In the general interior of the house the hallway plays a decisive role, therefore it is necessary to think about its registration more than about the living rooms. There are many finishing materials that perfectly fit here. Choose from what: from the traditional lining to the decorative stone.
- Functional use of space
- Wall panels
- Liquid wallpaper
- Flexible and decorative stone
Hallway refers to the room adjacent to the front door. In most apartments it flows seamlessly into a corridor that connects the other rooms. Often, the hallway does not differ in spaciousness, but it is she who creates the first impression of a home.
Functional use of space
- In the hallway, flowing into a long corridor, you need to place emphasis. For example, it can be a spectacular arch that will serve as a partition and decor. There are different types of arches from plasterboard. They still remain relevant.
- Partitions can be made from glass blocks or stained glass to give room ease.
- In a narrow hallway it is useful to combine finishing: if one side is decorated with facing materials, the second is better to paint.
- The hallway is often connected to other rooms by doors. When there are too many, some of them can be removed by decorating the opening with wooden panels.
Wall panels
They have a number of advantages:
- easy to clean;
- quickly mounted;
- Do not require perfectly flat walls;
- look expensive;
- cost cheap.
There are wall panels:
- Leafy - in the form of a continuous piece.
- Rack - rectangular slats.
- Tiled - in the form of large rectangles or squares.
Panels are attached to the crate or glue, and the joints are hidden with the help of moldings.
This finishing material is made of:
- natural wood;
- Chipboard;
- ДВП;
- PVC (i.e., finishing with a lining);
- MDF;
- plastic;
- gypsum or gypsum board;
- glass.
The paneling of PVC is cheaper. They can be combined: for example, the bottom is finished with a lining, and the top of the wall is painted.
Magnificent look wall panels from plaster. They have a relief or 3D effect, due to which the walls look aesthetically and unusually.
MDF panels can also be beautifully and inexpensively decorated with an entrance hall. If you randomly arrange them in two layers, you can visually extend the space. And an unusual texture will add comfort to a cold, small room.
Liquid wallpaper
In their composition, cotton and cellulose fibers, dyes, decorative additives and glue. It is difficult to call this mixture wallpaper, since they are more like paint, however their layers are thicker.
Finishing liquid wallpaper does not require special skills, apply them quickly and easily. But the walls must be perfectly even, otherwise the pieces of fibers will be pricked.
In order that the liquid wallpaper served for a long time, they must be primed or uncovered with acrylic lacquer.
This cladding is often chosen for premises with complex architecture to prevent the abundance of joints. Clean the liquid wallpaper with a vacuum cleaner or wipe with a damp cloth.
Flexible and decorative stone
For connoisseurs of natural materials, it is best to use a stone in the interior. Masonry decorative stone is of three types:
- Butovaya - a wild stone of irregular shape is used;
- mosaic - pebble, labradorite, marble;
- Smooth masonry - decorative brick, sandstone, slate.
It is quite difficult to coat walls with natural stone, especially for butovoy masonry. Decorative brick is more convenient to use. On its reverse side there are rough edges, due to which the stone sits well on the glue or mortar.
The decoration of flexible living quarters is a new trend in architectural design. Create it from particles of sandstone - a natural stone, which occurs in southern tropical countries. Due to the fact that the sand grains do not fit tightly to each other, the stone can bend.
Such material has the form of plates or wallpaper. Each variant is different in width and quantity of sandstone layer. On the walls flexible stone is applied with the help of glue.
For finishing the hallway, use other original materials: bamboo or cork, decorative plaster, fiberglass wallpaper, brick and so on. The choice of materials is very large, so choose from your own capabilities and preferences.
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