In recent years, the so-called "lifhaki" has become fashionable. From improvised means by simple manipulations construct something useful for the house. In the course go and wooden boxes, of which it is easy to assemble original, multi-functional furniture. Mostly they use containers for food, canned goods, fruits and vegetables. In the bachelor apartments will look good military boxes, which used to store weapons and ammunition. Stylish, "male" decor is not specially painted to preserve the marking and natural shabby appearance. Of course, this non-standard decoration is combined in the interior design is far from all styles. Strict classics, uncompromising modern, laconic high-tech is difficult to combine with wooden containers. Boxes will look cute and appropriate in homes where the concept of provence, country, ethnic, fusion, Scandinavian, Russian, rural style is realized. If you try with decorating, then this decoration can be organically entered in the design composition of loft and minimalism. Let's talk about ways to use wooden boxes in the interior and how to make furniture elements from them with your own hands.
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Wooden boxes can be zadekorirovat under the original shelves for storing wine bottles. Inside, they are divided into sections using rails, and then covered with varnish, decorated with twine, pieces of burlap, fastened to the wall and laid a substrate of hay. The thematic shelf for wine storage is ready. In another version, an open box is made from the box. It is placed vertically, the top cover is strengthened by means of a decorative table top made of boards. Inside, they set the crossbeams for the horizontal placement of bottles, as in wine cellars.
From wooden boxes you can get excellent shelving. They can be a strict rectangular shape or have asymmetric edges, which will give a special flavor to the room's setting. Ideal is a similar storage system for a home workshop, office or living room. The boxes are fixed with each other using screws or screws, painted and attached to the wall. You can store everything on your shelves: books, things, jewelry, food, towels and pillows, household chemicals, small decor. Original designs look on the shelves of which are placed "necessary" things, alternating with flower pots. Rectangular racks can be assembled from identical boxes that are arranged in a strict order or vertically and horizontally, but in such a way that a properly shaped storage system is formed.
Boxes fixed on special legs with gaps between the modules, will be an excellent addition to the cuisine in the rustic style. They store vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots), cans with pickles or canned food. It is important that each box is fixed in the natural position, that is, the bottom down. Thus, the strength of the locker will increase, because the packaging was originally designed for heavy loads.
The footwear stand
The footwear stand собирается по такому же принципу, как и стеллаж из ящиков. Единственное, что стоит учитывать: разную высоту кроссовок, туфель, ботильонов и зимних сапог. Для первых двух подойдут полочки из ящиков, расположенных горизонтально, а под высокую обувь их размещают вертикально. Если оформить самодельную тумбу из старой тары, которую неравномерно окрасить, то такой элемент дополнит прихожую в стиле прованс.
Bedside tables and tables
From the drawers you can make pedestals, coffee tables and boxes for storing small things instead of plastic or woven baskets. In the latter case, choose a container with high sides. It is simply polished, varnished or painted and equipped with paired handles on the sides for ease of movement. Bedside tables are assembled from two drawers connected together. They store photographs, watches, telephones, magazines and books, and the top cover is used as a shelf for lamps or indoor plants. To create a coffee table will need:
- Four drawers;
- Sheet of plywood;
- Self-tapping screws;
- Wheels (optional).
From a plywood a tray of the square form is cut out. The width of its faces must correspond to the sum of the length of one box and the height of the other. If you want, you can add small indents to a couple of centimeters. To the pallet, first attach the wheels, and then the boxes in a spiral, that is, the sidewall of the next rests against the back wall of the previous one. The empty middle is decorated with a flower arrangement, a group of candles or a lamp. With such a coffee table you can decorate the living room or the back yard in the summer. It is complemented with sunbeds, collected from pallets or puffs of old tires, zadekorirovany rope.
From miniature boxes you can make decorative boxes for jewelry or boxes under the flowers on the festive table.
