The right interior design can create a feeling of comfort in the house. It is a mistake to believe that it is easy to form such an atmosphere. To do this, you need to apply enough effort, know a lot of simple and useful tips. If you decided to try the design of the living room in the classical style, it is worth studying the basic requirements for the design of rooms.
Use only checked colors for the room. It is not allowed to have too bright colors, their presence may indicate deviations from this style. Tips for selecting colors:
- We recommend the use of soft colors: black, white, beige.
- Bright colors (red, blue, green) are allowed. The main thing - do not overdo it, using these colors focus on details. Use them for decorating walls, floor, bed, furniture or lamps.
- You can mix different shades of the same color (for example, use beige, cream and apricot).
- The golden color is welcomed, it will add sophistication and necessary luxury to the interior of the living room in the classical style. You can not use this shade in too much, it gives the interior a touch of tastelessness.
- Available in the design of ivory, olive and light green tones.
It is recommended to treat with special attention to the selection of wallpaper and curtains. Their color should match the basic shade of the room. Then the situation will look harmonious, symmetrical, refined - in the usual classical style.
An important role is played by furniture: color, texture, pattern, material from which it was made. It is desirable that the interior subjects set the tone for the overall situation.
Useful advice includes:
- Choose furniture made of natural materials: wood, stone (in case the room has a fireplace). It is not recommended to use cheaper analogues, such as plastic or dsp-products. It is allowed to use forged furniture. You can use a competent combination of materials, this will give furniture a special twist.
- It is desirable to use small soft patterns. It is enough that they differ from the main color by several tones. You can not abuse their number. It is recommended that the patterns on different objects are combined with each other (for example, that the pattern on the lamp should have something in common with the pattern on the sofa or wallpaper).
- You can add a lot of significant details that can emphasize the delicate taste of the owner: paintings, grand pianos, figurines, vases, pillows and much more. The main thing is not to use too bright elements.
- It is necessary to have a table: its size should not be too large. Use of light or woody colors is recommended.
- To create a special atmosphere of comfort, many owners decide to purchase a fireplace. There are many options for selection. The owner needs to pay attention to the safety of this type of device. The hanging version of the fireplace looks original, also it is worth paying attention to the glass model, its isolation will help to increase the safety of use in any conditions.
- It will not be superfluous to use upholstered furniture: sofas and ottomans. This will help to give the space a special comfort.
In the room must be present such items as:
- Sofa. It is he who will set the tone of the room and become the central place for the reception of guests.
- Small sofas or ottomans, creating a special atmosphere of comfort.
- The sofa-beds are made of natural wood.
- Minor details of the interior, helping to create completeness of the decor: vases, figurines, lamps, paintings and more.
- It is advisable to use a carpet, this will help to avoid unnecessary and unnecessary pretentiousness of the room. It is recommended to use a soft carpet, especially if the furniture was made of pleasant to the touch fabrics.
Furniture задает тон общей обстановке квартиры, именно поэтому необходимо выбирать ее тщательно. Не допускается использование дешевых вариантов, классический стиль отличается от других высокой стоимостью своих материалов, изысканностью и красотой.
Selection of fabrics
You should choose expensive and pleasant to touch elements that can give the interior a visually pleasing and noble look. The most common tissues are:
- Light tulle, perfectly combined with heavy fabrics, can be used as an additional design detail.
- Velvet. It is popular because of pleasant tactile sensations at contact with the surface. It is important to understand that such a tissue requires special care, it is recommended to purchase special cleaning and detergents that do not damage the structure of the tissue.
- Atlas. Elements made of this fabric are recommended for decorating curtains, bedspreads and tablecloths.
- Velor as velvet is very pleasant to the touch, that's why it's worth thinking about its acquisition seriously.
Useful tips for the proper design of fabric elements:
- It is advisable to combine the fabrics used to trim the furniture with the material for curtains and curtains, ideally if they are made of the same material.
- It is recommended to use curtains made of heavy fabrics with exquisite details, including lambrequins and laces.
