Channing Tatum and his wife Jenna Duan Tatum spent $ 6 million on a mansion in the Los Angeles area of Beverly Hills. Hollywood couple is going to move to a house in the style of a key code in one of the most prestigious regions of the United States in the near future.
Channing Tatum and his wife Jenna Duan Tatum, who met on the set of the dance film "Step Forward", are going to settle under the famous index 90210, after buying a magnificent mansion in Beverly Hills. The couple have recently purchased this house with six bedrooms and six bathrooms in the style of a $ 6-million CAP code, according to Zillow Real Estate Agency.
The Hollywood family, which had a daughter named Everly in 2013, had a very rich year for the event: Channing Tatum starred in the movie "Fox Hunter", nominated for an Oscar, as well as in the long-awaited picture "Super Mike XXL" which will be premiered at the end of this year. So the new secluded corner will be necessary for the couple as well.
The mansion can also boast of two-level ceilings, professional kitchen, a spacious master bedroom and a guest house, according to Trulia real estate service.
Almost every room of the house opens onto a terrace leading to a cleverly designed back yard, which has a swimming pool, a spa area and mature gardens. If you believe the information from Trulia, the house of the married couple Tatumov is located in the neighborhood with the bachelor dwelling of Harry Stiles, one of the members of the British band One Direction.
Now you have the opportunity to view the new possessions of the Taptums in more detail - in the photo below.
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