The unusual rope pavilion, designed by designers of the architectural bureau Kevin Erickson, in 2012 became the next winner of the annual competition for architects called Art +.
The main goal of the event is to choose the best houses for tourists, which are then located in Winnipeg, the most popular tourist resort that many winter sports enthusiasts seek to visit.
The main purpose of the pilgrimage of most travelers is the ice-covered river Assiniboine, along which each small kilometer is located small buildings where the frozen skaters and skiers can bask and rest. One of them is a rope hut, which became the object of our attention.
True, thanks to a combination of simple materials, it is more like a nest of some great fairy bird, strangely caught in this realm of snow and ice.
Its base is a small wooden platform, on which is an easy construction of wooden beams. From above they connect with each other, forming a likeness of the dome.
The usual roof here replaces the rope stretched on them, which covers the inner space from the wind. On both sides, it reaches the ground itself, and covers the remaining surfaces only halfway, allowing the person to enter without hindrance.
For night time there is a muffled, but very comfortable illumination system, which also performs the function of a kind of beacon that can orient lost tourists.

At first sight it seems that this structure is too easy for such a severe climate. Does it manage its purpose? And what do you think?