25 smart ideas for keeping things in the nursery

Constantly attacking and bumping into sharp parts of the Lego, cubes, letters, dolls and other children's toys can be quite painful and unpleasant. Fortunately, there are many ways to rid yourself of this annoying factor and make the nursery room always look neat and tidy. From the charming little house for soft toys to magnetic wall blocks - we present to you 25 ideas for compact storage of a large number of children's things, including:

  • examples of intelligent use of walls and floor;
  • funny homemade storage;
  • multifunctional children's furniture;
  • useful ideas for the organization of toys and much more!

Dear readers! We will be very grateful if in the comments you will tell us which of the ideas below seem to you the most practical and suitable for your child's room! Thank you for reading us!

Keeping of children's things (photo):

House for soft toysIdea for storing soft toysWardrobe system for childrenConvenient storage of things in the nurseryBaby design for two boysOrganized storage of things in the nursery Using the organizer for a bathroom in a nurseryKeeping things in a small nurseryBooks on the walls in the nurseryStorage of soft toys in the child's roomTextile baskets for storing things in the nurseryStorage of sports equipment in the nursery The original two-story bed Use magnets in the nurseryMagnetic wall in the nurseryOrganization of small children's thingsHanging bag and shelves in the children's room Keeping of children's books Smart use of walls in a nursery Bag for children's toys with their own hands Benches with boxes in the nursery Wall of children's creativity and other papers Slate in children's room Storage of children's clothes Homemade useful furniture for children