Do I need a TV in the bedroom? It is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to such a question. On the one hand, there is absolutely no need for quality sleep, but on the other hand - housing conditions do not always allow you to equip a separate room for work or watching TV. Therefore, a problem arises: how to arrange the TV in the bedroom, how to choose the height and to ensure that it is convenient to watch and lying, and sitting, as well as a number of other technical issues.
- Do I need a TV in the bedroom?
- Hang or put?
- How and at what height to hang a TV?
- General recommendations
Do I need a TV in the bedroom?
If you ask this question to the doctor, and even more so to the Feng Shui specialist, be prepared to hear a negative answer.
However, it is good for those who have the opportunity to choose and housing conditions allow to equip separately - a place to sleep, and separately - a living room in which family members will gather together or separately to watch TV. And what if there is no such possibility?
In spite of the fact that it is undesirable to place any electronic devices where you are going to sleep, it is not always possible to avoid such neighborhood. Therefore, the only thing left for you in this case is to optimize the space and to ensure that the TV does not prevent you from resting and viewing it does not bring any discomfort.
Hang or put?
There are two main ways to place a TV in a room, including a bedroom: put or hang. This choice no one will do for you, since, like the choice of pendant lamps, it will invariably affect your comfort, which is important for a bedroom.
If there is a door or window opposite your bed, which, of course, the TV does not hang in any way, there is only one thing: put it on a table, chest of drawers or other piece of furniture suitable for these purposes. Although if you chose a feng shui location for your bed, then for certain it is an ordinary blank wall, on which the plasma panel will look very appropriate (however, as already mentioned, the same feng shui does not recommend the presence of a television or computer in the bedroom) .
In order to decide on the final choice, conduct an experiment: take your most customary position on the bed and see where it is most convenient for your eyes to fall. Remember this place - it coincides with the upper edge of the TV screen.
How and at what height to hang a TV?
So, the decision is made: the TV in your bedroom will hang on the wall. It remains to decide finally, with the help of what you hang it there and at what height you will arrange. You may have a lot of ideas for organizing space in the bedroom, however, this issue should be approached as scrupulously as possible. Why? The answer is simple: in order to hang the TV, you will have to make several holes in the wall, intended for both the mounting and the sockets. Therefore, if you do not guess the first time where the plasma will hang, everything will have to be re-done, which can cause a lot of inconvenience.
How to choose the right height - already mentioned a little higher. If the bedroom is inhabited by more than one person and you need to adjust to several angles of view - the optimal output can be an adjustable bracket, which is installed at a height of about one and a half meters from the floor level, and is subsequently adjusted as you need.
This method of hanging the TV will cost a little more than the usual bracket, however, those who chose it on it, do not have problems with adjusting the position of the TV, depending on the position in which they watch TV.
General recommendations
Even if for yourself you have already given a positive answer to the question of whether to hang the TV in the bedroom, take a little time to do it right. Do not forget that regardless of whether your TV is hanging on the wall or standing on a special stand, the distance from the screen to your eyes should be no less than four times the length of the diagonal.
If you are in doubt, where exactly is it more comfortable for you to place the TV - do not rush to buy a bracket and drill holes in the walls: first, put it on any furniture item and determine which direction to consider its location. After that you can start the final installation.