The original and correct decor of the windows is able to change the appearance of any room. The selection of curtains should be carried out, based on the convenience and efficiency of their use. Fans of non-standard solutions necessarily like Austrian, Roman models and products made of bamboo. Refined nature to taste will come linens with lambrequins. Light translucent fabrics will be a perfect addition to Scandinavian style or Provence. When choosing the best option, attention should be paid to the size of the leaflets, their location relative to the wall. Also it is necessary to study all the information on the quality of the used tissues, the peculiarities of care for them. Correctly chosen color scale of canvases will allow to allocate a frame and will successfully supplement the created stylistic direction.
Curtains with Lambrequins
Multi-tier decorating with different types of fabric is great for emphasizing an opening in large rooms or premises with non-standard layout. For example, in a spacious living room with a semicircular wall. Lambranes can have a minimum width of 10-15 cm. And they can close the third part of the frame with large flounces. To a separate kind of lambreken it is possible to carry plastic, wooden products. The U-shaped or semicircular elements are fixed in the upper part of the wall or under the ceiling. They can have different colors, which makes it easy to choose the right products for the color of the purchased fabrics. Optimum for mounting in spacious rooms. Wooden and plastic lambrequins will not heap up space in the halls or visually reduce the height of the wall.
Roman curtains
Unusual and stylish decor of the frame, folding accordion canvas suitable for children, kitchen. It is attractive for creating an unusual kind of frame. In this case, you can select models with one or two types of tissue. Products of the day-night type allow you to conveniently adjust the brightness of the natural lighting of rooms. They are characterized by a combination of translucent and dense canvas. The latter can be monophonic, complemented by patterns. Managing the position of the fabric is quite easy. Models include threads (chains) for lifting, lowering. Cleaning of materials should be carried out once every 3-4 weeks. Otherwise, dust will accumulate on the folds of the fabric. Eliminate the unattractive appearance of the canvas and the accumulation of harmful particles will help their removal by vacuuming. Several times a year, the tissue itself can be washed under running water.
Bamboo curtains
With the help of bamboo can hold the most practical design of frames. The original appearance of the dies collected in the "canvas", straws allows you to emphasize any stylistics of the room. Bamboo products have a number of other advantages:
Easy care | Cleaning may be carried out with a wet cloth or sponge without removing the product. |
Ease of installation | The models are suitable for fixing to ordinary wooden frames, they can be hung on metal-plastic blocks. |
Environmentally friendly materials | Natural elements create a special comfort. Can be used in any room, including the bathroom. |
Models of bamboo should be used neatly. With a sharp opening and closing, careless cleaning can break down dried straws or dies.
Curtains pleated
Polotnami with numerous waves and the same folds you can decorate any frame. They are suitable even for window constructions in the attic. To do this, supplemented with special guides from the line or threads, which excludes the sagging of the fabric. The most popular models are from bright and light monophonic canvases. For rooms with a classic design, items with embossed patterns are usually chosen. Stylish and modern look models from paintings with drawings. Due to the volume fabric assembly, they look unusual and can become the main element of the interior. But while dense fabrics need frequent cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, the projecting parts of the material are rapidly clogged with dust and become gray. After the washing, the cloth does not need to be corrected: all folds on it will be preserved.
Austrian curtains
Austrian curtains подкупают своей элегантностью. Они способны прекрасно дополнить классический стиль, стили прованс, рококо. Изделия имеют среднюю длину и закрывают раму до подоконника. Благодаря наличию большого количества складок позволяют визуально расширить пространство помещения. Изготавливаются из тонких и плотных тканей. Шьются из синтетических и натуральных материалов. Самыми популярными считаются шифоновые модели и модели из жаккарда с рельефным рисунком. Основным преимуществом изделий является простота чистки. Полотна крепятся в верхней части узенькой лентой-липучкой. Они легко регулируются по высоте, степени закрытия рамы. Для аккуратности образования складок оснащаются многочисленными кольцами. Единственным недостатком моделей является их дороговизна и длительность пошива по индивидуальным замерам.
