Home tropics or how to use bamboo in the interior

Bamboo has a reputation for quality and environmentally friendly material. It is considered exotic and not appropriate for traditional design, however, a competent approach will harmoniously include bamboo in the interior.

  • Features of bamboo
  • Bamboo flooring
  • Wall coverings made of bamboo
  • Bamboo Furniture
  • Exotic Accessories

To begin with, you should determine how "bamboo" your room should be. These can be individual accessories from a hollow plant, wallpaper or curtains from it, furniture made of bamboo or its image.

Features of bamboo в интерьере

Features of bamboo

The plant is widely used in oriental culture, has good operational properties. Exotic and excellent qualities made bamboo a favorite of many designers. With its help you can realize many original ideas.

Decorating with bamboo filled up fresh ideas of wall decoration behind the head of the bed. Furniture from bamboo trunks has won great popularity, due to its beauty and lightness. Bamboo in the pot took an honorable place in the apartments and offices, because it is able to purify the air.

But most of all bamboo love for spontaneity and charm. Its color, shape and texture are always different, therefore the bamboo products are unique.

Most of all bamboo love for spontaneity and charm

The purpose of bamboo depends on its variety:

  • Panamanian grass is dark, spotty, sometimes covered with cracks.
  • The Lao variety of bamboo is a bit lighter, with a smooth texture and low density. Designers like this bamboo, because you can create anything from it.
  • Vietnamese bamboo is considered the most durable, it does not crack, even if it is hammered into nails. This variety is light and smooth.
  • Abkhazian grass is used to create accessories, as it can crack in a dry room.

Natural finishing materials like those who dream of an island of nature in their home. Naturalness and natural beauty of bamboo reminds of a hut in the tropics, where parrots and cicadas ring around the windows. Natural motives create a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Bamboo flooring

The most famous bamboo flooring is parquet.

It has its advantages:

  • ecological compatibility;
  • simplicity of operation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • availability;
  • durability;
  • stylish appearance;
  • possibility of re-polishing.

The disadvantages are:

  • the release of volatile organic compounds;
  • susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • insufficient hardness;
  • lack of quality classification.

Also, a horizontal, sheer and unreal bamboo covering is distinguished. The latter option is a material in which bamboo is used only for the top layer.

Bamboo flooring

Wall coverings made of bamboo

Bamboo wall coverings can be in the form of wallpaper or compressed panels. Such wallpaper was the first exotic finishing material, which was used in our latitudes. It is environmentally friendly.

Bamboo wallpaper does not require special skills, the technology of their pasting is similar to conventional roll wallpaper.

This finishing material consists of thin staves. Natural brightness and unusual texture differ bamboo wallpaper, made from an external piece of the plant. From the inside, the stem is more uniform and uniform.

Often, designers use wall decorations or instead of them one-piece bamboo trunks. This is an excellent option for creating any non-standard solutions.

Wall coverings made of bamboo

With bamboo trunks can be played in different ways:

  • to cover the whole wall;
  • make the original layout;
  • make out the headboard of the bed;
  • Use trunks for zoning the room.

You can mount such material vertically and horizontally, the main thing is that the composition is complete.

To decorate a separate part of the room, mats made of bamboo on the wall, made of thin racks or pressed panels, will work well. They will be an excellent alternative to a wall carpet, because they are unpretentious in their care and do not collect dust.

Bamboo Furniture

The environment of bamboo is appreciated for its ecological compatibility and suitable combination with other natural materials: for example, stone or leather.

Bamboo Furniture

Such furniture has many advantages:

  • she is not afraid of moisture;
  • well suited to modern styles of interior;
  • has sedative properties;
  • Pleasant touch.

Often used bamboo in the interior of the bedroom, it gives the room a cheerful and pacified energy. Even if you could not get such furniture, other items can always be decorated with bamboo trunks. For example, use unusual ideas to design the head of the bed with your own hands.

Exotic Accessories

Add to the room a note of exotics is possible with the help of accessories. They can be made on their own or purchased in souvenir shops.

Richer and more colorful to make the interior will help utensils made of bamboo, frames for photographs, curtains or blinds, pots made of bamboo, etc.

Exotic Accessories

Also, bamboo products in the interior are useful to supplement the images of this plant. It can be patterns on a tile or towels, on wallpaper, a picture on a pillow or plaid. It is not less appropriate to look in this interior bamboo textiles.

In order for bamboo products to last longer, they need to be opened with varnish and not kept next to the heating devices.