An ottoman for the hallway
To make an ottoman for a hallway or living room, you will need:
- Box;
- A solid wood sheet for the top cover;
- Foam;
- Upholstery material;
- Building stapler;
- Колесики.
The box is sanded and varnished. To its bottom are attached wheels, and at the top fix the lid. If you want to use the ottoman also as a storage system, then it is put on the hinges so that in the future the seat opens. Then on the cover fix the foam rubber and upholster it with the help of a stapler.
Entertaining complex for cats and cats
From boxes and metal pipes create an entertainment complex for cats. As you know, the tail in the apartments becomes boring. To the animal does not spoil the furniture and wallpaper, it can be occupied by its own miniature cottage, where the cats will sleep, play and sway claws. Some boxes are covered with plywood lids with inlet round holes, only bottoms are left from others, which are covered with soft foam rubber and covered with cloth, and the third is fixed with nails. The modules are interconnected in random order. In addition, the "house" is equipped with a system of ladders to make it easier for the animal to move around the "floors". Instead of an acquired lounger for a cat or dog from the box, cribs are created. The box is carefully sanded. It is better not to cover with varnish, since its odor may not like your pet. Then, from one of the sides, which will be the front, cut off a pair of upper racks. Inside the box fill with foam rubber or other soft material and cover the top with a blanket. In addition, the bed is decorated with hand-made miniature pads. Of course, the size of the box and the future crib are selected for the size of a pet. To make a feeder, you need a bowl of stainless steel, wooden packaging and plywood. From the sheet of the last cut out the top cover. In the center make a round hole under the bowl. Then the plywood is fixed on the box. It remains only to insert the bowl. You need to choose it with protruding sides, with which the container will hold on to the lid. The bowl is easy to remove to wash or replace with another. From a large box they make a double feeder for the same technology with paired containers for food and water.
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Using boxes in the garden
From the boxes are obtained excellent flower beds. They can simply be put on the substrate, creating an original composition in front of the house, or put in a vertical bed with several floors. Boxes in chaotic disorder are stacked on top of each other, in parallel connecting with self-tapping screws to obtain a stable construction. In more complex versions, four racks are used, pairwise fixed at an angle to each other. Instead of steps on this "ladder" have boxes with flowers or spicy herbs. If there is a free wall of economic construction or a wooden fence, the modules are fixed on it, in the manner of shelves, into which pots with plants are put. The original variant will be a composition of five boxes, four of which form the sides of the rectangle, and the fifth will become the center, the contacting corners with the remaining modules. If a tare of different sizes is available, then a multi-tiered flower bed is made from it. A large box is placed at the bottom, and the top is put smaller modules in such a way that the tiniest one becomes the tip of the pyramid. Beautifully in this composition will look alternating "square-rhombus". Also from the boxes are garden flower beds, locomotives, where the modules are equipped with decorative wheels and transformed into trailers, and the front becomes the "head of the train."
How to prepare boxes for use
Before you build something from wooden containers, it must be prepared. If the old paint layer remains on the surface of the box, it is removed with a spatula. Unevenness with numerous "splinters" must be carefully sanded to an ideal smoothness. Then the box is covered with a varnish or a primer, if color is planned. In cases where the container will be used outdoors or in "wet" rooms (bath, kitchen), it must be additionally treated with special compounds that will clog the micropores in the wood and prevent moisture from getting into them.
Of the boxes are made lamps, stand for dishes and containers for seedlings in the spring. It will be beautiful to look the overall rack on the whole wall in the living room with a fireplace. One part is filled with books and decor, and the other is used to store firewood, folded neatly on the shelves. You can arrange any rooms with the help of boxes. If the bedroom has a massive wooden bed, then it can easily be equipped with drawers under the mattress for storage of linen and spare bedding. If there is an attic, but there is no full-fledged furniture for its decoration, then it is furnished with homemade furniture from pallets and boxes, in which, after decoration, it will be difficult to find out fruit containers and pallets for heavy loads.