The sofa in the living room occupies a dominant position, it should be approached with great care, since it will represent the front part of your house. But do not be limited only to its stylish appearance. Angular sofa in the interior should allow you to relax, add comfort and coziness. The small area of the room all the more obliges it to be convenient for many activities of the inhabitants of the house.
- Saving valuable space: there is no need to purchase armchairs to create a standard soft group for the reception of guests.
- Budget approach. Most modifications are transformed: a full place to sleep is obtained, replacing the bed.
- Really roomy storage systems.
- Modular models allow you to change the functionality without compromising the appearance of the room.
- Samples with a chaise-longue will lead the rest to a new, more comfortable level without unfolding.
Modern models have extremely expanded functionality due to additional equipment, especially relevant for the interior of a small living room:
- integrated coffee tables;
- stand for laptop and other computer equipment;
- Lifting and withdrawable bars;
- additional lighting;
- shelves for books and decorative souvenirs;
- additional armrests and head restraints with a moving system;
- hinged side pockets for press and consoles;
- built-in speakers.
A healthy dream: myth or reality?
Suitability for sleep, both permanent and comfortable - is quite a frequent requirement for corner sofas. When bedroom functionality is necessary for a couple, it is worth considering samples with dimensions from 160 * 200 cm. The features of some models are such that, with a rather impressive, massive appearance in decomposed form, the width of the surface does not exceed 140 cm, which is inadequate. What else is advised to focus on:
- Degree of rigidity. The catch may be that an extra bed in the form of a hidden element will be of a different hardness as opposed to the main one. It will not only affect the quality of sleep of the second person, but can also be deformed more elementary in the process of exploitation. If the location is meant across the rest, then sleeping becomes uncomfortable even in solitude: one part of the body will be on a harder or softer surface that does not add health.
- Spring-loaded blocks of filler, especially with insulated springs, fully replacing orthopedic mattresses are expensive, sometimes raising the cost by half.
- Upholstery should be non-slip to prevent slipping and crumpling of bed linen.
- When sleeping asleep along the sofa should provide an elongated armrest, serving as a headboard, so that the pillow will always remain in its position.
- Simplicity, ease of unfolding will save you time and energy. Despite the fact that most of the standard models are equipped with the "dolphin" mechanism, for regular sleep it is worth choosing more reliable "eurobooks".
Frame and mechanisms of unfolding
The quality of the frame as a basis directly depends on the service life of the acquired object of furnishing. To guess whether the wooden frame will be dried enough to not make a squeak is impossible. Therefore, consumers opt for the metal, which is quite deservedly considered a reliable option. But here is much to overpay for exclusive metal frameworks or thermoplastic is not always justified. Several motivating situations:
- The recommended service life is 25 years. Quite possibly, for a couple of decades you will want new things.
- Withstand the load on the bed up to 1000-1500 kg. Needless to say, it's hard to imagine such a number of people sleeping on the couch in real life.
But the interior sections must be made of quality chipboard, and not plywood. With a variety of transformation mechanisms, the favorites are eurobook books. The latest modifications are somewhat improved:
- there is almost no joint of the pillows;
- version with a stepping mechanism allows you not to interact with the floor covering;
- protective bar (king) in the back of the sofa will serve as a kind of rim, protecting the surface of the wall in the unfolded form.
Accordion - another modification that will appreciate the fans of large areas of the surface in the decomposed form. But often these are quite heavy models, and then the merits of the dimensions fade with frequent unfolding.
Such models as "French clamshell" or "American", "dolphin" are suitable for guest rare nights, and will not be able to replace a full bed. With high quality rollers, secure attachment of the sliding parts, the sleeping surface will not be uniform.
Filler: a non-obvious choice
Modern foam polyurethane (referred to as polyurethane) is much superior in quality to the usual foam rubber. Some furniture factories use really high-quality filler, which allows choosing it, not doubting the longevity, and not the spring blocks. The latter, too, are not always a guarantee of reliability, most of the service life depends on the fastening and the steel from which they are made.
In the presence of young children and their jumps, the "snake", which serves as the basis for polyurethane foam, may be out of order, which manufacturers usually keep silent about.
Adding sterilized goose down for more comfort and softness in removable cushions is not offered by all furniture manufacturers. As a rule, synthetic analogues of a feather, down and natural latex are filling. Hypoallergenicity and environmental friendliness, in addition to latex, can provide a system of "periotek", with a base of special polyester fibers without glue, resins. This is a particularly important condition, if you are demanding a sofa as a full-fledged sleeping place.
