30 children's photo shoots in the interior

Create a cozy magic atmosphere in your child's room is best helped by children's wallpaper. They will bring harmony and comfort to the interior of the room, filling it with favorite cartoon characters and fairy tales. A huge selection of these products with different images and effects will allow you to choose the best option for both the baby's room and the teenager, taking into account age characteristics. Today we will look at how a child's design with photo wallpapers of different types can be. Our examples of photographs in the article clearly demonstrate the ways of design.

Children's design with photo wallpapers: what to look for

When choosing children's wallpapers, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances, namely:

  • age and sex of the child;
  • the size of the room;
  • the child's addiction;
  • color palette of the interior.

Every age has its own preferences. If the preschooler is more like pictures with cartoon characters, the older child will like racing cars, wallpapers "transformers" in the nursery, images related to sports, etc.

wall-papers transformers in a children's room, photo 1wall-papers transformers in a children's room, photo 2

The size of the room is also worth considering, for example, if it is small - it is better to choose images in light colors, so as not to hide space, for a room with a low ceiling, you need a drawing with vertical elements, for example, wall-paper "wood" in a nursery etc.

children's photo wallpapers, photo 3

If for very small family members you choose wallpaper at your discretion, then, starting from the age of 3, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the child. He can have his favorite cartoon characters or fairy tales, which he would like to see in his room. Children's wallpaper can be selected in the tone of the interior or decorate them with an accent wall.

Baby wallpapers: features of some models

Modern technologies have succeeded in improving this kind of decoration, such as children's photo wallpaper. In addition to the familiar to all of us paintings, create real fabulous masterpieces. The child will be happy to spend time in the nursery, where his imagination will be backed up by three-dimensional drawings.

Photo wall-papers 3d children's

Photo wall-papers 3d children's способны эффектно преобразить любой дизайн: изображение кажется безграничным и заставляет почувствовать себя в центре происходящих на картинке событий. Но, стоит отметить, что такие фотообои для детской спальни будут иметь настоящий эффект только в больших помещениях. С близкого расстояния не получится ощутить всю глубину рисунка.

Wall-papers for children, photo 4Wall-papers for children 3d, photo 5

Baby wallpapers 3D LED

This is the most "fresh" development, which is a voluminous children's wallpaper with a lot of electrons (in simple terms, backlighting), allowing you to create a luminous image effect. In them, you can change the brightness of the picture and the main tone. These wallpapers can perfectly handle the role of a night lamp in the evening and an accent panorama during the day.

Read also: 3d wall-papers in an interior - 59 photos in modern registration

Baby picture paper self-adhesive

Children's wallpaper can be sold in rolls or in the form of paintings that make up one whole picture. They are applied with the help of special glue. But there is also a separate kind - children's photo walls are self-adhesive. These are separate small pictures with a glue base, which can be issued, for example, the doors of lockers in the room or a separate gap of the wall. With their help you can hide the existing shortcomings of the walls, as well as diversify the interior. The ease of gluing and removing will make it possible without any problems to make changes in the design of the children's room with the child's growing up.

Children's wallpapers: accommodation options in the interior of the room

Different panoramic and single images can decorate any surface of the room - it all depends on your imagination. Wall-papers for a children's room can be used and for registration of all space, including a ceiling, walls and doors.

Children's wall paper for walls

Наиболее популярная модель — детские фотообои для стен, которыми по-разному можно оформить комнату. Например, оклеить весь периметр детской. Для этого лучшим вариантом станут обои с геометрическим рисунком, которые также выпускаются в формате 3д. Children's wall paper for walls могут быть одиночными, that is, contain a specific finished drawing. They, as a rule, form one accent wall, which, in turn, will designate a recreation area or territory for games.

children's photo wallpapers, photo 6children's wall-papers for the walls, photo 7Wall-papers for a children's bedroom, photo 8

Children's wallpaper for the ceiling

A novelty can be called children's wallpaper for the ceiling. They appeared on the market not so long ago, but quickly found their fans. With their help, you can add extra comfort to the room. Ceiling wall-papers in the children's room, as shown in the photo, can contain a realistic picture of the cloudy or starry sky, as well as fragmentary images of flowers, butterflies, etc.

children's design with photo wallpapers, photo 9children's design with photo wallpapers, photo 10

Photo Wall on Children's Door

If you do not like the look of the white empty door in the children's room, it can also be decorated with photo wallpapers. For this use single pictures or self-adhesive. It is better that the wallpaper on the door of the children were made of moisture-resistant material, as they will often get dirty and require wet cleaning.

