Depending on what the house itself, individual or guest, huge or small, is built in a village, cottage community, historical part of the city or on the vast expanses of land, measured in dozens of hectares, the design of the courtyard of a private house is changing. Starting from the location of the hacienda, relying on the possible use of land and taking into account your own preferences, you can start planning the landscape areas of the courtyard and the selection of objects that decorate them.
Buildings | House in a cottage village | House in the village | House in the historical center | Estate | House in gardening |
Features that affect the design project | Closed territory Same type buildings Regulated height, transparency and fabrication material of the fence (or its absence) Strict requirements for the appearance of secondary buildings on the site | You can choose a style according to your desires, but build, always complying with technical standards If the designation of the land plot of the private household plots, then the outbuildings in the yard are allowed | It is forbidden to violate town-planning norms, urban development plan Its appearance should correspond to the existing image of the city | Execution of any imagination, limited only by available means | A small area intended for rest and garden work. Because of the minimal space, it is planned to plan mini-areas of the courtyard landscape |
In addition to the above features, each type of private house has characteristics that affect the main design decisions when developing a zonal landscape project of a yard area.
- Cottage. The advantage of this house is the strict observance of building codes and building regulations, and the minus is the architectural requirements prescribed in the contract and controlled by the administration of the cottage community. Buyers, signing a contract, automatically agree to follow them when erecting additional buildings on the site. These restrictions apply to outbuildings, secondary buildings, green spaces. Sometimes the papers can even indicate the impossibility of placing a bath. Therefore, the owners of the manor, built in the Empire style, with a sudden desire to farm, it will not happen in a few years to build in a remote corner of the courtyard a small coop or a container for compost. It is possible, even the planted tree with its silhouette will violate the general architectural concept, and therefore it will have to be cut down.
- Country house. It is good that can be erected, combining different styles. It all depends on the desire of the owner. The outbuildings are permitted, they are located on the territory of the courtyard in accordance with the sanitary norms.
- A mansion in the historic center of the city. The owner expects great difficulties in the preparation of documents for the construction of a garage, other subsidiary buildings that violate the historical appearance. It is almost impossible to change the management of architecture.
- Estate на территории обширных угодий. Требуется монументальный проект и недюжинный талант ландшафтного архитектора, работающего в тандеме со строителями, чтобы облагородить огромное пространство, подчинить его логике творческого замысла, разделить на зоны по принципу использования, а затем снова объединить в гармоничный ансамбль.
- Dacha in the garden partnership. Compact, cozy space, when designing it is required on a small area of the yard to accommodate everything necessary for a full rest. Output: set the minimum size of what you want to have. It is also worth considering optical illusions. As a well-seen prospect can make a larger volume even a small area, so the mirror, framed by plants at the end of the alley, can significantly push the boundaries.
The layout of private ownership zones
The styles most often used in the design of the courtyard of any private house are the English landscape, the Japanese garden, the French regular, Mediterranean, the style of the Russian manor, and also the "domestic", free from all time signs. eclecticism, a combination of very different elements. Realizing the landscape design of his possession there is no need to withstand the style completely, you can confine yourself to only a few techniques, "throw" a stylistic fleur on the object.
No matter how you set up the house (the construction of the main building is recommended to be planned so as not to obscure the garden and vegetable garden area), it is still the center of the yard. Towards pedestrian paths, a driveway, pedestrian paths, and other buildings of the manor are attached to it. Each of the elements must correspond to the main structure on the site, emphasize it, present the look of the visitor who came to the author's design of the courtyard of the private house in the best way.
All private property can be delineated into three large areas, according to their destination. These include: a resting place, the territory bordering the main house, a green area with outbuildings.
More about landscape design zones
The recreation area can be divided into the pastime of the active part of the family, the "summer kitchen" sector and a relaxation corner, a relaxing holiday. The first include a gazebo, a children's corner (sandbox, swings, steps), a tree house, a sports field. The second is barbecue, grill, oven complex. The third unit includes a pond, a bath complex, shady corners of the garden: an openwork bench for book lovers under a tall tree, a summer home for creative solitude. They should be decorated with flower vases, which support the common garden color. The combination of color, peace and aroma - this is the rest in a country house.
The "green" zone includes a garden, a fruit garden, hedges from berry bushes. It should be located away from the entrance to the site in order to minimize the impact of road dust, exhaust smoke on plants. Backyard farm buildings can be solved in rural or fairy-tale styles. Becoming a fashionable for absolutely urban residents of a fad - a henhouse for laying hens, made according to the original design, will decorate the site. A cellar - the hobbit house Bilbo with an earthy grass roof - will allow to show creative imagination.

