The bedroom is often given less time than the living room. This is due to stereotyped thinking, according to which a person here only sleeps and does nothing more. But those who argue this way overlook one important thing. Without sleep and maximum relaxation of all members of his body, a person can not live long. The body will be tired, worn out, and the effectiveness of mental activity will gradually reduce to zero. Therefore, to view the bedroom only as a sleeping kingdom is clearly not worth it. The bedroom design can be executed in a variety of different styles, but its main function should be to create a cozy, soothing atmosphere. How this can be achieved, we consider in more detail below.
Among the main ones are the following:
- The layout of the bedroom space, zoning;
- Choice of colors, finishing materials;
- Stylistics of the room, furniture set and lighting;
- Design accents, depending on the gender of the owner, accessories (male, female).
Using all these tools allows you to give the room not only the aesthetic appeal of the appearance, but also to emphasize the individuality of the owner of the bedroom. Thanks to the multifunctional design, intimate space becomes more important than just a rest room.
Let's consider, what variants of a lay-out in general are possible:
- Traditional bedroom. This variant of arrangement of a room in an apartment implies its maximum isolation from the rest of the premises. Neither about zoning in this case it is not, and the interior design is designed based on the technical parameters of the area and their own taste preferences. The traditional bedroom is intended solely for relaxation, only the rest area and sleep are allocated. In the first there is a comfortable armchair with a dressing table and a floor lamp, and in the second - its Majesty bed with a small lamp on the bedside table;
- Living room is a bedroom. A similar zoning option is used in small one-room apartments, where each square meter is worth its weight in gold. To differentiate space, various obstacles can be used: be it a furniture set (a large cabinet, a rack), a partition (of plasterboard, cloth). Sometimes the method of elevating a particular zone is applied;
- Bedroom cabinet. One of the most popular types of planning. Assumes the combination of two directly opposite in their context functions, which is harmoniously achieved through design work with lighting and color. Decorative partitions are also used. The desktop is usually located near the window. If the area of the room is small, in its quality can be used furniture-transformer;
- Combination of a bedroom with a bathroom. The interior, which is complemented by the presence of the bathroom, looks somewhat unusual. This feeling can strengthen the designer's decision to make zoning through a glass partition. Looks will be eccentric, but original and stylish;
- Bedroom with balcony or terrace. If the first option is a classic type of planning in a city apartment, the second is more like a dream of the owner of a private house. The terrace can be used for any practical purposes, and separate the bedroom area with a glass partition or a dense cloth;
- Kitchen with a bedroom. Extremely rare type of planning, which can be observed only in studio apartments. In view of the limited space, it is necessary to take such measures. Without the help of a professional designer, it will be difficult to manage to intelligently zoning the room;
- Mini-bedroom. The interior of a small bedroom assumes serious work on the arrangement of the furniture set. The room should only have the most necessary, and then, without which you can do without - you should hide it. Ways to hide the "extra" elements while quite a lot (wardrobe, sliding beds). Much attention is paid to the use of various accessories;
- Corner bedroom. Here, the focus will be on the angular character of the furniture set. Often this is a cabinet that performs many functions, and must match the general style. Bedroom wardrobe, although different from the corner version, nevertheless, too, focuses attention on the cabinet.
This is not a complete list of options, as there are many individual design projects. For example, book lovers are so immersed in reading that they can afford to combine a library with a bedroom. For them, both are both a recreation area. Space is zoned through a competent approach to lighting.
Choice of colors, finishing materials
The color palette, used for interior decoration of the bedroom, plays almost a key role in the overall perception of the room. Color can directly determine the atmosphere. Her choice should be based on the area and location of the room in relation to the sides of the world. The northern side assumes a priori the use of warm shades of decoration. In view of the sufficient amount of light in the south, cool colors can be used. These actions allow you to adjust the temperature of the interior.
When designing a bedroom, designers are advised to apply no more than three colors, so as not to increase the visual load per person. Use of light colors is welcomed. For example, white color of different shades perfectly blends with any other color and solves several problems: visually increases the space, creates an atmosphere of natural light.
In general, the choice of colors is not limited to pastel shades alone, bright color accents are also acceptable.
Popular is the method of combining, when from four walls - one acts as an accent. Often this is the area behind the head of the bed.
Finishing materials can be different: from classic wallpaper with photo prints to wood panels, brickwork or ceramics. Also possible with a Venetian plaster or liquid wallpaper. With regard to the ceiling, it is strongly recommended that you limit yourself to a snow-white tint. Finishing the floor has several more options, because it is unknown what is more priority for the owner - beauty or practicality. A compromise can be made by a laminate with an imitation of natural wood and arrangement under the underfloor. Somewhat more costly is the installation of natural parquet.
Furniture set
The main element of the furniture, of course, is the bed. Often around the bed is formed the very concept of interior design. Thanks to the finishing tools, even the minimalist design of this furniture attribute can look luxurious. Therefore, the restrictions here can be related only to the overall stylistics of the premises.
See also: Design of a bedroom in a classical style - photo ideas of an interior
Do not forget about such qualitative characteristics of the product as ergonomics or orthopedics.
