In modern interiors often there is a false construction. It can be windows, doors that bring a special cosiness to the design of the room, and visually increase free space. By simulating different designs, you can hide some wall defects and create a special atmosphere of heat.
Due to the variety of materials when creating false windows, you can make designs of any shape and size. The use of 3D technologies makes it possible to create realistic pictures that change the perception of housing.
Interior decoration with the help of a window simulation
Most creative individuals use false designs in their homes to raise their moods in the mornings and as decor. The advantages of installing them are:
- to admire from his room a beautiful view;
- visually increase the space and bring a maximum of light into it;
- emphasize the interior of the house, make it original and most comfortable for living.
With the help of false window openings it is possible to conveniently use non-functional niches in the house, corners, problem areas. Decorating the imitation with curtains, you will make it more realistic.
Hide the shortcomings of the layout
In addition to decorative functions, false windows will help to hide small wall defects and mistakes made in construction. Sometimes situations develop in such a way that without them simply can not do. This happens if:
- the space between the windows is inappropriate, non-functional. In this case, mirror false constructions are used;
- room (library, study) is located in an unsuccessful place and a dark corner of the apartment. False construction will fill the room with additional light;
- The room is small in size. It is relevant to apply the images here;
- the corridor is too dark, a little light must be added to it.
Types of false windows
There is a wide variety of false windows. The most common are fake windows:
- drawn;
- Wall-papers;
- mirror;
- ceiling;
- with illumination;
- virtual.
Painted windows and wallpapers
Simulating window openings with photo wallpapers allows you to open landscapes with exotic beaches, sandy coasts, majestic architectural spaces. On the wall, you can represent an opening with a frame, from which you will see a view of the picturesque landscape. Photo walls are in great demand among consumers, as they are provided in a wide range.
Glue the wallpaper to a perfectly smooth and smooth surface. On the edges, you can attach a wooden frame. For realistic images, designers use real window sills and plexiglass. It is appropriate to hang curtains, suitable for the overall interior of the room. On the windowsill you can arrange fresh flowers.
See also: 21 example of interior with stuccoPainted pictures can depict not only landscapes, but also curtains, frames, windowsills, curtains. Frames can be both open and closed. Open frames will bring lightness and freedom into the room. Draw an imitation of the window opening in any room, using an empty corner or niche. Very interesting look designs, where one curtain - painted, and the second - the real one.
Artistic image is not a cheap pleasure. But with it you can diversify the interior, make it exclusive and original. Draw a good artist will be able to any picture, based on the requirements and wishes of customers.
False windows with illumination
The illuminated end will create the illusion of daylight. Such a design solution will significantly change the main lighting of the room. You can illuminate with different light sources:
- LEDs;
- energy-saving lamps;
- LED strips.
When designing a structure with lighting, electrical wires and cables must be laid in advance.
Original ceiling windows with illumination look. They are recommended to be installed in children's bedrooms.
If you make a fake window with illumination using stained glass or frosted glass and with a colorful spring landscape, you will get rid of apathy and depression. A colorful picture will dispel any melancholy and despondency.
The windows in the frame with illumination will perfectly fit into any interiors of the premises. They are recommended to be installed in dark rooms.
The use of stained glass with illumination will fill the room with refinement and aristocratism. This option is suitable for any classic style.
Mirror window falsework
Mirror imitations can visually increase the room. They are made of a whole mirror or mirror tiles. Mounted mirror on the prepared flat surface. There are several options for fixing mirror false products:
- On the mirror attached to the wall, a frame of wood, metal or plastic is fixed. Further the design is decorated with curtains, a window sill and other accessories.
- First, the frame is assembled, then it is inserted mirror tiles, polystyrene or plexiglass. This design is attached to the wall in a ready-made form.
Mirror structures are not recommended to cover with dense curtains, otherwise they will lose their aesthetics and individuality.
Ceiling window falsework
Ceiling window falsework можно монтировать на стену или потолок.
A window on the ceiling will open a view of the starry or cloudy sky. It is best to mount it on a suspended ceiling, although you can use a flat surface.
Despite the complexity of editing, such techniques are used by designers quite often. It will be actual to use the simulation of the ceiling window in the attic. A combined version of the suspended structure and stretch ceiling will help create any designs: the image of space, sky, stars, treetops.
In such false openings it is recommended to use a backlight. The level of light can be controlled, depending on the time of day.
Virtual Window
In Europe, virtual openings are a common phenomenon. In our country they are extremely rare. Their main advantage is a live picture. At the request of the owners, the image of the fake window can change regularly. What does it look like? These are LCD panels connected to the computer. They are controlled by a special program on the PC. Thanks to modern technologies, the video displayed on the screen makes the picture very believable and realistic.
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Use in rooms
When creating false windows, you need to think carefully about their location. You can install them in any room: living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, hallways, children's. When choosing a design, be sure to consider the style of the room, the color scheme. Such designs should be in harmony with both decorative trim and furniture. For classical interiors it is recommended to use simple pictures depicting forests, fields, beaches.
