Patchwork - the technique of sewing scattered rags into uniform canvases. Finished products are often called quilts. From the scraps you can create blankets, pillowcases, potholders, towels, carpets, tracks and even clothing items. Patchwork in the interior is applied everywhere, as it is easy enough for even newcomers to work in this technique, and textile waste can be found in any home. Finished products may differ in variegated or restrained, depending on the selection of components by color and texture. Literally from English "patchwork" is translated, as a "product of rags." Craftsmen often work with cotton fabrics. The material is inexpensive, easily amenable to cutting and stitching, besides, it serves for a long time. Raskraivayut shreds on the patterns of different geometric shapes. Then they are neatly sewed together according to the principle of mosaic, as if they collect a single picture from individual puzzles. In the interior, such a masterpiece of needlework will look unusually and very cozy. We'll talk about where and when the patchwork appeared, with what directions in design it is combined best and what decorations from shreds (not necessarily textile ones) can be revived the situation of different rooms.
Patchwork is closely related to the application. Technologies are similar in many respects. The only difference is that the appliqués, collected from different pieces, are sewn to the base.
Interaction with Styles
Although at first glance it may seem that patchwork is a destiny of exclusively rural areas, in fact it is not so. Colored blankets, rugs and pillowcases do decorate rooms decorated in country style (Provence, Russian). In ethnic interiors, they are found a little less often. Nevertheless, depending on the type and color of the fabrics from which textile textiles are sewn, it can become a luxurious decoration of minimalism, modern, Scandinavian, colonial style, chic chic, art deco and, in rare cases, even classics. Products from scraps decorate not only furniture and floor, but even walls. From pieces of cloth, combining the technique of patchwork with applique, you can create a beautiful panel. Combining different fragments of wallpaper, the pattern and texture of which differs, create original wall paintings.
Textile patchwork and its styles and techniques
Patchwork is classified into separate styles, closely related to those countries where they are most often practiced:
- Oriental. Usually, pieces of identical shapes and sizes are stitched together, but of a variegated color. The style is characterized by the use of original additional decorations: sequins, large beads, beads, brushes and fringe.
- Japanese. In fact, this is just an offshoot of the oriental style, which is characterized by the use of silk instead of cotton fabrics. The pieces are decorated with thematic floral designs, and the products are decorated with stitches "sashiko", traditional for Japanese needlewomen.
- English. In this style, squares of the same size. Usually, they select shreds with a discreet pattern within two similar colors. Finished products look laconic and neat.
- Crazy patchwork. Truly insane style, which combines shreds of various shapes, sizes and colors. Ornaments can also be different: ribbons, beads, buttons, ruches, beads, sequins.
Separately it is necessary to note a knitted patchwork, in which the wizards use knitting needles or crochet. First, squares are made from yarn of different shades, and then they are sewn. Patchwork is classified into the following techniques:
- The squares. The easiest version to execute. Scraps have a square shape and either are cut out or sewn from strips (usually three to four).
- Triangles. The pattern is already an order of magnitude more difficult. As a rule, the scraps are in the shape of isosceles triangles, which are assembled into large squares.
- Stripes. They can be located in parallel with each other, concentrate around a square fragment in the center of the product or simulate a "bricklaying", that is, each flap in the next row is placed with a shift.
- Sotami. The product is assembled from hexagons. Externally, the canvas resembles a honeycomb.
- A fagot. Russian technology, which allows you to get a fleecy, slightly rough-looking product. Scraps or lapults are chosen from a fabric with protruding threads or pile, which causes a general untidiness. They are sewn on the canvas-base in such a way that both ends are loose. This is how voluminous products are obtained.
- In a checkerboard pattern. In this technique, square fragments of the same size are used, but contrasting in color. They are placed like cells on a chessboard.
There is one more technique that can be safely put to the most complex. Watercolor technique involves creating a full-fledged pattern of shreds of the same shape and size, but differing in color. The shades will have to be selected very carefully to get a slightly "blurry" pattern, which is typical for images created with this type of paints.
Tile in patchwork style
Patchwork in the broadest sense of the word implies not only work with textiles. The technique of combining shreds from something affected even the finishing materials. Manufacturers of tiles began to make special sets, where each piece is decorated with a unique pattern. You can spend a little more time and pick up such a "mosaic" yourself. Tile spread on the floor, the walls of the bath or on the kitchen apron, which will certainly become the highlight of the interior of this room.
