We invite our readers to visit the amazing bachelor apartment of Steve Burns' in Brooklyn. This residence, decorated in the studio style, with an area of 196 m2, was designed by the designer and architect Mesh Architecture.
Everything in the house points to the new passion of the former owner of "Blue's Clues" - music. During the restoration, the architect left three walls from the building, which was here earlier, adding modern industrial details. The cloister monastery surprises with the originality of the interior.

The two-storeyed living room is furnished with interesting fashionable items: a ladder made of metal sheet, heavy lamps and fireplaces. The bedroom is decorated in the form of a mountain hut, surrounded by a forest of perforated steel tape. Here the owner can retire with the guitar.
All the main living quarters have access to the courtyard from the deck, assembled from the restored Coney Island planks.
Especially surprising is the transition from the rear industrial facade to the living room and courtyard. This zone is built of blue sheet blank. This idea emphasizes the texture of the old brick, but it is dictated by the desire to save the forest.