A small bathroom is not a verdict, it is a guide to action. The main functional purpose of this room is the performance of hygienic procedures.
The main task in creating an interior is to make sure that all manipulations are carried out with comfort and, in addition, a person would receive maximum satisfaction from contemplation of the surrounding space. The photos in the gallery show some design options.

The space is smaller than in the bathroom of a small apartment, it is difficult to imagine. Therefore, it is so important to think through every detail of the design.
You need to use the form, light and color to the maximum. Every year, a lot of novelties appear on the plumbing market, including for small rooms.
It is necessary to measure the bathroom with all junctions of the intake and withdrawal of water to within a centimeter. Then, proceeding from the drawn up scheme, to develop the concept of an interior taking into account the sanitary equipment.
By the way, on the Internet there are programs with which you can simulate a fictitious interior and look at it in the picture.

Some ideas for the ergonomic organization of the space of a small bathroom are depicted in the photo.
- You can replace the standard acrylic corner bathtub or shower. Thus, the space under the washing machine will be released.
- The choice of color is an important problem. Tiled tiles are best used in medium sizes in light colors. Optimal option - two shades of one color.
- Lighting for a small room should be as bright as possible. This will "move apart" the walls. It is worth giving preference to spotlights. For the same purpose, you can use mirror elements and shiny, reflecting light, details: accessories and accessories.
- The bathroom space should be used to the maximum functionality: shelves in the shower or above the bathroom, drawers under the sink, shelves and niches. Just remember that all accessories must be made in the same style.
- The ideal place for equipment of various shelves for storage of household chemicals is a place under the bathroom, which is closed with special panels.
- It is worth remembering the rule for all small rooms: as few small objects of decor - they visually "eat up" the volume.
- Physically, you can increase the size of the bathroom by combining it with the toilet. The winnings in the square will be from a few centimeters to a couple of meters. But nevertheless this way is not acceptable for all families.
Thus, we can conclude that having read a photo about the most successful ideas for creating a small bathroom, adding a little creative, it is possible to transform your several meters of purity to the ideal state!