Curtains on the eyelets
It is easy and simple to decorate any room with fabrics that are equipped with eyelets. Metal or plastic fittings can easily move the canvas. With it, there is no problem of jamming the fabric in the upper part, as with curtain systems equipped with hooks. The eyelets are inserted directly into the tucked and sewn fabric. Then firmly fixed. They can have any color and shade. Therefore, they are selected either in the tone of the fabric or for its stylization. To plastic accessories special conditions on cleaning can be presented. After all, when washing cloth at high speed or at high temperatures, plastic elements can lose their brightness or even become discolored. Metal eyelets have increased strength and durability. They can be washed together with canvases in any modes.
Sliding curtains
The room, decorated with sliding curtains, looks modern and very unusual. Systems with moving curtains are a special cornice with several grooves, in which the slats with long pieces of fabrics are installed. Their width is usually from 0.5 to 0.9 meters. Suitable for mounting above frames that have a height from floor to ceiling. Also used for zoning rooms connected to a loggia. Movement of the canvas is done manually or automatically (controlled by the remote control). Fabrics can be monophonic, include a variety of patterns. Such systems are both attractive and diverse, and easy to use. Moving strips of fabric in different directions can achieve optimal natural lighting at any time of day. And at night they will perfectly close the room from prying eyes.
Curtains on open cornices
Using a non-standard curtain for hanging fabrics allows you to change the appearance of the room beyond recognition. The product can look like a wooden branch, a club with figured tips. Such elements are made of both plastic and metal. They are easily cleaned from dust, allowing you to maintain order in the room. Ideal for long fabrics, but can also be used for short fabrics that close the frame only to the middle or to the window sill. Metallic elements of dark tones, silvery or golden color are perfect for halls decorated in royal styles. They are well complemented by dark red, purple and blue fabrics. Light plastic elements allow you to emphasize the ease of design. They are recommended to be supplemented with light canvases in monophonic design or with discreet pastel patterns.
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Clips, sticks and other decorations for curtains
Picking up stylish accessories for the fabric, you can radically change the look of the selected paintings. There are the following types of jewelry:
Прихваты | Used for tying and styling fabrics. Can be a ribbon, a sewn fabric strip. For the classics and the royal style, metal hooks and hooks are mounted on the walls. |
Magnetic clamps | They are a convenient replacement for sticks. They are attached to the canvas in literally half a minute, allowing you to easily change the appearance of the fabric, adding folds to it. |
Hairpins | They represent a semicircular piece with a hole in the middle and a stick that goes inside. Allow to accurately fix the fabric. |
Brushes, fringe | Can be attached to the bottom of the canvas or placed on translucent fabrics. Give the canvases a more attractive "home"; view. |
Buttons, Butterflies, Flowers | Small sewn accessories allow you to emphasize the originality of the design of the fabric or complement its stylistics. |
Window decoration tulle
The use of tulle to decorate the slopes allows you to create a special lightness in the room. Thin translucent fabrics will help visually increase its area. In this case, the use of light cloths with vertical patterns will provide a "lift" of the ceiling. You can combine tulle fabrics in many ways. For example, arrange three or more kinds of cloth one by one, creating a smooth transition between the two colors. The most popular option is the attachment of two sheets of contrasting shades overlap. At the same time, their edges are accurately fixed on the walls, which makes the separation spectacular. It is also possible to alternately fasten the cloths of 3-4 colors without creating a transition. To select for such decoration is recommended the most combined shades (for example, gray, lilac, light gray, violet).
Strict blinds have become an important element for every office. But among modern models, you can easily pick up colorful models and products with wood trim that will decorate any room. Products in pastel colors perfectly close the entire balcony or balcony door. Thus, they exclude the penetration of bright sunlight into the room in the morning. There are models for outdoor and indoor installation. The latter are attracted by the ease of care. The first is an unusual design and minimal space limitation. In addition, they can protect the frame from the negative effects of moisture and wind.
Installing models from the outside, you need to consider the rules for their regulation. Usually remote systems are used for this. Also you need to remember about the high cost of products and the complexity of their repair.
Making a narrow window
The most advantageous solution for decorating a narrow window is the arrangement of long canvases outside the frame. The fabric should be light and light. Pastel colors of the material or the presence of discreet patterns and drawings are acceptable. Obligatory is the presence of a translucent curtain. The original frame of the pair of fabric fabrics will look original, which with the help of stitches are bred to the sides as far as possible from the frame. Its one way of decorating such flaps is to use one piece of cloth. It can be supplemented in the upper part with a small air lambrequin. The sheet itself should be fixed outside the frame with a hook on the wall or fabric stitch. You can make an accessory from a ribbon or piece of lace. This addition will emphasize the accuracy of the fabric.
