The main thing that distinguishes the elite interior design of an apartment, apartment or a country house is its uniqueness, a departure from mass and standardization. The main emphasis in design is on prestige, emphasizing the high status of the owner of the house. At the same time, the functionality and ergonomics of the elite-class interior can not be recreated in a standard apartment. To achieve this you can, using high-quality furniture with a thoughtful design, beautiful and safe materials, etc.

Interior of the mansion
The house interior of an elite mansion or cottage is, first of all, a bright individuality, a combination of aesthetics and interior functionality. The combination of colors, textures, experiments with shapes and materials, the use of the most thoughtful lighting - all this makes it possible to get an interior - comfortable and, at the same time, maximally adapted for living. It is obligatory to take into account the wishes of the client-customer.
At the first stage, experts make room measurements and develop preliminary sketches. Drawings and three-dimensional models are made on their basis, using specialized software. In the process of work, the created model is corrected, since different options for the use of decorative elements and furniture are possible. When developing a design project, two different scenarios are possible:
- the composition of an exclusive composition of materials, furniture and fixtures available for sale. In the portfolio of respectable design companies there are many photos with worthy options;
- more expensive and complicated way - this is a truly unique design with the manufacture of all its components on an individual order, from furniture items to interior decoration elements.
An important feature is the exterior of the building. For example, from the location and shape of the windows depends on the lighting of rooms in a natural way, and, therefore, the location of lighting devices. There is no specific recommendation for choosing a style for a house. It can be classic, modern trends, loft, eco- or ethno-styles. It is not necessary to adhere to a single style solution for all premises. For example, a living room in neoclassical style or art deco perfectly coexists with shiny plastic and metal high-tech kitchen, luxurious-aristocratic bedroom in the style of "modern" and minimalistic hallway.
Repair of the elite class from the standard differs, first of all, by significant prices. This is due to the high quality of the materials used and the fact that all issues related to the repair of a house or apartment are decided solely by professionals. The customer does not have to constantly participate in the process.
Premium-repair of housing is carried out on the basis of well-designed design and estimates. At all stages of the work, the specialist carries out the author's supervision to ensure that the project is carried out exactly. Another feature is that all the applied finishing materials are produced by world famous companies or manufactured on special order. Work with luxury products of elite class can only workers of high qualification. Their prices are higher than those of ordinary specialists. Workers who have passed special training can create the most complicated construction from plasterboard for a ceiling and walls, own technique of laying a mosaic parquet, writing frescoes on walls.
The walls are decorated with wallpaper with a textured pattern or fabric embossed. For premises in eco- or ethnically suitable bamboo canvas or panels made from cork. Wood, brickwork, good ceramic tiles for the bathroom - all these materials have a place in the elite interior.
For finishing the floor, use natural or artificial stone, a good ceramic tile, a parquet board or parquet from natural wood. The stone is also used for facing the fireplace (it combines aesthetics and fire resistance). Carpet, linoleum and laminate for elite design do not fit categorically.
For ceilings it is possible to use plaster, including decorative. Well look and tension structures. Here you can experiment with a combination of not only shades, but also textures.
All works are carried out on the basis of the design project. As a result, the customer receives housing with a really unique interior. Elite renovation in the house or apartment - for people accustomed to luxury and maximum comfort, who can appreciate the real beauty.
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Элитная мебель по многим параметрам отличается от обычной. Как правило, это продукция ведущих брендов. Ее отличает высочайшее качество, комфортность и, конечно, дороговизна. Из стилевых решений самыми популярными являются: классика, модерн, а также дворцовые варианты – барокко и ампир. Из материалов самым распространенным для элит-класса является натуральная древесина благородных, а иногда и экзотических, пород. Дерево – совершенно особенный материал с мощной энергетикой. Оно наполняет дом покоем, комфортом и уютом. Помимо привычного дуба, для изготовления мебели используется ясень. По прочности его древесина не уступает дубовой. Кроме того, это довольно пластичный материал и смотрится очень красиво. Furniture элитного класса из вишни или бука придает обстановке аристократический оттенок.
Technologies for the implementation of furniture items of the "elite" class are also special. For example, they make soft furniture with "floating" backs that take the form of a human body. Unique design products are considered elite.
Textile делает убранство интерьера более уютным и завершенным, дает возможность создать комфортные условия по максимуму. Правильно выбранные подушки, покрывала и шторы подчеркивают безупречный вкус владельцев. Внешний вид текстильных изделий может быть различным. Но есть и общие черты. Это безопасность, экологическая чистота материалов, их гипоаллергенность. Предпочтение отдается природным материалам. Итак, текстиль элитного класса отличают такие особенности:
- The dominance of natural materials. To use exclusive products on order or production of the best brands means to worry about your health: your own or your loved ones;
- Long service life. A high level of quality is, first of all, resistance to wear;
- Ease of operation and maintenance;
- Stylish and aesthetic.
This variety of colors, shades and methods of decoration. The most popular of the "aristocratic" is the Egyptian cotton. Depending on the specific design of the room, it can be single-color items or things decorated with original painting, embroidery, natural pearls and rhinestones. Many of the sets are decorated with beautiful lace and jacquard weaving.
Bedspreads and tablecloths
With the help of bedspread, accents are created in the interior. In the manufacture of products of the elite class, such techniques as macrame or jacquard are used. Thanks to the air interlacing, the patterns look bulky and embossed. A special glamor is the repetition of the drawing on the tablecloth, on bed linens, towels and even aprons for the kitchen.
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Lighting в интерьере элит-класса — это настоящая световая инсталляция, которая смотрится потрясающе. Композиция из светильников точечного типа отлично подходит для зонирования. Изменение направления света позволяет выделять различные зоны. Роль центрального акцента выполняет люстра, большая и роскошная. Особенно важно продуманное освещение для студий, где одна комната сочетает несколько функций, а иногда совмещена и с лоджией.
Accessories – это своеобразные финальные штрихи, которые позволяют сделать дизайн законченным. Для интерьера элит-класса это могут быть эксклюзивные вещи, которые нельзя встретить ни в одном другом доме: скульптуры, картины, панно, светильники уникального дизайна. При этом, нельзя забывать, что все составляющие декора должны не только гармонировать между собой, но и соответствовать общему стилю, принятому в оформлении комнаты.
Differences between the elite interior and the economy
The design of the highest elite class is formed with the help of various aesthetic techniques and decor items. The first stage is the drawing up of a design project. In this case, it is important to take into account the customer's wishes to the maximum, even if they seem to the designer far from the fashion ones. A good specialist will be able to develop such a project in order to find a compromise and be able to convince the customer that the chosen option is optimal. The advantages of elite design include:
- The individual design project is characterized by careful thoughtfulness of all the details, down to the smallest and smallest ones. Such interiors simultaneously combine practicality, functionality,
- Use the finest materials for finishing. The question is not only in their aesthetics. All materials are completely ecologically safe. In addition, they are durable and practical. The interior will remain impeccable for much longer than in the case of a standard economy-class design;
- Рациональное использование помещения. Все пространство распланировано оптимальным образом. Furniture вписана в конфигурацию комнат без малейшей погрешности. Она идеально соответствует стилистике и размерам комнат;
- The interior is designed in a certain style. If necessary, the specialist will consult what style is optimal for this apartment or house.
And, of course, the elite class differs from the "economist" at a price. However, the result is such that it justifies the most daring dreams and hopes.
The creation of an elite design involves additional costs. However, they are completely compensated by the uniqueness of the design of rooms and the excellent quality of the elements used.