When choosing, pay attention to reliable, durable materials. The main aesthetic moment should be left at the mercy of the head. It is possible to decorate in the most unusual way - from classical wooden design to textile or leather upholstery. In combination with an accent wall, this part of the bed acts as the main player in the interior ensemble.
Typically, a minimum set of furniture sets, in addition to the bed, includes a cabinet and chest of drawers. But if the area allows, then it is possible to place a cozy armchair and a bedside table. The color and design of the products will depend entirely on the chosen style.
Interior styles
The interior of the bedroom should contribute to the maximum relaxation of a person, but it can also successfully reflect its character and habits. Based on the requirements for comfort and practicality of decoration, the owner of the room chooses his style. Here are some examples of the most popular and modern decor options.
Distinctive features of this style in the interior of the bedroom are elegant lines, natural motifs, round texture of the furniture set. At the same time, modernism is a fairly practical style. The interior is decorated with various textiles with exquisite patterns of undulating shape, many decorative accessories are used.
As materials for registration are used the following:
- Natural parquet with an elegant wood pattern for flooring;
- Original stained glass windows in window openings;
- Forged elements from decorative metal;
- Porcelain tiles with a floral or ornamental image;
- Vinyl wallpaper on the walls or Venetian stucco.
Preference is given to pastel tones with shades of natural colors (olive, woody, cream).
Classic style
It never goes out of fashion, and for a bedroom is an excellent option (though, it will take quite a bit of space).
To equip the interior in the classical style, you should perform the following actions:
- Purchase a bed with a headboard. The higher and more elegant it will be, the better;
- At registration to use a lot of textiles, especially in a zone of a bed and windows;
- Preference is given to snow-white or cream-colored flowers;
- In the finish you can use the elements of gilding.
And, finally, the main thing: you need strict observance of symmetry. This is the fundamental law of harmonious perception of the interior in the opinion of the classics.
Art Deco
A unique style professes the aesthetics of the "car" design with elements of cubism.
Interior decoration in the art-deco format assumes the following moments:
- Single-tone wall decoration in pastel colors without images;
- Dark color of a massive furniture set with smooth forms and inlaid with expensive accessories (ivory, crocodile leather, decorative metals);
- Multifunctional lighting, many sources of soft light;
- Textile products should look impressive and heavy (velvet, lampshades);
- Use of various knickknacks from ceramics or noble bronze.
Pop art
An infrequent guest in the owners' bedrooms, however bold, eccentric personalities prefer it.
The peculiarities of style include the following:
- Use a bright finish texture. For example, one of the four walls is an accent, and the two neighboring ones emphasize it clearly. The latter, on the contrary, looks like a bright contrast;
- The use of neon lights is allowed;
- Furniture set может быть из пластика, а на обивке тех же диванов могут применяться фотопринты;
- For the placement of books and various accessories, it is planned to install niches and shelving;
- There is a dressing room for clothes in the living room. That is, you need some work on zoning space.
It can also be attributed to the classic options, as the calm that it carries for the bedroom room can not be overestimated.
The design in this style assumes the functionality of all aspects:
- As finishing materials, use of natural wood, frosted glass, some metals is welcomed;
- Preference is given to monotonous colors, light colors. The combination of neighboring shades in the color palette, as well as gradients of the same color, is welcomed;
- The furniture compact set appears dark contrast to the clarified walls.
Furniture products should be at a minimum, and the emphasis on them is not done.
- In addition to the usual wallpaper used decorative plaster;
- On the floor, it is possible to use single-color carpets or mats;
- The absence of heavy curtains, so that access to natural light remains. The best replacement for curtains are classic blinds or semi-transparent curtains.
Good rural design has become very popular with time. French aesthetics attracts with its lyricism and light.
To design a bedroom in this style, you will need the following:
- Cream pastel colors (wheat, blue, olive);
- Floral themes in the decoration of the walls;
- Natural wood for a furniture set with the effect of aging;
- The use of forged elements and a variety of white textiles.
It can be attributed to ultramodern styles, since it was only popular in the 21st century. Based on the name, one can already assume that this design is meant to turn a person to nature by a person. For this, only natural materials are used, and the color palette is characterized by the presence of natural and light shades.
To design an eco-style design, you will need the following:
- The walls can be decorated with a cloth or paper coating. It is also allowed to use water-based paints and decorative plasters;
- The floor covering can be represented by a wooden massif or linoleum of rubber, on top of which there is a carpet of wool;
- Furniture set исключительно из натуральной древесины (приветствуются экзотические породы деревьев и плетеный ротанг);
- Textile products handmade from cotton or linen;
- The use of wild stone in decoration, as well as all possible uses of bamboo: whether it's blinds, partitions or wall-paper;
- There are not many living flowers, they must necessarily decorate the bedroom.
Harmony of modern style can provide the necessary space for a person and guarantee comfort. Also, one should not forget about competent lighting for a bedroom. The use of heavy chandeliers is simply excluded; it is recommended a lot of fixtures or designer lighting of furniture.
To the interior of the bedroom should be treated with due respect, because this is a zone necessary for a person to rest. There are a lot of options for stylistics and ideas for decorating a room, but preference should be given to those that take into account the area of the room and its location relative to the sides of the world.