The male interior is a thoughtful, organized and free space. A real strong character is characterized by control over its own territory. Therefore, even if it is impossible to create an open plan, the individual rooms are as spacious as possible. Often in this performance, minimalism and exceptional functionality are traced. It is difficult to find useless components in the form of excess furniture and decor (pillows, napkins, figurines, etc.), which is so beloved by women. The guys are more radical in this matter, showing laconism, brutality, primitive power and asceticism, remaining true to their own interests and not ignoring the favorite hobby. With all this, there is always a place for the necessary items and things, from which the convenience of using space does not suffer.
Holistic housing is often inherent in an ideal order (strange as it may seem). It is due to the competent organization of space: a minimum of extra furniture. Open shelves are completely replaced with hidden storage systems. Rationalism and practicality come to the fore: every square meter of space is strictly involved in the case. Modern styles are very actual, as most young people have a passion for new technology. They are seamlessly combined with the usual and practical things. Thanks to this, the output produces a characteristic and individually arranged design, reflecting the preferences of its owner. Solid representatives of the stronger sex prefer a "cabinet" style with an abundance of wooden finishes and furniture, upholstered in leather. So, against the background of others, the following styles are clearly distinguished:
- progressive and cold hi-tech (high-tech);
- creative and provocative modernism;
- mature and mature classics;
- creative and spacious loft;
- correct and restrained minimalism for the studio;
- urban and practical urban;
- bright and neat Scandinavian.
Color spectrum
The decoration of the room, executed in a brutal style, is often not typical of the abundance of bright screaming colors. But boring it is difficult to call even despite the prevalence of a calm color palette. It is quite multifaceted and is combined with accent colors: green, green, brown and blue. Even with the addition of brightness, it is in harmony with the overall color solution. The advantage is given to neutral and natural shades of stone, wood and metal. Dusty shades are chosen more often, but pastel and white are also no exception. This testifies not to the lack of masculinity, but to the discomfort of living in a gloomy environment. The model of an apartment for a real man is not limited to a choice of shades as accents: mustard, turquoise, lavender and terracotta make up a worthy company and a laconic white, and a strict opposite.
See also: Cabinet design - interior ideas on photo
Black color in the interior
This color is quite popular for decorating your home. A competent approach to the process will not allow gloom and mourning of a general appearance, the result will be exceptionally luxurious and elegant. Strictness and laconism will bring muffled surfaces and natural wood. Lovers like this a lot - he makes the room mystical, mysterious, stylish, strict and brutal. In addition, its versatility allows organically interact with different colors. But first of all such color is insanely practical, in view of what furniture, bed-clothes and basic furnishings are chosen. This room always has a solid look, like a stylish black suit. The visual balance of space is created by zoning with a glass partition and additional lighting sources.
Lighting играет далеко не последнюю роль в холостяцком жилище. Для многорожковой центральной люстры здесь места нет. Ей на смену приходит торшер с приглушенным светом, бра, подсветка отдельных зон и скрытая. Это обусловлено наличием у сильного пола «тоннельного видения», объясняемого особенностями зрения. Сектор обзора невелик, зато видят они далеко и четко. Сильный пол крайне рационален – главный светильник в помещении обязательно регулируется по высоте, выключатели оборудованы регуляторами света, а встроенные потолочные светильники выполняют задачу зонирования пространства. Легкости добавят лампы со стеклянным основанием – на фоне кирпичной стены они как будто витают в воздухе. По освещению, представленному в холостяцком пространстве, можно определить характер владельца, особенно когда света в помещении достаточно много, что редкость.
Design of rooms
This direction in artistic design, like brutalism, most responsive to the masculine character of the arrangement of premises. Achieve the effect will be due to texture rough finish and ordinary natural textiles. Furniture must be multifunctional, strong and ergonomic. Even despite the love of antiques, a strong floor chooses the most practical and wear-resistant furniture with a long life. Smoothness of corners and bends should be eliminated, leaving lines straight. This design is inherent restrained severity, when there is no congestion in details, and on the foreground come out invoices. The main thing here is to find the "golden mean" when choosing a color solution, ornaments and decorating elements. Things of a rational representative of the stronger sex should be aesthetically balanced and stylish, but in no way accidental.
Living room
His corner for a guy is mandatory, because there he can comfortably spend time with friends, for example, playing gambling, or alone with himself, doing his favorite thing - playing a musical instrument, watching movies and hobbies. Masculinity will be given to the room by massive objects in the form of a wooden table and a coffee table made of metal. However, not always the living room has a convenient shape - it can be stretched from the window to the door, which does not always allow to organize functionally and use all the space. In this case, it can be zoned by dividing it with a wooden module at an angle to the walls, different floor coverings and spotlights. In the recreation area there is a TV, a wooden brutal shop in the form of a sofa with mattresses in coarse covers and a glass table with a coating in the color of the covers. This will help radically change the original atmosphere, making it hospitable and leisurely.
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Folding sofas, of course, a strong sex prefers in view of their practicality. However, large beds are chosen much more often, as they do not need a systematic unfolding. Lying on it it is convenient to watch programs, videos, movies and sports games, play game consoles, regardless of age. A modern bachelor bedroom can accommodate a bar filled with favorite drinks. The color design does not have to be beige or steel, although the strong semi is to the taste of restraint and laconism. But today's representatives of the stronger sex are often endowed with a decent taste, allowing you to stylishly decorate the space in bright colors. Let them not be screaming, but expressiveness and depth they do not take: chocolate brown, muffled red, steel, dark blue. In this case, the species will not be gloomy, but exceptionally original and bold. What a non-trivial option to choose tells the table.
