The room in the hostel is popular among those who can not afford a separate apartment. This is not just about students, but also about young families who are just "getting on their feet". The question of interior design is most acute if there are several people living in the room or a couple with a child. Zoning of the room becomes vital, in order to preserve at least the illusion of personal space. A common kitchen, bathroom and a bathroom with neighbors, allow to unload the room from excess items of interior: a plate, a refrigerator, a working area for cooking, and sometimes a dining table. To make living the most comfortable, develop a competent design of the room in the hostel. Correct design allows you to make housing more spacious and comfortable. Let's talk about what steps should be taken by residents of student and family "hostels", so that the room is transformed from a temporary shelter to a favorite home in which one wants to return.
To the services of young families or residents of campuses fashion Provence, high-tech, art deco, loft, minimalism, modern, country and fusion. Features of styles are played out in different ways depending on the number of tenants and even the relationships between them. First of all it concerns sleeping places. Most often in the "room" room live two. However, there are several options:
- If the room is occupied by a married couple with a child, you should equip one bed with a large bed and a children's corner.
- If the room is occupied by two girls or two guys, then it is necessary to install twin beds.
- In rooms more can huddle even three or four people. Then they are already considering options with bunk beds, which will save you a living space.
Designing will consist of several stages:
- The choice of stylistic solutions and colors;
- Finishing and lighting;
- Selection of furniture;
- Zoning;
- Decoration.
Many venerable designers agree that it is better for inexperienced designers to choose minimalism for their first experience. With more complex styles, it's easy to "miss" and make mistakes, which will not be so easy to fix later. Minimalism is subject to clear rules, which are not so many. They are concise and understandable, just like the direction itself.
Zoning поможет сделать пространство многофункциональным. Не имея возможности приобрести просторное жилье, придется воплощать оригинальные дизайнерские идеи во временных тесных комнатках или же придумывать свои собственные пути решения проблемы. В малых пространствах предусматривают всего две-три зоны. Если в комнате проживает один человек, то помещение делят на спальную площадку, гостиную и кабинет. Для нескольких жильцов дополнительно предусматривают еще и «личные» зоны, которые совмещают с местами для сна. Zoning проводят двумя способами:
- Conditional;
- Actual.
The first option is good because it does not make space heavier. For small rooms it fits perfectly. Massive walls, even if decorative, can split the room, making it even tighter. Actual delimiters are usually considered mobile screens, furniture or curtains. Much depends also on the shape of the room. For example, rectangular rooms can easily be separated by end-to-end shelving or sofas.
Perception of space such zoning does not hurt, even on the contrary, it will allow to increase the room in width, bringing its shape closer to square. For housing with a complex geometry of the walls, you will have to experiment in the project, trying out different options to exclude the underlining of the shortcomings. In square rooms, separation is carried out either partially from one wall, or symmetrically on both, leaving a wide passage between the delimiters. Conditional zoning in turn can be carried out with the help of light, color combinations, a podium and various textures of surfaces of finishing materials. For example, the sleeping area is decorated with artificial brick light color in loft style, and the living room is plastered or wallpapered. By the way, surfaces with large prints for small rooms fall under taboos. If u use patterns, then only small repeats.
Furniture стоит подбирать из каталогов, где представлены многофункциональные модели. В первую очередь обустраивают спальную зону. Две отдельные кровати можно заменить двухъярусным вариантом, а от двуспального места лучше отказаться в пользу раскладывающегося дивана. Интересны модели, в которых совмещают две совершенно разные площадки. Так, к примеру, шкафы могут волшебным образом превращаться в кровати. Последняя в сложенном виде выглядит, как фальш-фасад. Полноценную обеденную зону, если таковая в комнате будет присутствовать, заменяют на выдвижной или откидывающийся столик с парой складных стульев. Шкаф лучше выбрать типа «купе» с раздвижными дверями. Это позволит сэкономить на «мертвой» зоне, которую пришлось бы отдать под распашные конструкции. Оптимальными считаются встроенные модели. Их хоть и невозможно переместить, но они «захватят» ценные метры под потолком, добавив дополнительные места для хранения. Неплохо смотрятся в интерьере шкафы угловых конструкций. Форму фасадов тоже можно выбрать оригинальную. В последнее время популярны модели, которые украшены волнистым рельефом. Сглаженные углы позволят добавить комнате мягкости. Актуальны подобные решения для интерьеров в современных стилях. Из материалов рекомендуют выбирать дерево или его имитацию (МДФ), пластик и закаленное стекло. Последнее может использоваться в декоре фасадов шкафов или в мелких предметах интерьера: журнальные или обеденные столы, стеллажи, навесные полки открытого типа. Закрытые модели с дверцами, расположенные выше уровня глаз, пространство загрузят. Также рекомендуют в декоре использовать зеркала. При грамотном освещении они добавят комнате перспективу.
