A small child in a family is a lot of trouble. During the day he does not give rest, but at night he deprives all household members of sleep. It seems that it is impossible to solve such a problem. Is it so? We do not know how to eradicate it, but we will show you how to minimize it.

Before you bring the baby from the hospital home, you need to reconstruct the attic room for a children's corner or room. There he will be beyond hearing for other sleeping children.
1. The visual expansion of space is achieved by the fact that the color ceiling and walls are a single whole. Lying in the cradle, the kid looks at them from one angle. And it does not matter in what color they are painted. The main thing is that it should be easy, joyful.

2. Place under the inclined ceiling with built-in shelves for storage of children's things. And to decorate the ceiling slopes, glue the funny wallpaper.

3. Avoid the gray, dreary design of the children's room. Lighting should be sufficient. Add light table lamps, floor lamps or sconces. This question requires creative solutions.

4. If there are no windows nearby, then a large mirror or a series of mirrors fixed to the wall provides sufficient illumination. And the mirror ceiling significantly widens the visual space.

5. Increase the visual height of the children's room can be due to its skilful design. Dark lines of beams from floor to ceiling, wallpaper with vertical stripes - all this makes you turn your eyes up, and creates the illusion of a high room.

6. Colorful murals as if pushing the walls. A bright color palette of the room like children of any age.

7. The interior of the children's room is much alive when it is complemented by colored frescos on the wall. The main thing is to have an organic connection with all the furniture of the children's room. In our example, the shelves seem to grow on a tree.

Material kindly provided Shawn Gauthier.