Do you live in a small apartment and you often come to visit? We also have useful tips for this case. Today's theme is devoted to the cordial welcome of friends and relatives.
It's great if you have enough spare rooms and cash to make their stay a memorable one, but for many of us the reality is a small apartment and a limited budget. If this is about you too, read today's article and adapt the recommendations to your capabilities.
Let's start with the purpose of visiting your house. There are people who know the city or are not interested in seeing it. They were attracted by an event: a conference, an exhibition, a wedding, or any other business that would take their spare hours and free you during the time they were staying. Other visitors are interested in you, they came to visit, talk, go somewhere together. It's cute and touching, but it will require an almost constant presence. Will you get tired, will depend on the intentions of the guest and how optimally organized his time is.

Be attentive to yourself
Be attentive to yourself, стремитесь не только угодить приезжим, но и разделить их радость, и тогда вечером вы будете ощущать бодрость, а не опустошённость. Конечно, если вы собираетесь быть одновременно шофёром, гидом, поваром и горничной у приехавшего человека, то выходные пройдут очень напряженно, но ведь это ваше решение, не так ли?

Take into account your individuality
Introverts, in order to be in shape, you must regularly spend a couple of hours alone. Plan a schedule for the weekend, making it easier for yourself. You can cook a few quick snacks and hide in the fridge - will only pick up the main dishes or have a snack in the cafe.

Be sincere with the guest
If some circumstance has changed, say it in advance, otherwise an unpleasant sludge can not be avoided. So, if for all visitors there are not enough sofas, warn in advance that someone will have to sleep on an inflatable mattress or in a sleeping bag, it's much more polite than to put before the fact. Good demonstration of hospitality pleasant episodes like a bouquet of flowers left in the room, fresh magazine numbers on a table by the bedside or a box of chocolates.

Prepare for a visit in good time
Even with a full load, there are simple tasks that are performed gradually, and not one hour before the event. It is unlikely that anyone will be happy to see you falling from the feet of fatigue.

Where to begin?
We generalize the experience gained by many owners, but do not hesitate to shuffle the order of tasks in the way that is convenient and necessary for your particular case.

For 2-3 days:
- Write down and double-check important points: information about flights, transport, food preferences, visitor's allergies and other such trifles.
- Prepare clean bed linen and towels, places for sleep.
- Think about what you will do after the meeting. Do people have the opportunity to relax, or they are waiting for a stormy reception?
- Stock up on additional hygiene items. Toothbrushes, sponges and other accessories should be immediately in the bathroom so that the guest does not have to ask for them.
- Weed out the weeds and dried plants in the yard.
- See if there is enough food. Running into a supermarket in public is impolite.

In a day:
- Vacuum and wipe off the dust.
- Clean in the bathroom.
- Cut fresh fruits and vegetables, prepare drinks and snacks that can be stored.
- Set aside a few sets of clean clothes to not worry about washing in the next few days.

Cases of the last days:
- Make sure the house is clean.
- Finally approve the schedule.
- If required, confirm the order of the table.

Immediately before the meeting, take care of yourself and your family.

No matter how busy you are, remember about yourself
If your soul rests, reading a book or magazine before sleeping, do not give up this habit. Such trifles are of great importance.

Connect the imagination in difficult situations
If your sleep is superficial and sensitive, and nearby noisy children, mood and state of health can save ordinary earplugs.

A non-standard solution with a shortage of seats in the warm season can be a hammock with a mosquito net stretched on the veranda, or an alternate visit of someone from the family to relatives with an overnight stay.

We hope that today's post has brought you benefits, and some of our tips will go into your piggy bank, making life more convenient.

Thanks for reading!