Sometimes it is recommended to make a green roof "pseudo-grass", to replace the freezing grasses, which require a considerable earth layer, fertilizing, regular watering, drought-resistant succulents, and stunted stubble. These plants create a spectacular voluminous carpet that does not require special care.
The adjacent territory, consisting of a front entrance zone (entrance group, parking, garage, gates) and a plot adjoining the house from the back side is the visiting card of the owners. It is very important not only what is behind the fence, but also what others see when approaching the house. A paved driveway, an attractive fence, a beautiful mailbox on the gate or a stone fence, blooming creepers - everything creates the atmosphere of a friendly, hospitable home, pleases the eyes of neighbors, and admires the passing people.
The private side means leaving the house to the garden, the presence of a patio, where groups of forged or wicker furniture are placed, flowering beds, an alpine slide or a man-made fountain. Plan the design of the yard so that the view from the living room window, the central room in the house, opens. Looking at the changing garden from season to season - snow-covered, blooming, bright autumn - you will each time admire the creation of your hands.
Special objects of a large estate
When designing a large space, take into account the priorities of owners, the direction of their activities, hobbies. On the territory of the estate special areas are allocated for stables, alleys for riding and walking, a garden, a park with arboreal arrays, connected lawns. For the owners, their adult children, maintenance staff, several buildings are provided away from each other. Other buildings - a garage with a collection of retro cars, a pseudo-barn as a place for an art gallery, a belvedere on a hill, allowing to survey the surroundings, an indoor pool, a winter greenhouse - reflect the hobbies of the owners. A tennis court, a football field, a mini-golf course, a boat dock, vast ponds, canals, canals, bridges and passageways linking individual corners of the estate can also be planned.
In addition to large objects, a large space must be sated with "zest", corners, where it's interesting to look, and if you get there, you do not want to leave. Gazebo, grapes, white statue in the thickets of flowering jasmine, chaise longue behind the vegetable wings, where you can hide from the house, feel the taste of solitude, merging with nature.
As a special decorator's reception in the territory of a large manor it is interesting to use pointers with the names of routes, designed based on the style of the general design. This is organizationally correct, and besides, it will allow to play with guests in "Find Me".

Gardening and gardening fun
We will give a little more attention to the design of the "green" zone of the private house. In garden design the favorite of recent years was a regular garden, a replica of the French royal gardens. In addition to the aesthetic impression, this version of the arrangement of the garden area is convenient for care and work in it. Paved paths, high curbs, fringed beds, symmetry, clear lines, observance of proportions make it almost ideal. Plant objects planted, as if on a ruler, necessarily ranked by growth, the configuration of bushes, supported by an annual shaping trimming, fruit trees on the trellises - all this makes the garden mathematically harmonious, visible in different planes with a pronounced volume of details. And the riotous colors of garden vegetation smooth out the impression of soulless standards, bringing the bubbling of life.
Regular planning well organizes a kitchen garden of minimal dimensions. Clearly calculated space required for each plant, high or stepped beds, flatly distributed branches of fruit trees, occupying less space, compacted planting of vegetable crops make it possible to realize all desires, to manifest an unlimited flight of fantasy in a limited area.
The opposite of regular - a garden in a free style, where different plants are mixed, and their availability is determined only by desire. Following the principle "dear to my heart", here are placed in the neighborhood of rose bushes, ornamental cabbage, marigolds, potatoes. Garden-garden is separated from other space and barbarism of domestic animals by a low fence. A guard in front of the wicket can become a figure of a funny little man in a wide-brimmed hat. An interesting technique is the landing on the fields of a hat in a thin layer of substrate succulents, which do not require much soil and moisture.
Illumination of the site - spectacular design reception
The landscape design of the yard does not appear without lighting in the dark. At night, the garden and houses acquire other outlines, accentuated by the beams of lamps, selected according to style and material of manufacture to the overall design of the adjacent territory.
Organize the illumination of the tracks can be laid a network of electrical cables, having fed them from the main source of electricity, or to provide for the use of completely free solar energy. With the use of the latter option, enchantingly bright lighting will not work, but its main function is to ensure safe movement of people along the paths of private ownership in the evening - the storage batteries will perform correctly.
You can beat a special object of the house with light. Well-thought-out light groups will limit the rest zone around the path, allocate a pond with shining lights on the water surface - a charming sight that attracts to itself like a magnet. To sit on the shore of the illuminated pond, looking at the stars - for the sake of this pleasure a country house is being built, the design of his yard is being thought through.