The layout of the house, it would seem, implies an extensive territory on which all the necessary parts of the future home can be located, plus a place for the annex, an inner courtyard and some free space around the house. But what if there is not enough space for construction, is it really worth abandoning the idea of building a house on a limited footage? Today's article will show you how, in quite a seemingly small area, you can build quite comfortable and original housing, if you resort to the help of designers and architects.
The site allocated for the construction of this house allowed to erect a building with a width of only three meters, but specialists from the DD concept were able to create unusual house height of three floors, which can easily become a comfortable and cozy place for the life of a small family. Its interior is no less original than the exterior.

The layout of the building is very carefully thought out and follows the logic of everyday life. Therefore, immediately from the threshold you can get into the social zone, then into the sanitary zone, and only after it to go to the bedroom. It is noteworthy that there is an improvised summer garden on the roof above, on the roof above.

The facades of the building are decorated with lattices of different structures, due to which in a hot climate the house better preserves the coolness of the interior. At the same time, sunlight penetrates into the rooms, creating a pleasant atmosphere saturated with natural heat and natural light. This is not only a functional solution, but also a modern decorative element. It looks good together with concrete surfaces, because the walls and floors here are polished and left without additional finishing. Neutral gray is ideal for such an interior and is contrasted with colorful streets and excessive brightness of external life.

The tree was the best addition to such a base, almost all furniture was made from it. Its simple, uncomplicated forms allow you to visually expand the space without loading it with unnecessary details. And the greenery of the garden, grown on a pebble cushion, looks simply charming.