The pantry, especially the standard apartments, seems archaic. Do not give in to impulsive impulses to get rid of it for the benefit of other premises that receive a couple of extra square meters. If at the time of settlement you have a couple of boxes of things, in a few years there will be nowhere to put up your favorite magazines, roller skates, tool sets, household appliances, many sweet things.
- Apartment niches turn into a pantry is the easiest - from wall to wall are hung rows of shelves, the facade is closed by a door. Such options are structurally reminiscent of a built-in wardrobe;
- Architects sometimes envisage dead-end branches of useless apartment corridors, the situation is easily corrected by installing gypsum plaster partition walls with a door, making a dead end in a full-fledged closet;
- The classical version - door-top structures - mezzanine, modern designers advise to abandon this decision, they are worth using when the apartment does not have a free floor area;
- Storage rooms are placed behind sliding doors of sliding-door wardrobes, giving up under the closet entirely, sectionally;
- Utility rooms occupy part of the living room area. This is advisable when the pantry holds a large number of working tools, a workplace, a workshop is equipped.
- In private houses, the problem of placing the pantry is much easier to solve, there are always free corners under the stairwells, in the cellars, large storerooms are made in attics, they are provided as an annex to the kitchen, they separate a room for storing things leaving the doors to the garage.
How and with what materials to repair
The materials necessary for the finishing works of the storeroom are somewhat different from those used in the repair of the rest of the dwelling. The basic required operational qualities are three:
- increased wear resistance;
- strength of load-bearing structures;
- ease of sanitation.
Do not buy too expensive materials, most importantly, they must be of high quality, in color, texture to approach the rest of the environment. The main finishing materials are various types of plaster mixtures, in addition the coating is primed with antiseptic compounds for combating mold and fungi. A layer of decorative paint is applied from above. Instead of staining, it is possible to glue wallpaper on a paper, non-woven basis, which allows the walls to breathe. When using pantries as a laundry, warehouses, it is more hygienic to use a tiled coating. The floor is covered with a laminate board, linoleum. Such a surface is easy to clean, allows you to vary the color gamut.
To avoid unnecessary waste, the curvature of the walls is hidden behind the plastic panels, they are also quite durable, it is easier to take care of them. It is better not to make ceilings stretchy, in poorly ventilated rooms they can accumulate dampness. It is better to use paint, an elementary whitewash, to construct a ceiling it is possible from the breathing gypsum cardboard, wooden panels.
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The storage room is essentially a room without daylight sources. At the design stage of electrical networks of housing it is worthwhile to take care of the supply of cables to the storage room. This will equip the premises with light sources, electrical outlets. Who likes to fumble with a flashlight in his hands, looking for it is not clear where the plucked pliers?
A small energy-saving lamp, LED ribbons will greatly facilitate the search for objects. The supplied electrical networks solve the problem of airing the room, it is advisable to equip the closet with a forced ventilation system, so dampness will not appear.
Insidious rodents can enter the pantry through ventilation. Therefore, all ventilation outlets are barred necessarily.
Variants of use of a pantry
The most common use of storerooms is the storage of unused items of everyday life, work tools, things of memorable value, those that the hand can not send to the garbage. First of all, such a premise is a warehouse with a large number of shelves, shelves, boxes, organizers. Immediately find shelter cleaning tools - mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners. For rational storage, a system of hooks for suspending is conceived, so the narrow space of the floor does not work. The inside of the door can also be used wisely - hanging plastic mini organizers allow you to conveniently place sponges, napkins, rags, all sorts of trivia that will be difficult to find on a deep shelf.
Small apartments, such as Khrushchev, sometimes do not allow for a separate storage space for laundered bed linen and towels. In this case, the pantry is transformed into a linen closet, adding shelves with elegant baskets, plastic containers, multi-colored boxes into which textiles are stacked neatly. Opaque containers are better marked with bright stickers with a designation of contents. The towel rails are fixed on the inside surface of the doors.
Expand the space of the living space perhaps by thinking up the design of the closet-cloakroom. Continuous rows of shelves are replaced by bars stretched from wall to wall, on which clothes hang on the shoulders. It is advisable to leave only a few shelves under the ceiling. Below, under the clothes hangers, shoes are stored on special sloping shelves. The room should be well lit, additionally equipped with a mirror. If the yardage allows - an ottoman is put on, it is convenient to try on shoes.
The problem of acute shortage of free housing space requires the transformation of a small pantry with the help of design techniques into a full-fledged workplace. Such micro-offices should be sufficiently illuminated. Functionality is designed in such a way that when opening the closet door, a real office with a table, a comfortable chair, is opened to the eye, storage of business papers, folders is organized on top of shelves, a printer is installed, there may not be a place for it on the table. The walls are transformed into a workspace with organizer boards.
Grocery store
Another classic purpose of the pantry is the storage of food supplies. Use in this capacity requires a finish that will maintain proper sanitation. The doors must be tightly closed, preventing the small rodents from squeezing themselves. The room should be well ventilated. In private houses, storerooms are sometimes designed with the ability to provide a lowered air temperature, so the best is preserved cheeses, wine in the absence of a wine cellar, conservation, jerky foods, croups do not bug. All bulk products are stored on the front of the shelves hermetically packed, in the rear it is better to put a series of canned food.
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If the washing machine does not fit in the bathroom or in the kitchen, it is hidden in the closet. The main problem is the supply of pipes for recruiting water, drainage system. If the pantry is not close to the sewerage system, the water supply system - to implement this venture will not work. The advantage of installing a washing machine in the utility room will be a significant reduction in noise levels. Around the household are mounted racks with washing powders, rinses. Very good if there is a place for a tank with dirty laundry.
