By building your home, every person dreams of a home filled with comfort and comfort. Someone trusts the recommendations of the hired designer, someone prefers to follow the trends of fashion trends in the decoration of the premises, but many people give the solution to this question to their own idea of a cozy interior. The use of wallpaper for the finish of walls is the most popular solution, despite the huge selection of modern finishing materials. The opportunity to decorate the walls with ready-made artistic ornaments becomes one of the decisive arguments, along with the traditionality of their application in decorating living quarters. Choosing the wallpaper design for the hall, the owners of the house create a special living space, designed for joint leisure of the whole family and for the reception of guests. Living room - this is the face of the house, and the common place of the family, where every household has his favorite corner.
Adjust the blemishes of the layout allows the use of light colors. The combination of wallpaper with a picture with their monophonic "companions" is great for optical correction of the room. Pick a combination of color and single-color options is easy. To do this, on the wall, which I would like to increase, glued a bright wallpaper with a picture. The tone of dark monophonic wallpaper - "companions" should correspond to the darkest color used in the ornamentation of wallpaper with a picture. Another option is possible, when a light, monophonic wallpaper covers the wall subject to correction. The walls opposite to it are pasted with rolls with an ornament, the lightest tone of which coincides in color with the "companion" without a pattern.
Horizontal combination
The application of horizontal combination divides the wall along a horizontal line. Traditionally, the upper part of the wallpaper in the interior of the room is decorated with lighter wallpaper with medium-sized quiet prints. The lower part is more saturated with color, texture, complexity of the drawing. The meaning of this placement is that the lower part of the wall, decorated in dark tones, is designed to visually make the room more solid and wide. The upper light part tells the room a feeling of airiness, space, height. On the border of contact of the combined rolls, a curb is often used for their accurate delineation. This border can serve as slats made of plastic, natural wood. A matched paper border can also add a note to the mix.
Of course, the development of ideas in the field of modern design of premises has revised the trend of "light top - dark bottom". The interiors created in our time can impress with their originality.
When gluing wallpaper horizontally, it is desirable to mark in advance the marking line of the joint. This will allow you to mentally "try on" the chosen height of the lower part, with ease to perform complex work on combined pasting.
Vertical mode
When the styles dominate, where the rhythm is in demand (for example, avant-garde or disco), the contrasting stripe alternation becomes especially fashionable when decorating interiors of rooms. The angular objects of the interior and the bright light characteristic of this style, especially expressively look against a background of vertical alternation of contrasting strips.
The optical effect of vertical combination increases the height of the room. In order not to overload the interior, it is recommended to use wallpapers with the same pattern. Repetition of the ornament will bring harmony in the alternation of colors, will avoid unnecessary variegation of the walls.
A more restrained version of vertical combination is achieved by applying adjacent shades of the same color. The living room, designed in this way, becomes a model of true elegance, combining the refinement of the color scheme with the rhythmic variety of the pattern on the surface of the walls.
Zoning the living room
The living room serves as a place for joint leisure of the whole family, a room for guests. But, often, this premise carries the function of an extra bed or a permanent place for study or rest. The use of one room with different functions becomes more convenient if you divide space into several zones. The principle of zoning space with the help of different colors and different types of decoration creates plots for different activities. It is important to take into account the layout of the room. The place of rest, seclusion can be located in a niche (when planning a room with a niche) or at the far wall.
For needlework or reading, it is preferable to arrange a separate zone at the window or connect a suitable light source. Children's games are more convenient to organize in the central part of the room. Combined combination with the successful arrangement of furniture and properly selected lighting will help to find its right place for all household members and guests of the house.
If possible, combining two or more types of wallpaper in the interior design of the living room, it is advisable to choose one of the wallpaper products of one manufacturer. The use of a single formulation of dyes, the creation of drawings in one creative manner make this choice an ideal solution in the search for the optimal combination.
Application of photo wallpapers
The use of photo wallpapers has appeared relatively recently with the advent of inexpensive technology of large format printing. Photo wall is glued to the selected area of the wall. Other parts of the walls in the hall should be in harmony with the color scale of the plot on the photo wallpaper.
Choosing scenes allows you to radically transform the living room and give it a special atmosphere:
- Photo wallpapers with a plot perspective, going deep into the picture, visually expand the room, increase the space of the hall. Usually there is a motive of the road or steps on such photo wallpaper;
- Photo wallpapers with landscapes of nature and sea openings bear a pacifying note, introduce relaxation and tranquility into the atmosphere of the room;
- Photo wallpapers with views of world capitals, impetuous city landscapes enliven the space. Similar subjects can successfully fit into the style of "loft".
For a small hall
With the help of simple optical techniques, you can visually increase the space of a small hall. To do this, the interior should have a light tone, visually increasing the space. Applying the combination of two types of wallpaper, a good solution can be a vertical combination of colors that are close in color. Vertical upward movement optically increases the height of the ceiling.
The size of the room does not limit the style of the wallpaper. In a small room, any kinds of ornaments and images of any subject are acceptable. But in order not to accent the proportions of the walls of a small room, a large picture of the wallpaper is undesirable. Prints of medium or small size will look good in the design of wallpaper for a room of a small area.