Wall-papers for the door for children, photo 11Wall-papers for the door for children, photo 12

Wall-papers for a children's room for the smallest

The smallest can be called children under 3 years old, who do not yet have their preferences in choosing a design or color scheme. Therefore, the design of the child with the wallpaper will be designed to your taste. Psychologists recommend choosing in this case only light colors of decoration, on which bright drawings will be present. At this age, the baby is only beginning to know the world and should be surrounded by pleasant colors for the eyes.

Photo wallpapers in the children's room of crumbs, as can be seen from our photo-examples, need not necessarily contain a picture corresponding to the child's sex - it can be completely neutral, for example, the characters of popular cartoons. Do not get carried away with the wallpapering of wall-papers of all the walls, there is enough drawing on one to not overload the interior with elements unnecessary for the child.

children's photo wallpapers, photo 13children's photo wallpaper, photo 14wall-papers in an interior of a nursery, photo 15children's wall-paper on a wall photo, photo 16

Photo wallpapers in a children's room for boys

Подрастая, ребенок уже имеет своих киношных любимцев и способен увлекаться каким-либо видом спорта или творчества, что можно отобразить в оформлении детской. Photo wallpapers in a children's room for boys могут нести изображения супергероев, любимых героев мультфильмов, довольно популярны детские фотообои «тачки». Красиво смотрится дизайн детской комнаты в морском стиле, и многим мальчикам это очень нравится. В таком случае подберите соответствующие фотообои 3д детские с изображением кораблей в просторах океана, пиратской шхуны и прочее. Возрос также спрос на фотообои «Трансформеры» в детскую комнату мальчика, на которых изображены полюбившиеся малышам роботы. Главное, рисунок не должен быть агрессивным, иначе это отразиться на психологическом состоянии ребенка.

Wall-papers to a children's room for boys, photo 17wall-papers for a children's room for a boy photo, photo 18Wall-papers for children for boys, Photo 19

Photo wallpapers in a children's room for girls

Decorating the room for the girl, you can use children's wallpapers with images of animals, flowers, butterflies, heroes of your favorite cartoons, which often include princesses and mermaids. Photo wallpapers for a children's bedroom girls often occupy one wall, and the rest are painted in soft pastel colors: pink, beige, cream, light green or decorated with other kinds of finishing materials of this color palette. Before you buy wallpapers in the children's room for girls, it is worth asking the child for his opinion. Perhaps, instead of cartoon heroes, your daughter would prefer a room with landscapes, city sights, adult abstractions.

Wall-papers to a children's room for girls, photo 20wall-papers for a children's room for girls photo, photo 21

Photo wallpapers in a children's room for teens

Уже с 13 — 14 лет у ребенка начинается переходный возраст с формированием своего мнения, приоритетов и вкусов. Это сказывается и на интерьере жилища, который следует оформить с учетом современных стилистических направлений. Photo wallpapers in a children's room for teens будут иметь значительные отличия в зависимости от пола ребенка, хотя есть и такие, которые подойдут в любом случае, например, изображения городов, молодых людей, популярных певцов и групп и пр.

wall-papers in a children's room for teenagers, photo 22wall-papers in a children's room for teenagers, photo 23

Wall-papers for a children's room for a boy-teenager

Именно в комнате мальчишек чаще всего можно встретить фотообои. Это связано с тем, что подростки хотят обустроить свое жилище броско и индивидуально, чтобы оно резко выделялось на фоне общего дизайна квартиры. Wall-papers for a children's room for a boy-teenager можно выбрать с изображениями автомобилей, мотоциклов, мегаполисов, на спортивную тематику и пр. Здесь необходимо учитывать интересы ребенка, его увлечения и личные желания. Интерьер, в конечном итоге, должен быть ярким и сочным, радовать подростка, вдохновлять, а не просто стать предметом гордости заботливых родителей.

wall-papers for a children's room for a teenager boy, photo 24wall-papers for a children's room for a teenager boy, photo 25Wall-papers for a children's room for a teenager boy, photo 26wall-papers for a children's room for a teenager boy, photo 27

Photo wallpapers for a children's room for teenage girls

Adolescent girls, although more accommodating, nevertheless also strive for individuality in the design of their room. In place of the former princesses and mermaids on the walls, you can decorate wallpaper for a children's room for teenage girls with landscapes, flowers or abstract silhouettes. The room is decorated, as a rule, in gentle pastel shades: pink, light green, cream, etc. You can also use children's wallpaper with a panorama of metropolitan cities or the image of your favorite animals.

Wall-papers to a children's room for girls, photo 28wall-papers for a children's room for girls photo, photo 29Wall-papers for children for girls photo, photo 30

Children's wall-papers - the most modern way of design of a room of the child, allocated with the originality and beauty. Listening to the interests of your child, with the help of photo wallpapers, you can give him your own "world", where he will feel comfortable both himself and in the company of his friends.