Reading room
Порой очень хочется скрыться от суеты окружающего мира в укромном уголке, погрузится в чтение любимой книги, отдохнуть при свете уютной лампы. Истинные интроверты оценят вариант превращения кладовки в мини библиотеку с рядами книг на полках. Наличие лишнего квадратного метра позволяет поставить даже мягкое кресло, в котором можно найти покой. Reading room должна быть хорошо освещена, не забывайте о вентилировании, за закрытыми дверями замкнутого пространства резко ощущается недостаток свежего воздуха.
Arrangement of premises
Arrangement of the pantry requires the creation of a preliminary plan for the premises. It is necessary to clearly imagine for what purpose it will be used, the internal structure depends on it: for the warehouse it is necessary to have the maximum number of shelves, racks; The wardrobe rods are mounted taking into account the possibility of hanging out long outer clothing. From the destination depends on the options for lighting. Ventilation is needed in any case. In order not to restore the premises annually, decorative materials are used materials with increased service life.
All pantry structures must be securely fixed. The floor covering is anti-slip, in a room with a lot of fragile, dangerous things this can save you from injuries.
High shelving for pantry room
The device of a pantry allowing to use as much as possible all useful area consists in installation of racks occupying all height of a wall. Such designs can be made of wood, they can do by their own hands any craftsman. Metal shelving is offered by specialized sales points, in comparison with wooden shelves they have a number of advantages:
- They can be used in rooms with high humidity, a special coating does not allow the oxidation process to start;
- Metal is not susceptible to fungal attack, wood bugs;
- Details of the rack are easily interchangeable;
- The price of the construction is relatively small, the service life is longer than that of wooden shelves.
The choice of the sizes of the future rack construction depends on the intended purpose of the room, its area. For storage of large overall boxes, the width of the rack should be greater than for cans with household preparations. After installation, there should be enough free space for comfortable movement. Spaces between the supports do not need to be made too large, under a large mass of cargo the shelves will bend, which threatens to collapse.
There are several options for placing racks:
- Built-in shelving, when the shelves are attached directly to the wall. Such designs are easiest to make independently, they are quite stable. The disadvantage is insufficient mobility, but this need for warehouse storage is rare;
- Stand-alone racks of U-shaped form lean against the surface of the floor;
- For massive shelves with wide shelves, the design in the form of the letter "G" is appropriate;
- Premises of non-standard form are better equipped with shelves made to order, the form of individually manufactured furniture will fit better into the interior.
Wall shelves in the pantry
The wall shelves of the closet often represent a built-in rack, are attached from one wall to another, occupying as much as possible of the area. Less typical are the small shelves on the brackets used in the mini-cabinets, cloakroom closets with a low degree of fullness with heavy things. The material for the surface is chosen to be a strong, fairly large thickness. The filling of the shelves obeys a number of rules:
- The lower row of shelves is intended for storage of household appliances, cleaning items, shoes, rather heavy bulky items;
- The middle tier is assigned to objects that must be constantly at hand. It is better to do such shelves superficially;
- The upper shelves are designed for rarely used things: press kits, family files, suitcases;
- The contents of the shelves are decomposed according to the severity: from the bottom - the heaviest, from above - the lung.
Shelf lighting in the pantry design
Properly organized lighting helps to quickly find the right thing, even if it is deep at the wall. It is very convenient for automatic system of the shelf illumination to be triggered when the door is opened. With such lighting, you do not have to release hands that are busy to click on the switch.
Illumination of shelves is realized at the expense of point fixtures, tapes with light-emitting diodes. It is possible to install a small lamp above the door. The main thing - the lighting system should not be discordant with the lighting system of the whole dwelling.
Which doors are better for storeroom
The most common variant of doors is the traditional swing type, it makes no sense to make their doors swinging inward while stealing a valuable and already small pantry area. By its style, the doors should not be knocked out of the general picture. The compartment type doors help to save space, they are often made to mirror the optical expansion of a limited space. The installation of such doorways is more complicated than traditional doors. A variant of the same series - folding doors, they are compact, light, expand without creating excessive noise. If the pantry provides for a reduced temperature mode, an additional thermal insulation is installed on the door. To store flammable materials, material values of the door are purchased fireproof.
The pantry also has a style
Do not turn your pantry into a well-groomed, dusty, cobwebbed corner. Any utility room is just as exposed to the design as the living rooms. The first thing that inscribes the pantry in the rest of the interior, the element is the door, their outer side in style must match the basic style of housing. With internal filling options are possible.
Option one - it coincides with the design of the house. Such pantries are stylized appropriately - if it is a loft interior, then all shelves, boxes, organizers should be concise; The rustic style means the presence of baskets, bundles, a natural tree for shelves. Option two - the pantry is a separate closed world, the atmosphere of which is radically different. For example, the reading room is distinguished by a special comfort, a classical setting, a green relaxing illumination. Children really like the version of the pantry - a fairy world, with painted walls, lots of bright details.
The workshop, dressing room, grocery store, although they do not require any special design flavors, can also be aesthetically attractive - do not decorate with gloomy tones, give preference to natural light shades.
It will be wrong to say that the pantry of the house is absolutely unnecessary. Such premises have huge hidden potential. We are accustomed to not give it the proper attention, turning from a stylish, useful section of planning into a chaotic conglomeration of dusty years of no-needed things, eaten moth clothes. Properly designed design allows you to avoid the formation of a home mini-dump.