The choice of "for furniture"
Choosing the color of wallpaper, the owners of the house imagine in their minds how furniture and other interior items will look like against their background.
Knowing some of the basic principles of choosing wallpaper "under the furniture" will ease the possible difficulties of this choice:
- Exclusive furniture set or antique furniture will be beneficial to look against the background of light wallpaper of calm colors with a small, not distracting drawing;
- Color accents on the walls of the living room will divert attention from old-fashioned silhouettes of outdated furniture;
- Elegance of white furniture is favorably emphasized by dark wallpaper;
- The classic approach to choosing the color scheme of furniture and wallpaper is to ensure that the color difference is not contrast. On the other hand, wallpaper and furniture should not merge with each other in color. It is desirable that furniture and wallpaper shade each other, but without high contrast.
The history of the application of wallpaper has many centuries. The wallpaper was made of expensive cloth, animal skins, bamboo, paper since the time of its invention. Since the last century, the traditional form of wallpaper is a roll of standard sizes 10 meters long, 53-106 cm wide.
The market of modern products is saturated with different types of wallpaper, try to understand this variety using the table:
Wallpaper type | Kind of basis | Features of gluing | Advantages | disadvantages |
Paper | paper | on carefully leveled walls with glue for paper wallpapers | ecological compatibility; budgetary cost; huge assortment | fragility; fade in the sun; do not tolerate humidity
Vinyl | flieselin | adhesive for vinyl wallpaper | excellent appearance; there is no need to carefully level the walls; price accessibility; resistance to burnout; Wet cleaning of walls with vinyl wallpaper is available. | synthetic origin of vinyl; does not pass air and moisture; the probability of a specific odor after gluing; price |
Non-woven fleece gloves | Flizelin | клеем для flieselinовых обоев | ecological compatibility; simplicity of pasting; ideal for painting | tendency to accumulate dust; cost above budgetary |
Textile | textile | careful processing of joints; the need for skills in finishing this material | ecological compatibility; presentable appearance; durability; elasticity | high price; tendency to accumulate dust; require skills in gluing |
Liquid | paper pulp | mixture for liquid wallpaper is soaked, mixed, applied to the walls with a special tool | ecological compatibility; easy restoration of wall damage with paper wallpaper; Passes air and moisture | tendency to accumulate dust; rapid burnout; require skills in applying |
Acrylic | paper, flieselin | adhesive for vinyl / acrylic wallpaper | budget version of vinyl wallpaper | Low resistance to wear and moisture |
Each type of wallpaper has its advantages and disadvantages, knowledge of which will make the best choice.
Creating a style in the interior
Creating a living room interior is a way of showing the individuality of the owners of the house. Everyone has his own ideas about the style. The use of traditional style trends can be an excellent basis for a design solution.
Classic style
If the classical style can be defined in one word, then, perhaps, this word will be "tradition". The rules of the classics dictate the impeccability of proportions, proven combinations of colors. The classic interior of the room assumes a choice of pastel colors of decoration and furnishings. The recommended choice of wallpaper for creating a classic design - it's calm shades, embossing with a uniform ornament, a discreet drawing.
The classical design provides for the selection of a compositional center. From this center, for example, a table or a fireplace, other furniture, sofas, armchairs, cabinets are placed. Using the combination of wallpaper combination perfectly emphasizes and organizes the symmetry of the classic interior composition of the hall.
Avant-garde and modern styles
The style of the avant-garde is completely the opposite of the classics. If the owner of the house wants to create an original and bright living room, then the solution in the avant-garde style can be ideal. Light, volume, unexpected and contrasting color solutions, whimsical forms of furniture create innovative, bold interiors. It is recommended to use wallpaper of contrasting colors in a range of black, white and red colors, as well as vertical combination. If you create a style bet on furniture and decor in the style of avant-garde, then the use of very light monochrome wallpaper will be an excellent background, will add a sense of light and air.
Стилю модерн, как и авангарду, присуща контрастность и приверженность определенной цветовой гамме. Но это более сдержанный вариант контрастности, которая предпочитает неброские цвета. Стилю модерн не чуждо использование заимствований из классики. Используемые материалы — натуральное дерево, стекло, неброский textile. Основные цвета модерна — белый, черный, все оттенки коричневого и серого. Рекомендуемый выбор обоев должен служить незаметным фоном для предметов обстановки. Однотонные, без фактуры и рисунка стены светлых сдержанных тонов станут идеальным решением в создании гостиной в стиле модерн.
Provence and country as a classic of comfort
Прованс и кантри – это стиль уютных сельских домов во Франции и Англии. Светлая пастель цветовой гаммы, натуральные материалы, мебель натурального дерева, цветочные мотивы, textile и множество уютных мелочей делают эту стилистику невероятно популярной за ее неповторимый деревенский комфорт. Выбор для стен в этом случае — светлые, однотонные обои в теплой гамме розовых, персиковых, голубых оттенков.