Features of leather upholstery
Undoubtedly, luxurious natural leather sets the tone for the entire interior of the living room. But at a high cost - it's pretty whimsical stuff in care. Some designers position the natural, noble aging of the original quality coating as an advantage, but this is only possible with a careful attitude and additional caring facilities.
To think about such an acquisition is worth it, if the following factors do not deter them:
- Children, pets can accelerate the wear and tear of this rather finicky material, without the possibility of restoration.
- The glossy skin type is sometimes strengthened with nitro-enamel or polyurethane, which increases the quality, but that real naturalness, for which actually appreciates the natural skin, is lost.
- Aniline leather is able to breathe and be very comfortable, but the dimensions of the sofa automatically raise the price tag.
- Guaranteed quality pieces of furniture and upholstery - the need to overpay for the brand.
Eco-leather and its varieties are a worthy alternative:
- practically;
- budgetary;
- humanely.
And although manufacturers of sofas from natural leather offer even a trendy color, like turquoise or blue jeans, eco-leather in color terms demonstrates simply an immense palette of shades. Better samples convey all the properties of natural leather, texture features for different species. They have long ceased to look "artificially", causing associations with dermatitis, also breathing through micropores, which means they will not stick.
Combined options - an additional way to get a sofa with an interesting design, when the armrests and the lower part of the design are upholstered in leather, and the bulk - fabric.
Fabric upholstery: fashionable quality
Furniture fabrics are constantly being improved, but here's how to balance the practicality and stylish trends? Some of the micro-trends addressed by designers in their projects are certainly not obsolete, being a timeless solution:
- Good textiles: Tweed, "goose-paw" ornament, "pepper and salt", small classical cage for suits.
- Velvet and similar "luxurious" textures. Winners look in deep color, for example, blue, lilac.
- Bukle, melange - fully realize the idea of coziness, warmth, the real heart of the house, but here the wear resistance is not always at the height because of the possibility of the appearance of puffs.
- Rohozhka, flax - are indispensable for the upholstery of the sofa, where the basis is the rural style (Provence, country).
Synthetic materials in addition to the democratic price have such an advantage as hypoallergenicity. Microfiber, 100% polyester (PE), not only imitates silk or suede, but at a reasonable price it is practical, easy to clean. Fabrics from some collections, for example, the habitual flock is treated with impregnations, to achieve water repellent properties or endowed with the function of "anti-smoking".
The multiplicity of fabric manufacturers and their often own standards, the appropriation of categories sometimes do not correspond to reality. It is worthwhile to pay attention to such characteristics:
- the possibility of continuous use;
- density of the material (measured in gram / square meter);
- results of the Martindale test, showing wear resistance (not less than 15000 cycles, and better - more).
It should be remembered that the color and texture are interrelated. Selecting the upholstery for the rest of the interior, take into account the ability of different fabrics and finishes to show differently when changing lighting.
Place for installation
Very often it is the window seat that is occupied by the corner sofa. For a standard rectangular room, this becomes a salvation. The configuration is slightly transformed, without drawing the room visually even more, as occurs when placing a linear one. Council not to arrange furniture along the walls often does not work from the word "absolutely", when the area of the hall does not exceed 15-18 square meters. m.
But placing a sofa by the window, you will have to face other realities - the heating battery and window decoration:
- Leather elements from close proximity to the source of heat will suffer the hardest, cracking and changing color to a more faded, which, incidentally, can occur from the arrival of bright sun rays.
- Sleeping near the radiator is not very comfortable in the winter.
- Too high a back sometimes prevents the opening of the frame.
- Close proximity to curtains, a significant textile element in the design of the living room, will require a special, extremely accurate color compatibility.
Not all models have a variable angle with the rearrangement of armrests: there is only with the left or only with the right.
Open plan apartments or square rooms are a great way to recreate with furniture arrangement by installing a corner sofa not only along the wall (or even two). In this case, you should take a closer look at the execution of the rear of the sofa, possibly installing a long console there. This allows you to zonate space, creating functional segments at your discretion.
Modular corner sofas: up-to-date
Modular systems are gaining popularity, and this is not surprising. In addition to the fashion component, they are endowed with:
- different size, configuration (in some firms the number is measured in tens);
- individual functional purpose, including due to add-on elements;
- saving space due to ergonomic shapes;
- Ideal for open plan rooms;
- Possibility to finish building in connection with changing needs.
The corner sofa, assembled from the modules, the actual color becomes a key element in the living room, setting the most trendy directions in your well-designed interior design:
- modern minimalism;
- eco-style;
- Scandinavian;
- industrial.
