Design of a small apartment from Madrid Zooco estudio
Madrid Zooco estudio has created a wonderful design of a small apartment. 36 square meters of open space with a simple and clear geometry was turned into a cozy house, covered with a real mosaic. The concept of design assumed a consistent compression and expansion of the linear zones along the perimeter of the apartment in order to make the most efficient use of this small area, sharing it in an amazing way.
The stretching of space is carried out with the help of various interior details to form the necessary number of circles for a full house. The scheme is quite clear: the perimeter is filled with office "rooms" and objects, freeing the center and making it very enjoyable for life.

Each wall has its own special purpose - to provide space for one of domestic needs. Each of these vertical planes creates different places, dictated by the realities of everyday life. Traveling around the apartment from left to right, first you will enter the recreation area, fenced off by a wall that connects it to the bedroom.

Next comes a bathroom with a picture of the city's landscapes on the walls. Kitchen and dining room, where you will find everything you need.

And finally, a green corner with fragrant home flowers and bouquets, in which you can disconnect from the daily bustle and enjoy the exclusivity of the moment.

Designers of "Zooco estudio" perceive all this property entirely as a set. A variety of options for using space creates a unique concept that takes into account practicality and comfort without any restrictions. Most of the surfaces of the project are covered with mosaic glass produced by the company Hisbalit.
The main goal was, using special materials, the creation of a unique in its own unique space. A wooden light-colored floor, a spectacular mirror ceiling, a game of color and mosaic that seems to unite the entire space of the apartment.