Style | Specificity |
High-Tech (hi-tech) | The central element is a bed, the wall behind it can have a daring leather trim. Ceiling: multi-level, suspended, mirror. Colors: white, chocolate, graphite, dark beige. Materials: glass, natural stone, mirror surfaces, chrome-plated steel, concrete. |
Art Deco | The bed in the bedroom is large, inlaid with stones. Materials: expensive, natural. Ceiling: tension or hanging with patches of crystals. Textiles: satin, brocade, silk, velvet. Gilding on objects will add luxury. Colors: plum, silver, sand, gold, wine. |
Nautical | Airiness and pastel shades (cold counterbalanced by warm). Colors: turquoise, sand, blue, blue. Elements: anchors, seascapes, ancient compasses, seashells. Panoramic windows with rolls of rattan, mansard. Forged lamps, light wooden furniture, photo wallpaper. |
Kitchen уже давно перестала быть исключительно женским пространством. Дизайнеры в курсе того, что рюши и прованс вокруг себя большинство парней не желают наблюдать. Просторным помещением может похвастать не каждый, потому как в однокомнатной хрущевке, например, кухня совсем маленькая, в отличие от двухкомнатной и трехкомнатной. Эффектно обрамленное окно впустит в нее дневной свет, визуально увеличивая простор в однушке, как и компактный гарнитур белого цвета. Для помещений побольше подойдут приглушенные оттенки, мраморные и деревянные столешницы. Центром дизайнерского решения может стать массивная медная вытяжка либо спрятанные в стеклянном шкафу увесистые приборы. Холостяцкая кухня не считается таковой без стойки с винами. Выставленная на передний план дорогая бутылка придаст помещению пафоса. Цвета не обязательно должны быть монохромными, весьма выразительно выглядит столешница ярко-желтого цвета. Создание стильной кухни для истинных ценителей художественного конструирования и вкусной пищи гарантирует приятный досуг не только владельцу, но и его гостям.
Regardless of the style concept, the design of such a bathroom is minimalistic, the design is extremely laconic, and the color palette is restrained, strict and monochrome. Often non-bright colors prevail: gray, etc. It is important to find your own individual style, whether it's vintage, luxury, shabby chic or futurism. Performance can be typical, minimalistic, bohemian, technological, close to the industrial direction or designated by the country style. Marble, large tiles, sanitary ware "under antiquity" will help in this. It will not be superfluous to use a bright color accent (violet, green, blue, scarlet, etc.), which is especially true for a bathroom in standard black and white. Variation is a rich list, and a note of brutality and exceptional masculinity can be made in each of them.
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The working atmosphere of the cabinet should be consistent with respectability and restraint. Everything should promote concentration and fruitful activity: a calm color palette, comfortable and good furniture is chosen. The classical execution is preferred mainly by mature and held representatives of the stronger sex. Obligatory availability of appropriate furniture items: a computer chair and a table on which not only the computer should fit, but also there was enough room for a full-fledged work. Well, if it will have offices for storing important papers and office, as many have the opportunity to work at home. Do not interfere and additional armchair, which will help to distract and rest a little. Also, the cabinet does not appear without bookshelves, shelving and a cabinet for storing documents.
Important! Since there are a lot of office equipment in the office, it is worthwhile to take care of the location and number of outlets in advance.
Business representatives of the stronger sex began to prefer wardrobe instead of cabinets. This is primarily due to convenience: shirts, trousers and ties are located on hangers and look neat without needing ironing. And those who are alien to the business sphere, you can stop the choice on the shelves with less space for the hangers. Time for men is valuable, so the organization of the dressing room contributes to its economy. Character is manifested in the design: severity of lines, noble shades of wood, functionality. The filling is represented by hangers, holders for trousers and shirts, compartments for accessories, clothes, linens, T-shirts, hats, scarves, shoes. It is not superfluous to place a mirror and a puff. Faster to find things will help additional lighting and transparency of the panels. If space is involved up to the ceiling, it is worth taking care of the stairs or special design, allowing you to get things off the high shelves. You can equip a separate place for sports hobbies to store the appropriate accessories.
Important! When designing a dressing room, it is worth taking care of the presence of a ventilation system and to exclude an increase in the degree of humidity.
Interior and hobby
Random decorative details in the home of a representative of the stronger sex can not be found. Each component, whether it is a picture, a photo or a sculpture, is endowed with meaning and expresses the aesthetic preferences of the owner. Often, as an ornament used by living flowers, filling the room with oxygen and creating coziness. The overall view should not be an overloaded combination of shades and patterns. At a minimum, they are performed in the same style and repeat the shape of some items of the arrangement. Psychologists recommend a strong floor to allocate a zone for sports or hobbies. It can be a workshop or a mobile workshop, which allows you to do something with your own hands, and this is very valuable for any member of the stronger sex. Therefore, the corner for souvenirs, trophies, equipment, accessories for fishing will organically fit into the bachelor monastery. Brutal interior is rapidly beginning to discard conventions and stereotypes - even a gym with a pear here will not be superfluous.