In the life of every homeowner, one day comes a time of fatigue from modern screaming blooms, neon colors, glossy surfaces. The human soul is tired of rabid technogenic speeds, asks for stability, reliability and noble chic. Here comes to the rescue old good classics. The design of the kitchen in the classical style begins not with furniture, not with technology. It starts with thoroughness - the finishing of walls, ceiling, floor, windows, doorways - that's what you should pay attention to first of all when decorating such an interior. Having missed these important points from the beginning, it will be difficult to change anything later. No most luxurious set of natural wood will not make a classic interior with a floor made of laminate or glossy stretch ceiling.
A feature of classical design is the reduction, narrowing of space due to the massive elements of furniture and decor. In small rooms it is better to use individual elements of this style, rather than to imitate the style as a whole.
Floor в помещениях с таким интерьером всегда выполнялся из натуральных материалов – натурального мрамора или камня. Сейчас доступны более дешёвые, с эстетической и экологической точек зрения не менее привлекательные, материалы – напольная керамическая плитка, керамогранит, клинкер. Возможно использование деревянного напольного покрытия, оптимально – паркета. При выборе в качестве напольного покрытия плитки необходимо учесть, что она холодная, при проектировании интерьера с таким полом обязательно нужно включить в смету монтаж тёплого пола – водяного или электрического.
Walls, отделанные в этом стиле «дышат». Никакого пластика и винила! Только штукатурка плюс краски на водной основе. При достаточных средствах часть стен желательно отделать благородной венецианской штукатуркой или интересной фактурной. Обои не стоит применять, но если очень хочется, оклеить ими только одну стену, а другие – просто окрасить в тон. Выигрышно будут смотреться фотообои с изображениями итальянских сельских мотивов или репродукций картин художников – классицистов. Распространён вариант применения панно с ограничением их по краям декоративными полуколоннами или пилястрами.
Read also: Decorative stone in the interior of the kitchen +70 photo
A well-leveled, neatly painted ceiling will be an excellent base for decor - wide ceiling skirting (you can play with different shapes, patterns and volumes) beams, moldings. Lightweight, durable polyurethane products are a good alternative to non-serious foam and heavy gypsum. Aesthetes prefer gypsum. This style, for all its severity and restraint, allows the "decoration" of the ceiling as far as imagination is enough.
When decorating kitchen ceilings in the classical style, you should avoid modern round spotlights. Their application "simplifies" the design of the room, making it "mundane," "flat."
Optimal option - wooden frames with double-glazed windows, but if the frames are installed plastic, then it is easy to supplement their layout in the form of frequent window bindings. The interior parts of the frame are best ordered with a "tree" finish. Window slopes need to be plastered, painted, and the windowsills made wooden, in tone to the rest of the wooden surfaces. An interesting option is the finish of window sills with mosaic or ceramic granite, imitating a wooden surface.
A beautiful classic kitchen does not need doors. Arched openings, connecting it with a living room or a corridor, will give the whole interior even more refinement. If doors are necessary, it is better to choose a wooden door with glass or stained glass in the upper part with a rectangular layout of the bindings.
Table top and kitchen apron
How and from what these necessary elements of kitchen interior will be made, it is necessary to think at the design stage. The classic interior "requires" natural materials. For countertops - natural or artificial stone. A more economical option - you can use a tree. For the covering of wooden countertops, oil is used, which protects the surface from moisture, while it alleviates scratches and cracks.
The shell should be larger than usual - deeper, wider, so as not to look like a "tin can" against the backdrop of a noble interior, better from an artificial stone.
For the kitchen apron in the building stores, you can pick up a suitable tile. It is not so much the quality of the tile that is important, but the way it is laid. With an interesting styling (diagonal, multicolor), even a simple tile will look great. Applicable for classics mosaic, as well as various panels for "kitchen" and "food" theme.
Extractor hood
In the kitchen interior is especially important. In the presence of a complex decor, expensive finishing materials, it is important to organize good ventilation, so that less soot, fat remains indoors, settles on walls, ceilings, curtains.
Тщательно продуманное оформление вытяжки – декоративного вытяжного портала преобразит кухню, придаст ей ту самую нотку (нет, не нотку, а целый аккорд) роскошного истинного классицизма. Портал образует над плитой своеобразную нишу. Extractor hood встраивается внутрь ниши непосредственно над плитой и снабжается подсветкой. Внешняя панель портала декорируется в общей стилистике помещения.
Classicism is not superficial, it is not in details and little things, it consists in basic powerful training, so it brings to the atmosphere of the room a feeling of stability and peace. You will never get these feelings if you try to imitate the classic style with superficial details.
Color spectrum
But now you can puzzle the choice of colors, kitchen sets, appliances, lighting, textiles. Neutral natural colors and shades are the satellites of the classics. Most often, beige, milky, brown light and dark tones are popular. It is necessary to show originality, for example, combining a bright furniture set of white, cream, milky tones with bright or dark walls.
Imagine dark cherry walls and cream set with patina and gilding and marble floor. Or furniture of light beige tones (for example, bleached oak) with bronze handles, easy "brutality" of gray walls and clinker floor. All this beauty, supplemented by a crystal chandelier with pendants, will not leave indifferent any of the guests, and for the households the kitchen will become a favorite place in house.
Furniture. Choose a tree
An economical option is an imitation of a tree, but it should be a good imitation, against a background of gorgeous sex, the nobility of wall finishing, a bad imitation will "give off" itself and "lubricate" a carefully painted exquisite picture.
See also: Design of kitchen-living room + photo of interiorsCabinets in the classic kitchen interior should be a lot, at the bottom - massive, roomy, with carved facades, on top - with glass and stained glass. Cabinet handles are metal, very beautiful handles with enamel finish.
Natural dark wood in kitchen furnitureIf the dinner table is supposed, then you need to choose its round or oval shape. In a large kitchen in the center looks great "island" with lockers or even an additional sink. "Island" is very convenient for additional working surface, storage systems. It perfectly replaces the table for "kitchen gatherings".
The best option - built-in, hidden behind the facades of cabinets, so as not to destroy the stylistics of the room; a plate and an oven should be chosen broad so that they are not "lost" in massive furniture, optimally - stylistically appropriate to the entire room. Lighting. Required a large chandelier on the ceiling, it's great if on the wall there are one or two sconces of the same collection. The backlight is applied above the plate and above the working surface along the walls, the lighting fixtures from the outside are invisible. If the chandelier is located above the "island" or table, you can hang it lower.
Classics suggests rich drapes with lambrequins, voluminous drapery, and light tulle. If the kitchen is not combined with the dining room, then you can use the curtains easier, but having a dining table obliges you to observe the tradition. The dining table is usually covered with a tablecloth. Do not be afraid that it gets soiled and you need to wash it often. Modern washing machines and powders perfectly handle this.
Several important trivia leading to perfection:
- chandelier and cornices for curtains so that they fit together. For example, a chandelier decorated with bronze and bronze cornices;
- mixer for the sink must match the general stylistics of the kitchen, the tap of the drinking water filter too;
- Do not overload the classic kitchen with different trifles and utensils, it's best to clean everything in cabinets;
- dishes choose porcelain and glass, of course, a little more expensive, but the style is worth it.
Having formalized the kitchen in a classical style once, you will never want to replace it with any other. The present remains with us forever-