Children, even very mischievous and sociable, like to sometimes retire, play by themselves, not under the supervision of adults, which is almost impossible in a large family.

Go to meet their wishes, equip a place that they will consider their possession. And for this purpose, an empty attic space is best. Here are some professional tips for its conversion.
Bright furniture colors, light ceiling and walls successfully conceal the limited space, although the bedroom retains the structure of the attic floor. Such a color scheme of the room does not cause a feeling of claustrophobia.

The design of the children's room is the area of familiarity with patterns and color. Therefore, the color rainbow of surrounding objects should not be limited. Such a bright design of walls and floor is always like children.

Do not shy away from adding drapes where possible. Furniture for a nursery and everything that a child can come across in a cramped room should be soft, without hard sharp corners.

The interior of the nursery in the attic is the optimal combination of necessary furniture, low ceiling and limited space.

If the ceiling is inclined, then the grown up child will surely stumble upon it. Therefore, under the ceiling slope, equip drawers, shelves, built-in racks. So the attic space will serve you with the most efficiency.

Sloping ceiling use creatively. Turn the place under the bevel into a certain design of the dressing room, fixing the hooks for clothes and hanging a small mirror on the wall.

Create a sleeping room. It will help to transform an uncomfortable attic space into a cozy corner of high comfort.

Material kindly provided Shawn Gauthier