Living room in country style - 75 photos of beautiful design

Country style - the style that is considered by right the most cozy, homely. In the translation of country is "village", and therefore it is clear why this style is ideal for the embodiment of it in a cottage, a country house.


Living room in the style of country, at first glance, bad taste. But this is not so. The country style is a creative concept of designers, and the embodiment of it has spread in both suburban cottages and small urban flats.

What attracts this style of ordinary people?

Living in a country style

Table of contents of the article:

  • The style
  • Surface Finishing
  • Furniture
  • English Country
  • Provence
  • Photo of a country-style drawing room

The style

Creating a living room in a rustic style, it is worth to make a lot of effort to combine the simplicity, comfort and functionality into one. Features of the style:

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Plaster is the main finishing material. Drawing wallpaper necessarily echoes with textiles.

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Finishing materials are not expensive, natural. In the decor there is nothing superfluous.

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The color palette is natural.

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The interior of the living room in the country style is filled with textiles, thus juiciness is introduced into the room. Fabrics in use are used without drawings and patterns. A beautiful decoration is what is done by oneself and done with the soul.

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Do not overstay the living room with appliances.

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In the living room an important role is given to "chips". As an example, the walls should have family photos, on the shelves can be porcelain plates. An important accessory of style is dried flowers.

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The design of the country-style living room is not so simple as it seems at first glance. It is important to adapt a lot of parts to modern needs. If you decide to design a country style in the premises of your apartment, then it's best to contact the designers for help.

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Surface Finishing

The decoration of the living room in the country style implies the use of natural materials. The walls are decorated with a wallpaper with a delicate floral print, but if there is a desire to make a special impression on the relatives, guests, the walls should be decorated, if you can say so, with plaster, and decorate it with imitation of natural wood beams.

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More than appropriate use of beams from natural wood.

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The floor is covered with a parquet board, stone, tiles. Do not use in this style, either linoleum, or carpet. To give the interior a cosiness and a domesticated atmosphere, heat, it is possible to lay a carpet on top of the board, which will bring its "zest" to the interior. All colors used in decoration, should be gentle and maximum warm.

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The most important component of the village style is the use of natural materials. Not an exception and furniture, and because it should be made of natural wood. Often, furniture without finishing, and therefore looks rough.

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Upholstered furniture - a sofa and a pair of armchairs. Upholstery natural, pattern simple. To furniture is in harmony with the style, it is covered with a blanket.

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  • Living room in classic style - 100 photos of design ideas
  • Living room in Provence style - 80 photos of unusual design ideas

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Furniture нужно расставлять правильно. На фото гостиной в стиле кантри кажется, что мебель расставлена беспорядочно и хаотично, но это именно то, что задумывается – это фишка стиля, правило. Расставляя мебель, нельзя использовать симметрию, все должно быть как бы разбросано по комнате, ведь именно так и создается уют.

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All the furniture is diluted with such details as tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads, blankets. On the walls can be utensils made of cast iron, a photo in the frame.

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English Country

Изюминка английского кантри – розы везде – в обивке мебели, обоях, текстиле. Интерьер гармонично разбавляется живыми цветами. Furniture выбирается вишневого оттенка или терракота.

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It is necessary to think over the placement of a table for playing board games. On the chairs near the fireplace there should be blankets, on the walls can hang trophies after a successful hunt. The main color of this interior is burgundy, brown, warm colors of autumn.



Living room in style with notes of France - natural. On the floor of the board without processing, without painting, on the ceiling there are beams, the walls are all in irregularities and in scuffs.

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  • Living room in Italian style - 75 photos of design ideas
  • Living room in high-tech style - 105 photos of modern interior ideas in the living room
  • Brown living room- photo examples of beautiful interior and design in the living room

Furniture или намеренно старая, или же состаренная искусственным путем, чаще всего это комод, буфет. Основной цвет – терракота, лаванда, цвет моря, бежевый.


Making out in the style of a country hall, you need thoughtfulness, an approach to choosing materials and finishing.


Photo of a country-style drawing room





Traditional Style Living Room


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  • Stretch ceilings in the living room - 120 photos of interesting ceiling design options in the living room






Bakhifiaa Khafeez 412 Trap


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