Loft style
The style of the loft is characterized by huge spaces filled with light and air, rough brickwork, brown wood floors, a minimum of textiles, and a maximum of functional interior items. This style was born in the US, when the abandoned production premises were adapted for housing. Now this style is in demand among creative people and extraordinary rebels.
It's no wonder that the wallpaper choice for lounge design in loft style is wallpaper, the picture of which simulates brick and stone masonry, untreated concrete surface, natural wood. The more naturalistic the picture looks, the better they will fit into the loft - the interior.
Japanese style in the interior of the living room
Japanese style in the interior of the hall is characterized by maximalism in its extreme manifestation. The naturalness of materials, the lack of furniture and decor, ascetic laconism - this style is chosen by people who are not alien to the philosophy of the East. The coloring of the wallpaper for creating an interior in the Japanese style is devoid of any decorativeness. Neutral colors of shades of nature should not distract fans of the Japanese style from contemplation of being and merging with nature.
Color scheme in the interior of the living room
The correct color design creates the mood of the room and can correct the flaws in planning and roughing. In addition to personal taste, when choosing the color range of wallpaper for decoration of the hall, it is necessary to consider the influence of color and light on the person's well-being.
Scientifically proved the effect of the color of the environment on the physical state and psyche:
- The use of red in the decoration of the walls helps create an atmosphere of vivacity, energy, activity. This color promotes sensation of heat, provokes a slight increase in blood pressure, the release of the hormone dopamine into the blood. But, like any factor that provokes stimulation, its overabundance can cause fatigue and irritation. The choice of red is recommended for decorating the walls of the living room, in which regular parties are planned.
- Yellow color improves mood, development of creative abilities. In the living room, decorated with shades of yellow, creates an atmosphere of sun, heat. Therefore, the use of this color is recommended in the rooms facing the north side. Classes of creativity, needlework will be imbued with inspiration against the walls of flowers ocher, lemon, amber, other marvelous shades of yellow.
- Orange is the most positive color of the solar spectrum. The color of an orange does not carry such an aggressive load on the eyes and the nervous system, like red, but it almost invigorates and warms up. Against the background of orange walls, communication with the family will make you feel a sense of peace, coziness.
- Green is traditionally considered the color of material prosperity and prosperity. The shades of green act on the body are relaxing, effectively relieve tension. Juicy tones of young grass and greens relieve stress, irritation; colors close to the shades of the sea give tranquility and tranquility. Green wallpapers will create a real oasis of family recreation.
- The effect of blue on the body carries the same relaxing effect on the body as green. But, unlike shades of foliage, blue relaxes the body, contributing to lowering blood pressure, removing the syndrome of hyperactivity in restless toddlers. Mental activity among the walls of blue, on the contrary, acquires concentration. Wallpaper of blue flowers will be a suitable choice if the living room is used as a place of work, study or moving games of children, which are difficult to calm.
- White color and its shades of dairy, linen, ecru, ivory fill the space with a sense of volume and height, promote harmony and energy. With the help of light wallpaper, incredibly cozy living rooms are created. The only drawback of white and close to white wallpaper can be considered that dust, dirt and other pollution on light walls is most noticeable. Therefore, if in your family there is a child with an active desire to translate his artistic aspirations into light wallpaper, think several times whether it is acceptable for you to have children's creativity on the walls of the hall.
- Black color can be an effective way to create an aristocratic boudoir interior. However, its excessive use can affect the psyche of a person with depressive feelings and oppressed moods. If the owners of the living room are not sure of their personal taste, then perhaps we should avoid the use of black in the interior.
In addition to the physical and mental effects of color, there are a number of nuances in choosing the color scheme of the living room walls:
- Wallpaper pastel colors should be used if the goal is to add volume to the room, create an easy relaxing atmosphere, emphasize the uniqueness of furniture and decor. Pastel shades are obtained by a combination of white with pure deep colors. A more subdued version of the color looks more restrained, more elegant.
- The use of light tones in the interior becomes a universal choice due to the properties of light tones to optically correct the room. In most modern styles, the use of light wallpaper is applicable. Light walls are peaceful, creating an atmosphere of comfort.
- Dark colors, when used correctly, create stylish, expensive interiors. Beautifully, white furniture and decor look good against the background of dark wallpaper. But, as mentioned above, it is very important to observe the measure in the application of this color range, unnecessarily dark interior suppresses the psyche.
- Bright colors in the interior are chosen by bold, dynamic people. Pure colors without white and gray impurities are able to act as effective color therapy. The use of wallpaper in a bright color scheme easily places the necessary accents in the interior.
The choice of wallpaper design for the hall these days is not an easy task. Eyes run up, looking at the many presented colors, textures and the possibilities of combining them. In search of your ideal wallpaper for interior design of the living room, you can go round several shops and construction materials markets and not be able to make your choice. If you first get an idea of what a living room should be, this will help you find the best option for finishing the room faster. A lot of ideas can be borrowed on thematic sites on the Internet, special magazines, books about interior design. The use of optical correction techniques and successful color combinations will transform the hall beyond recognition. The transformed room of the living room will be a comfortable place for pastime of the family and guests of the house.