To small wooden doors in the Khrushchev's did not reduce the interior space of the premises, it is recommended to paint the frames with light paint. Also they can be replaced with light metal plastic structures.
Decoration of low window
The low position of the leaf is a problem for the competent environment of the room. Original can be supplemented by linens that will be fastened close to the ceiling. An important condition is their long length. Fabrics should reach the floor or even fold a little near the baseboards in waves. The use of auxiliary ornaments (sticks and clamps) is highly discouraged. Small elements once again underline the low position of the frame. When you design such doors, you can distinguish a window sill as a separate element. For example, to place there a couple of pillows and organize a recreation area. Place on the windowsills near the low frames it is recommended not more than 1-2 vases with plants. The flower pots themselves must match the chosen textiles according to the color scheme.
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How to reduce the size of the window using curtains
Visually reduce the size of large flaps can be with dark cloths or fabrics that minimally skip sunlight. They can have both average and maximum length. At the same time, place them at the top as close as possible to the center. Add a general view of the stitches, allowing you to slightly clean the fabric in the daytime. Beautifully limit the large area of the double-glazed window will allow both hanging lambrequins or large arches of dense fabric.
Arched lining can be supplemented with fringe or flowing brushes. The location of a multitude of pot plants will also help reduce the sash. On the windowsills, you can additionally arrange different statuettes and other thematic decorations.
How to choose a color scheme
The color range of fabrics should be selected according to the design of the room. Cloths should not differ significantly in their colors from the color of the walls. Also they are obliged to combine well with the furniture installed in the room and other types of used textiles (carpet, carpet, bedspreads, pillows). It is allowed to include one additional color. For halls in light, sand and cream tones, this can be turquoise or light blue. For green and olive tones, orange can be added. For gray-black scale - purple, blue. The shade of translucent fabrics should be chosen according to the colors of the main material. But at the same time it should be darker or lighter on several tones.
Bright print on curtains
Cloths with bright prints - a universal solution for spacious halls, small bedrooms. They allow you to create a positive home atmosphere. In this case, the pattern can be placed in any part of the product. The most popular solutions include:
- uniform pattern on the entire surface of the canvas (patterns, ornaments, figures); - Drawing-framing (in the upper and lower, left and right parts of the product);
- Patterns arranged in vertical or horizontal bands;
- one-piece drawing (photo printing on the tissues of photographs, paintings, landscapes, still lifes).
Colorful paintings should be of high quality. Only good colors will retain their brightness and saturation, transitions of shadows and light after long use. Therefore, when choosing multi-colored fabrics or finished products, you need to consider their resistance to UV rays, cleaning and striking.
Alternative to curtains
Decoration of double-glazed windows can be carried out at all, without using fabrics. This eliminates the need to select thick fabrics and allows the curtains to be curtained with transparent fabrics. For the original decoration, you can apply the following elements:
- tinting and mirror films (exclude the possibility of viewing the room from the street);
- matte film (reduces the transparency of the insulating glass unit);
- Special double-glazed windows (with a mirror or tinted surface);
- glasses with dimming adjustment (include crystals that, by changing their position, can leave the surface transparent or make it dull).
All these options exclude the need for tissue. They allow the frame to be completely opened. This method of decoration refers to the innovative and prevents the restriction of the space of small rooms.
Tips for choosing curtains and curtains
Selecting the best canvases or finished products, you need to consider many factors. The main criteria for selecting tissues are:
- Ease of cleaning, washing (and if necessary ironing);
- Stability of materials to burnout;
- Light transmittance;
- Ecological compatibility (it is inadmissible to use cloths that have an unpleasant smell, are colored with harmful paints);
- Possibility of self-fixing and removal.
Choosing the most practical and effective products or fabrics, it is not difficult to beautifully decorate your house or apartment. New canvases or metal, natural strips will help to create the desired design. As for the choice of accessories for fabrics, one must be guided by their high quality and real need. Each auxiliary element should be useful and relevant.