There are so many new ways to use wallpaper in the bedroom. Your choice is not limited to more than four identical walls and conservative prints; The latest trends in the production of wallpaper extend the offer to an incredible scale - and are not limited to walls alone.
Choose wallpaper with large prints, flocked surface, colored strips to make the walls of your bedroom truly stunning. Or, perhaps, why do not you take a non-standard solution and decorate the furniture with a wallpaper to give a fundamentally new look to the classic design?
Do not be afraid to use bright wallpaper in a small room. A reasonably selected print is capable of revealing a limited space. Strips can dramatically change the interior of your small bedroom and create the illusion of a more spacious room or higher ceilings. Try to play with visual effects and arrange wallpaper with stripes in different directions to create a unique design.
One of the perfect ways to decorate the bedroom with wallpaper is to finish one of the walls. Thus, you can choose any, even the most daring, extravagant print or drawing without the risk of crossing the line and overloading the decoration of the room. Try to cover the wall behind the bed to create this special atmosphere of a luxury hotel, or enclose the bed in a frame of several stripes of wallpaper - a modern look at the traditional bed head.
In order to make the design of the bedroom really stylish, think about fundamentally new ways of using wallpaper. The ceiling, trimmed with wallpaper, will be a terrific accent of the interior, as well as wallpaper-trimmed furniture. Turn the usual table and chairs into something very special with the help of wallpaper with a bright pattern or glue flocked wallpaper shelf, so that the useful space was not only functional, but also stylish.
Stunning accent wall
Choose a wallpaper with an impressive, bold design and glue them to the wall behind the bed to create a style reminiscent of rooms in luxury hotels.
Visually change the proportions of the room using the figure
Wallpaper can dramatically change the small bedroom, so if you want to create the illusion of a more spacious room or higher ceilings, give preference to wallpaper with stripes.
Upgrade your furniture
The wallpaper is not only for walls. Convert the usual bedside table, turning it into a designer masterpiece with decorative wallpaper.
Do so that the front bed of the bed attracts the eye
Let your bed become the central element of the interior thanks to the headboard decorated with your own hands. Simply hose a section of the wall directly above the head of the bed with a few stripes of wallpaper and enclose them in a frame of wallpaper bars.
Make up the useful space in the bedroom
Paste the shelves with wallpaper, giving them a new life, in which all your accessories can be proudly displayed.
Set the color range of the bedroom
Create in the interior of the bedroom a calm and integral atmosphere, picking up accents that are similar in color to the basic shade of wallpaper - such as bedding and accessories.
Paste the ceiling with wallpaper
Do you want the interior of your bedroom to really impress? Then why not decorate the ceiling with a spectacular wallpaper as a stunning alternative to the accent wall?
Create zones
Let your bedroom be multifunctional: use wallpaper to identify different "zones" - for example, a toilet zone or work area.
Blue wallpapers are perfect for both master and guest bedrooms.
Stop your choice on wallpaper with a metallic sheen to create an atmosphere of glamor and chic, and do not be afraid to cover all the walls with such wallpaper for greater effect.
Defy conventions
Do not be afraid to deviate from the standards a little. By pasting the same wallpaper in many ways, you will create your own special, individual style that will not leave anyone indifferent.