All of them are united by the laconism of performance, the ability to combine and contrast with the materials.
Stylish details
Despite the fact that there is minimalism in fashion, there are many other techniques that emphasize the idea of design. It's the details that designers attach special importance to, because they are even modest at first glance, the model is able to transform, add personality, while demonstrating good taste:
- coupler "kapitone" - has long gone beyond the framework of classical interiors;
- Decorative edging, contrasting to the main upholstery, for example from velvet;
- fringe in the finish of the bottom - an interesting addition, not hackneyed in mass production;
- seams outward, noticeable and contrasting.
If there are no restrictions on the area, then in this case the very form of the soft zone can be an interesting detail of the interior. Not only the correct geometric configuration has the right to exist. Semicircular models with a pile upholstery, pleasant to the touch, recreate the real lounge zone.
Creative owners who are ready to spend money on an unusual design should look at the models not in the mass market, but at specialized exhibitions and websites, and with individual designers. Non-standard geometry, complex pleating and other upholstery refinements translate this piece of furniture from the base to the category of art objects, bringing the interior of the living room to a new level. Just keep in mind that a futuristic, eccentric appearance often does not involve unfolding.
See also: Design of a square living room - 20 photos of an interior
Color solution
Interior fashion is quite fleeting, especially with regard to color design. Therefore, when choosing the color for a corner sofa in the living room, there are several unbeatable options that will be most relevant for small rooms:
- Neutral tone: ocher, shades of the earth, numerous variations of gray.
- Purely white color in the interior passes the position: use a decorative panel in the location to avoid the confluence of furniture with the wall.
- Delicate cream-beige shades - calm and natural. Expressions of the general appearance of the room will add in a small amount of black, blueberry, blue and blue.
- Black or other darkest shade - it is important that the flooring is light.
Textured contrast will bring monochrome design to a new level. If you like a certain color, but there is no certainty of its conformity with the color trends of the next season - they provide for the possibility of using removable covers or combining with monochrome neutral colors of the finishing materials of the main surfaces. Due to the impressive volume of this piece of furniture, you should carefully select a noticeable, catchy color.
The latest collections of major furniture brands rely on such colors:
- sea blue;
- muted mint color;
- pearl shades, for example pale blue, green.
Actual. Bright, dominant in the room, the color of the sofa will require small supporting accents - inclusions on the carpet, a small lampshade or a vase.
Decorative elements
Without any additional decorative sofa cushions, nowadays no interior can be dispensed with. There are special techniques that allow to transform the design for the better because of their color, shape, texture. But in real life, unlike the motivating photo of corner sofas, this undoubtedly important decor should be more restrained.
If it is supposed to frequent or even daily use of a piece of furniture as a sleeping area, rearranging the pillows and following an ideally-aligned arrangement takes quite a long time. To avoid a chaotic, unsystematic pileup, it is worth listening to the advice of practicing designers: changing the mood of the room due to dummies and rollers adhere to moderation. From this, the interior of the living room with a corner sofa will only benefit:
- A strip is a simple way to combine different colors and textures present in the living room into a single scheme.
- It is enough to have one pillow of non-standard form in the form of a tablet or a roller.
- Double-sided cushions made of companion fabric can be ordered at the same time (for example, a monochrome side and a floral and floral pattern - the opposite).
- Do not ignore the wooden decor - the area of the armrests, tables on the sides, shelves. We must exclude dissonance with the rest of the situation: TV-zone, floor, cornices, door leaf. This rule applies to metal elements.
Making a final decision
Acquiring a sofa, it is important not only to evaluate its "live", but also to understand exactly what characteristics it should possess. In large furniture centers it is difficult to analyze the dimensions and easily forget the important parameters. All the key points of the selection are in the table.
Criterias of choice
| Standard offers | Features |
Fabric category | From light 1 to 7-8 | Compare Martindale test results and density |
The transformation mechanism | Eurobook, accordion - more reliable, especially for budget models | Make sure that you can restore the mechanism |
Filler | Springs or PPU | Not all manufacturers price differs significantly |
Size of bed | 140 * 190, 135 * 195 - small in width. From 160 * 210 cm - for two people | Many manufacturers are able to increase the length in increments of 10 cm. |
Accommodation | In the center of the room - the backrest should be made of basic fabric | Unseen parts in front are covered with cheaper material (especially in the skin) |
When arranging the living room, it is important to combine physical and visual comfort. Such requirements are also required for furnishing. The harmony of performance depends on personal needs and tastes, allowing the selected sofa to attract attention or remain neutral-quiet, but necessarily comfortable and quality.