Clock in the interior, like the original decor

If the watch is not an obligatory piece of furniture, then at least a very aesthetic addition. Such a thing will fit organically into the basic design of any room, whether it is a kitchen or a living room, a bedroom or a nursery. We offer you more than 20 creative ideas, how to place a clock in the interior.

In our country, watches began to be regarded not only as a practical thing, but also as an important element of decor only towards the end of the seventeenth century. Mod for the clock was introduced by Peter I. They could only be bought abroad, and the most prestigious were the clocks.

Outdoor clock in the interior

For a long time, the clocks were associated with aristocratism, good tone and elitism. Classic floor clock is a wooden case, reminiscent of a high tower, decorated with artistic carvings, which is often supplemented with all sorts of columns, figures and carved bas-reliefs. In the future, the influence of different cultures and artistic epochs was reflected in the external design of the watch. For example: Egyptian motifs brought to the decorations of the figurines of the Sphinx, Egyptian deities and pyramids, but the Rococo period distinguished itself with gilded hulls, ornaments in the form of various garlands and flowers.

In our time there is an opinion that the floor clock, this is so to speak archaism. Yes, often these products are sold with the label "antiques", and the premises in which they are, refer to the decorated in the style of "vintage". But still having such a thing in the house, you automatically get some kind of home, family comfort, and it's worth it.

Outdoor clock in the interior

Outdoor clock in the interior

Outdoor clock in the interior

Wall clock in modern design - original design

When we hear "wall clocks", often in our minds emerges the mechanism of classical, uncomplicated forms, created only for the performance of its direct function. But do not forget that the design does not stand still, very often, intertwining it with modern art, the author turns everyday things into whole art objects. In our case, this is a wall clock. At the moment, there are many examples of incredible interpretations with the clock

Wall clock in the interior of the kitchen

The design of wall clocks in the interior of the kitchen has already become a bit of a separate art direction. Here artists do not stint on imagination, which they just will not come up with, namely: an omelette clock, a clock with cutlery, in the form of cups with coffee, a clock-cupcake, a clock-bread and much more. In most cases, watches of this design are rather bulky and will best look on a monophonic, ideally, empty wall.

Kitchen clock

Wall clock for kitchen

Wall clock cupcakes

Wall clock for kitchen

Wall clock for kitchen

Wall clock for kitchen

Wall clock in the interior of the kitchen - кофе


Wall clock paintings - a unique design phenomenon that combines the aesthetics of paintings and the practicality of the mechanism. If you want to fill the space of your apartment in an original way, the wall clock - the picture - is an excellent solution, because such an accessory is easy to adjust to almost any design, any room.

clock on the wall in the interior photo

Wall clock paintings

Wall clock paintings

Wall clock paintings

Creative watches: "Watches on shoes"

In 2012, the author of the original footwear released her creation in the world and one must admit that such unusual shoes fell to the taste of a female audience. This footwear has found its fans around the world. The clocks on these shoes have a classical form, but the arrows are made in the form of female legs, implying a metaphor for the rapid rhythm of the life of a modern woman.

Watch on shoes

Shoes-shoes Shoes-shoes

Wrist Watch

With the advent of an incredible amount of gadgets in the life of modern man, such "antiquity" as a wristwatch could have receded into the background, but this is not so. Elegant wrist watches and today remain an important accessory in the wardrobe. Talented designers annually present new, incredible models of watch design, for example:

- Anatomic clock that shows the movement of the planets right on your wrist;

Anatomical clock

- "Melting hours", dedicated to the memory of Salvador Dali

Watch of Salvador Dali

- ZIIIRO Mercury Clock with current arrows, which leave behind a colored tail

Clock ZIIIRO Mercury with current arrows

- A watch with various inscriptions on the dial, for example: "What's the difference? Anyway late! "

Watch with inscriptions

- Watches with open mechanisms

Watch with open mechanism

- Watch "King Arthur's Sword"



Thanks to such creative ideas, wristwatches, wall, floor and any other, still very long time will be an actual accessory both for a wardrobe and for design of a premise.

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