In today's story, we will introduce you to the design of a small kitchen area, which was developed and successfully implemented by professional designers and engineers of the architectural bureau Grant Davis Thompson in the New York area of Manhattan.
The decoration of the kitchen area was designed and implemented by designers and architects of the Grant Davis Thompson studio for a single woman in the US city of New York.
The apartment had a small area, so the landlady needed to rationally place the main functional areas and areas for living and recreation in a confined space.
The master designed for this masterpiece the original and practical design of the furniture set, which not only fits perfectly with a small corner of the apartments, but also fits perfectly with the overall stylistics unusual house.
When decorating the kitchen, the architect used a textured tile of soft blue for the floor covering, which is in perfect harmony with the textured wood in the finish of different surfaces and a light tinted palette in the design of the guest cabin.
White ceramics was used for the apron, which allowed to form an aesthetically attractive and practical working area.

The long, glass doors of cabinets and the open shelves around the island make it possible to demonstrate the collection of china and kitchen utensils to visitors, which brings to the atmosphere of the apartments an individuality and incredible charm.
Textured wood in appearance unusual furniture perfectly combined with a common interior, sustained in a classical manner.

The niche at the end of the island is a modern innovative device: a washing and drying machine. This device combines both functions and remarkably saves the area of the apartments.

To arrange a modest room, a thin Blomberg refrigerator was used, which is built into the furniture set and decorated with textured wooden panels.
A small cabinet with glass facade doors was installed above the cooling unit, where the owner keeps tall decanters and vases.

A shell with an interesting and unusual shape was found by specialists in the flea market. It has a high back wall, and is also decorated with a stunning vintage mixer.

Designer furniture for the project was made with the use of textured wood, which brought in the decoration of the room incredible warmth and unlimited comfort. It perfectly combines with the tiled floor and apron, as well as a vintage oven.

Since the metal pipe, located under the ceiling, could not be demonstrated, the designer used it to mount the lamp with a round ball-shaped lampshade.
It fills the space with incredible radiance and warmth, and also perfectly harmonizes with the overall style of the interior. The upper cabinets were installed up to the ceiling.
This solution not only helps the hostess to make the most of every square centimeter of space, but also brings into the environment expressiveness and additional depth.
Glass panels in the decoration of the facades of the headset give the atmosphere airiness and lightness, and the metal accessories remarkably emphasize their external appearance.

The interior design of a small kitchen from the architectural bureau Grant Davis Thompson in the American metropolis of New York is a fantastic creative masterpiece.
Functional and practical layout of the apartments, an amazing furniture set with high upper cabinets and roomy niches for storing utensils and products, textured wood in decoration, as well as a cozy atmosphere attracts close attention and public interest.