In the living rooms you can make both wall and ceiling false windows. Their use not only visually increases the space, but also makes the interior more cozy and homely. After all, in the living room in the evenings the whole family gathers to watch TV, talk and just relax.
Dimensions of the design, like its design, are selected individually. Here it is appropriate to choose pictures depicting forests, mountains, the ocean, beaches, starry skies, the sunny sky.
As for the child's room, you can create a real fairy tale here. Use fairy-tale characters, imitation of the starry sky. Actually, sea fairy-tale inhabitants will look: mermaids, young sailors and other cartoon characters.
In the bedrooms, it is desirable to make a false window with the imitation of the rising sun. This kind will promote a good mood. But it is desirable to work with the color gamut carefully. Choose gentle and calm tones. As for the materials of manufacture, they must be natural and environmentally friendly.
If you arrange a window at the head of the bed, apply the technique of art painting. Bright landscapes with luscious green grass will give you a charge of cheerfulness and fine mood for the whole working day.
In cabinets, it is advisable to make a false construction with illumination. From the office can open a view of the bustling metropolis, the sky or evergreen forest.
If it is necessary to install false windows in the kitchen, make them above the work surface. Here it will be necessary to consider the presence of illumination. For small kitchens, the windows must be placed on the entire height of the wall. The picture should be selected for the general interior of the room.
Also in the kitchens they mount false windows into niches. Sometimes niches are made especially for the installation of a structure. This work process is rather complicated and time consuming, but it looks very aesthetically.
Simulation of the window opening in the kitchen can be of any design and configuration. It should consist of one or more flaps and have interesting geometric shapes.
Have a window opening in the kitchen in the unloaded part or on the ceiling. When choosing materials, select consumable materials. They must necessarily have moisture-proof properties.
For a narrow and dark hallway, use mirror surfaces. The lower part of the frame is equipped with a clothes hanger, hats and umbrellas.
In the bathrooms, false window openings are also welcome. With their help you can make the bathroom more spacious and comfortable. Here it is necessary to install mirror surfaces with illumination. Actually, the pictures will look like meadows, fields, lakes, mountain paths that go to heavenly distance.
For wet rooms, such as kitchen and bathroom, it is not recommended to use wallpaper with a 3D pattern. Since they are saturated with moisture, they will lose their aesthetics. Also it is not recommended to install virtual windows due to high humidity.
Window in the frame with illuminated hands
Despite the wide assortment of finished products on the market, false windows with illumination are quite expensive. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a finished product, you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare the necessary supplies, tools, stock up instructions and free time.
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First, decide on the design and color of the picture that you want to see in the room. It should be of high quality and convey a clear and realistic image.
When choosing an image, choose a picture with perspective.
To create a window in a frame with a backlight, you need to prepare:
- a picture of the right size;
- plasterboard;
- roller;
- putty;
- spatula and brushes;
- acrylic paint for the frame;
- water-emulsion paint for the box;
- transformers;
- sources of light;
- screws and dowels;
- hammer and screwdriver.
The instruction for manufacturing the window opening consists of the following steps:
- Make a box of plasterboard, in which the highlight will be placed. Its depth should be at least 20 cm.
- With the help of power tools, cut off the wooden trims of the correct size.
- Sew the product from gypsum board, and after drying - paint it with water-based paint.
- Transformers and light bulbs are placed in the box at an angle of 45 degrees, make holes for the withdrawal of wires.
- In the drilled holes, install the dowels and fasten the fasteners.
- Place the lamps and attach the transformers to them. The whole system is assembled into a single unit and connect the wires.
- In the lower right corner of the construction make a hole for the output of wires and installation of the switch.
- Secure the finished structure with screws.
- Install around the perimeter of the product wooden platbands and paint them with paint.
That's the whole simple process of making a fake window. If you comply with the technology of its manufacture, you can deal with such work on your own. As a result of your efforts, you will bring in the interior of the premises a certain zest and exclusivity.
Falsh - doors
Falsh doors are used in modern interiors to create an original illusion and unusual surroundings. The presence of believable and colorful drawings on the walls will pleasantly surprise your friends and acquaintances.
To create the illusion of the door, you need to find a real master who will be able to work through all the details to create an optical illusion. Using an interesting painting on the wall, you can conveniently hide the flaws in the room and make it visually greater.
The doors of the dummy can be painted or printed on the wallpaper. If you stop the choice on the arched doorway, he imitates the entrance to the fairy garden, to the bank of the river, to the snow-covered slopes. In other words, there is no limit to your imagination when decorating an entrance hall or hall. Such doors will perfectly fit into any interior of the room and will become its main decoration.
Add to the finished structure, assembled with their own hands can be decorative curtains. If you insert the plexiglass into the product, the picture will look more real.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that with the help of false windows and doors it is possible to transform the interior of any room, make it bright, interesting and not like everyone else. It does not matter in which room you decide to install false designs, most importantly, competently approach the relationship of their subjects with the general interior of the room.