above the written, computer desk, play area.
- an entrance hall;
The optimal solution will be the installation of several wall illuminators and lights near the mirror, cabinet.
- cabinet.
The design of the workplace should include wall models, a quality desktop illuminator.
The choice of original lighting fixtures for housing should be carried out according to the type of premises to be equipped, their area. So, to create the correct light of each corner, working areas and rest areas will be easy. Particular attention should be paid to the lamps used. The quality of lighting depends on their brightness. For example, diode lamps are optimal for mounting over writing, computer tables, working kitchen countertops. They will help to intelligently illuminate the remote corners of large rooms. We can not forget about the stylistics of models. For different directions, different in form and color lighting fixtures. Observance of the basic rules and useful recommendations will help to equip any part of the housing with lighters as simple as possible. They will help to achieve easy styling of even the smallest rooms, provide their original appearance.