Styling the interior in the oriental style - the concept is very capacious and extensive. After all, every eastern country has its own traditions and characteristic features, sometimes - contradicting each other. But the East is always an atmosphere of warmth and peace. Enter the room, close the door and plunge into the magical world of the East ...
- Traveling by styles
- Paints of the East
- Tips for finishing
- Important details
Traveling by styles
The design of the bedroom in the oriental style is extraordinarily beautiful, "expensive" and elegant. It is perfect for a young romantic girl, and for a married couple. However, do not just grab for the entire eastern direction, so that the room does not look like a visual aid for lack of taste. It is necessary to determine one dominant direction and clearly adhere to it.
So, the most popular representatives of Oriental culture, whose color is often used in interior design, are Japan, China, Morocco, Indonesia, India and Egypt.
Each country and nation has its own nuances in design and subtle but significant features of the style.
Arabian interiors have streamlined forms, with smooth, harmonious outlines of objects, without sharp corners and geometrically correct lines. Doors in Arabian interiors are almost non-existent. They are replaced by high arched vaults, for privacy, draped with a cloth. Textiles generally play a key role in the interior. This and multilayered curtains, carpets, a lot of silk pillows and rollers on the bed. The color scheme is always warm, with a predominance of red, orange and gold colors.
The central element of the bedroom, the bed, in Arab interiors is a large, monolithic, often with a carved headboard and silk canopy, and mostly handmade. In general, furniture in Arab bedrooms is very low, functional and necessarily made of natural materials.
The Asian peoples, the Japanese and the Chinese, are adherents of minimalism. For this reason, Japanese and Chinese interiors are not burdened with excessive amount of furniture and decor - only the most necessary, and a maximum of free space. A characteristic feature of such bedrooms is a natural color palette (beige, brown, white, green) and the arrangement of objects according to the philosophy of feng shui.
Paints of the East
The Victorian style in the interior suggests luxury and pomposity, but the oriental style on the contrary suggests a bold combination of contrasting colors, as well as a combination of bright, juicy and pastel shades. As the main will be appropriate to look red, orange, brown, yellow, ultramarine and purple. And they will be beautifully shaded by gold, silver and copper. The combination of gold with red and blue - one of the eastern traditions, providing rich, lush furniture is profiled.
Lovers of warm colors can pay their attention to peach, apricot and carrot shades, which also do not contradict the coloristics of the East.
For restrained Japanese interiors suitable:
- beige;
- cream;
- ivory;
- sand;
- white;
- banana-yellow.
Arabian interiors часто представлены всеми оттенками красного: пурпурным, розовым, малиновым, бордо, терракотовым. Реже – синим или фиолетовым. А вот потолок – традиционно синий, символизирующий небосвод. Его можно инкрустировать камнями или стразами, имитирующими созвездия. Хотя, вполне можно обойтись и классическим белым потолком, приближая восток к современному дизайну спальни.
AT Egyptian style the traditional combination is a duet of gold and black colors. They can be combined with beige or brown. Ethnic ornaments are also welcome.
Decorating the interior in the oriental style, one should also take into account the psychology of color. Cold range of colors will calm and temper the temperament, and warm - on the contrary, foment passion and desire.
Red color is not recommended as a basic one, because its exciting effect on the nervous system will interfere with relaxation and full rest.
Мебель на ATостоке – чаще темная. Но в небольших помещениях можно и использовать и светлую, чтобы не «резать» и без того крохотную комнату темными линиями.
Tips for finishing
As already mentioned, in the eastern interiors there are no doors. They are replaced by semicircular, oval or Moorish arched arches - traditional elements of oriental architecture.
The walls are mostly leveled and painted in one basic color. Most of the vertical surfaces are draped with silk and chiffon fabrics.
Another common option - the creation of relief surfaces with the use of colored decorative plaster.
You can use fabric wallpaper with silkscreen. And the joints of the walls should be decorated with laconic or carved wooden slats.
Particular attention should be paid to the head of the bed, to focus on it. If the back of the bed itself is not decorative, then you can decorate a part of the wall on it. For example, paint a traditional Indian paisley pattern.
ATместо полок в восточных интерьерах принято использовать ниши. Однако ни о какой светодиодной подсветке не может идти и речи! Только природные материалы. Например, свечи.
Carpets - an integral part of the eastern interiors. They decorate not only the floor, but also the walls. Therefore, one of the walls (usually the one opposite the window) can be completely covered with a carpet. Naturally, carpets should support the overall color scheme chosen for interior decoration, and not contradict it.
It is also very important that the elements of decoration and decor match in style, because the Arabian interior with Egyptian patterns will look ridiculous, and the Japanese, filled with lots of details and accessories - will lose authenticity.
Important details
ATосточный интерьер создают детали. Это:
- canopy over the bed;
- bright lanterns-flashlights;
- small candlesticks-lamps from decorative glass;
- a lot of small pillows;
- carved, inlaid things (frames, chests, mirror frames);
- mosaic and stained glass;
- fringe;
- ceramics;
- hookah.
Умелое исполнение, четкое следование традициям стиля и хороший вкус помогут приблизить такой далекий и загадочный ATосток, перенеся его в интерьер собственной спальни.