- Lace can also be used to decorate small items (as tablecloths or furniture decorations).
- Do not use only light fabrics as curtains, it will look too simple, which is unacceptable for a typical classical style. It is necessary to use either only heavy tissues (or heavy in combination with the lungs - this will give a feeling of completeness in the overall situation of the apartment).
Before choosing a fabric, you should consult a specialist or familiarize yourself with well-known literature, from which any beginner will be able to draw the necessary knowledge.
Lighting choice
The classical style sets special requirements for lighting: the correct choice of the location, as well as the appearance of the lighting device.
Requirements for the appearance of lighting:
- The lighting should not look too bright, only certain colors are allowed (if you decide to stay on bright details, you can use red, green and, in rare cases, blue tones).
- You can use an unusual style: that the lamp resembled a candlestick or an unusual figure of an animal.
- You can use LED lamps.
Requirements for the functionality and placement of lamps in the living room:
- The light of this device should not be too bright, it is intended to create an atmosphere, rather than practical use.
- If you decide to use lighting with advantage, it is worth adding additional light sources. In this case it is recommended to increase the number of lamps.
- It is advisable to use spot lighting, every important detail must be highlighted: a table, sofa tables, mirrors, a piano, if available.
- When using LED lamps there is a risk of breaking the foundations of the classical style. In this case, the presence of such lamps is allowed only as an additional highlight.
Lighting creates a certain comfort, it is desirable to use warm light. You can use several lighting options: main (bright light, suitable for reading or other work) and additional (muffled light, designed to give the necessary atmosphere of comfort). You can use a fireplace (if available).
Basics of proper planning
When planning, it is necessary to perform the task: creating a complete picture. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to certain style limits set by the style:
- It is desirable to improve the quality of the room: put a lot of useful items used daily.
- Creation of the integrity of the situation, the semantic composition should not contradict each other.
- It is necessary to create a complete picture with the help of the basic details of the interior. It is desirable that there was a center in the room that attracted the attention of the guests, it could be located opposite the TV.
This is what will help to make the room completely harmonious, meeting all the requirements of the traditional classical style.
What if the living room and the room are a single room?
Sometimes it happens that the useful space is limited and it is impossible to separate a separate room under the living room. There are two completely different ways of decorating the living room:
- Registration of two rooms in a single style. It is allowed to preserve the classical style in two rooms of different purposes.
- To distinguish two rooms, made in two different styles.
Complexity can be the preservation of practicality in the kitchen. Classical style requires a certain chic, unacceptable in everyday life. It will be difficult to keep things in their original state for a long time.
The design of the kitchen in the classical style provides for soft furniture and a special dining area. In this case, it is recommended to use the useful space of the living room: to place in it a dining table, which, on other days, will be an excellent piece of furniture.
It is necessary to acquire exquisite details: statuettes, vases. For curtains you need to pick up lightweight fabrics, in the kitchen it will look very harmonious and do not obscure the space and work areas.
You should think about some decisions about the cutting places, sinks, cabinets. Optimal look will be the cutting place, which is a continuation of the window sill, in addition, such a place can be decorated with taste, putting additional interior items.
When decorating the kitchen in a style different from the classical one, it is worthwhile to think over several important details:
- The presence of special partitions, in this case the rooms will be divided visually, without causing a feeling of unnecessary dissonance.
- The implementation of a fairly smooth transition from one style to another. You can decorate it with the help of a game with flowers (a transition from a darker shade to a lighter one), or a gradual change in the style of the details of the decor.
- The presence of a common zone, in such a situation, such a zone can become a dining room, in which the table is located. This place, after which you can relax with guests or have dinner on a very ordinary day.
It is worthwhile to understand that the design of the room in different styles is more complicated, requiring additional attention.
The decoration of the living room in the classical style is a troublesome and energy-consuming affair. Classics in the interior of the living room does not tolerate cheap items. It is advisable to prepare for the design of the room in advance: to purchase expensive and high-quality materials and to plan the arrangement of furniture in the apartment. It is then that the interior will bring the owner joy for many years.