Patchwork of wallpaper
Instead of boring solutions, the walls can be decorated with a hand-made coating, collected from pieces of wallpaper or fabric. In the first case, it is enough to keep the remnants of materials from the last repair, and ask unnecessary pieces from friends. The wallpaper is cut into fragments, selected according to the principles of compatibility, and alternately glued to the wall. From the fabric sew the fabric and fix on the surface with carnations or staples. It should be noted that the textile collects dust and absorbs odors, so the decor will have to be removed regularly for washing.
Carpets in the style of patchwork
Carpets and paths are sewed from shreds of durable and durable materials. For these purposes, traditional cotton fabrics or gentle silk will not do. As a rule, they use natural leather, jeans or fragments of old, worn carpets, which the side in the form of baldness has bypassed. Although the rustic style will look good and pieces with characteristic "bald spots." Carpets can not only be sewn, but also tied. Do not recommend the use of such delicate products in the kitchen and in the hallway, as there they will inevitably undergo rapid wear and tear. Paths "deryuzhki" stitch even thin fabrics from rags, since the strips are carefully rolled and "kneaded", fixing in this position with stitches.
Examples of use in rooms
Products made in the technique of patchwork sewing, you can decorate the entire apartment. Such accents will link the individual rooms into a single interior composition. In the living room, bedroom and children's room is used mainly textile decor in patchwork style. For the kitchen select the combined options of fabric and tile, and in the bathroom use only ceramic tiles.
In the living room
In the living room в технике пэчворк оформляют акцентные зоны. Преимущественно лоскутными элементами декорируют мебельную группу для отдыха: украшают кресла накидками и чехлами, застилают диван пледом, засыпают подушками в наволочках, сделанных своими руками, покрывают пол ковриком. Хотя в этой комнате акцент можно сделать на шторах или стене, на которой будет висеть «акварельная» картина или абстрактное полотно, собранное из геометрических фигур разных размеров. Если в гостиной есть камин, то его скучную отделку можно заменить на пеструю керамическую плитку, выложенную в стиле пэчворк.
Read also: Chandeliers in the interior +75 photo examples
In the kitchen
For the kitchen choose textile decorations and ceramics in the patchwork style. To make the atmosphere nice and cozy, the room is decorated with patchwork curtains, a tablecloth, potholders, warmers or towels. If the dining area is also attached to the cooking area, then it can be decorated by covering the floor with a rug that repeats the contours of the table. The plafond of a lamp or chandelier is also covered with a cloth made in a scrappy technique. Different in texture and color fragments of ceramics adorn the floor, walls and kitchen apron. A stylish and unusual solution will be the design of "scraps" of the surface of the work area or countertops on the bar.
In the nursery
In the nursery комнате особый уют добавит лоскутное одеяло или коврик. В помещении для девочек акцент делают на нежных оттенках розового, персикового, мятного, кораллового. В комнате для мальчишек используют кусочки синих, серых, зеленых цветов. Однотонные лоскутки обычно чередуют с фрагментами, на которых изображены рисунки: животные, машинки, сказочные персонажи, сценки из детских сказок. Для маленькой рукодельницы пэчворк предоставит великолепный шанс освоить новую технику, создавая декор своей комнаты вместе с родителями.
In the bedroom
In the bedroom будет стильно смотреться лоскутное панно на стене у изголовья кровати. Саму постель тоже декорируют покрывалом и подушками, собранными из кусочков. На полу по обе стороны кровати можно постелить по самодельному мягкому коврику. В расцветке рекомендуют придерживаться нежных сочетаний с нотками романтики: розовые, сиреневые, голубые, зеленые, голубые тона. Оригинальным вариантом станут лоскутные плафоны для парных светильников, которые размещают либо прямо на полу, либо на прикроватных тумбочках. Если спальня просторная или совмещена с другой зоной, то отделить ее можно с помощью ширмы, в которой текстильное полотно натягивают на металлический или деревянный каркас.
Patchwork will be an excellent decoration not only of the unobtrusive and laconic interior of a cottage or a country house, but also the solid environment of a city apartment. Patchwork technology has long ceased to be part of the exclusively rustic styles. In recent years, patchwork has become so popular with professional designers that its features have been traced in many designer collections of furniture and textiles for interior design. The technique is quite simple and does not require as much assiduity as, for example, embroidery or work with beads. If the rags to create a rug or blanket is not enough, it is worthwhile to sort out the old things, where there may be absolutely no good options, which you do not feel sorry for.