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The furniture is chosen with simple shapes with smooth surfaces. Complex configurations that are decorated with relief elements will add unnecessary gravity to the room. Harmoniously, they will only look in large rooms.
For small rooms develop a multi-level lighting project to fill the room with "air". This scheme includes: a ceiling chandelier, lamps above working areas (local) and scattered light from point sources. At the last we will stop in more detail. Spot lights are located around the perimeter of the room, above the upper panels of the cabinets and along the decorative "steps" on the ceiling. You can also equip the devices with a podium. If the small room has also low ceilings, then it is better to refuse from the central chandelier in favor of several located above the functional zones.
Color spectrum
In the palette of interior colors will prevail light shades. Traditionally it is white, gray, beige and wood colors. Although at your service will be the whole range of pastel tones. Of course, without accents, the interior will look boring, so the bright "spots" dilute the decor of the room. In the role of ornaments, curtains, pillows, bedspreads, rugs, vases, caskets, flower pots, mirrors can appear. Contrasting colors should not be abused, so it's better to choose just one or two tones that will shine a light finish and furniture. In the role of accent colors can be black, lilac, fuchsia, red, blue, juicy green, sunny yellow.
The interior of the room is 12 square meters. m
The rooms are 12 sq.m. refer to small rooms, which can still easily fit the functional minimum. As partitions it is recommended to use light walls made of translucent plastic or curtains. The latter often delineate the sleeping area. The furniture items are recommended to place a minimum: a bed, a wardrobe, a table for work. But from the curbstone under the TV is better to refuse, attaching it directly to the wall. In some rooms even mini-kitchenettes are equipped. To decorate the top it is better to use a stretch ceiling, the glossy surface of which will add a space of air and freedom. Conduct experiments with the color palette is not advised. It is better to stay on the traditional options for the chosen style. In minimalism, the standard color scheme consists of gray and white in furniture, decoration and accent black, violet, blue in decor.
The interior of the room is 18 square meters. m
Помещения площадью в 18 кв.м. обычно имеют вытянутую прямоугольную форму. Такие комнаты традиционно зонируют посередине, а по периметру устанавливают узкую мебель. Lighting нельзя концентрировать только в одной точке. По этой причине потолочную люстру заменяют несколькими светильниками. Больше осветительных приборов размещают в той зоне, которая ближе к двери и соответственно отгорожена от окна и естественного света. Фасады шкафов выбирают зеркальные, которые добавят пространству перспективу. Акцентной зоной делают одну из «коротких» стен. В квадратных помещениях допустимо использование объемной мебели, которую располагают либо в центре, либо по периметру комнаты. Zoning проводят с помощью диванов, стеллажей, тумб и декоративных стенок из пластика светлых оттенков с глянцевой поверхностью.
See also: Design of the dressing room +30 photo examples
What can not be missed in a small room
Before the development of the project, it is worth studying the advice of professionals on the arrangement of the room in the hostel. The five most valuable recommendations include:
- «Furnitureный» совет. Не стоит выбирать для интерьера большие, массивные гарнитуры, которые были популярны в советские времена. Лучше приобрести каждый предмет по отдельности. Во-первых, гарнитур может негативно повлиять на восприятие пространства. Во-вторых, интерьер из разных предметов меблировки будет выглядеть свежо и оригинально.
- Stylistic advice. Do not recommend choosing for the design direction, which breathe luxury and are rich in decorative elements. Perhaps the soul of the owner lies precisely to the pompous classics, but it is easy to replace it with the modernist trend. Also recommend to abandon the Italian, Spanish styles, art nouveau, baroque, retro and rococo.
- "Window" advice. Do not use curtains made of heavy fabrics. Instead of them, the windows are covered with light curtains or blinds. The latter are relevant for minimalism and modern style. One of the zones will in any case experience a lack of sunlight, so do not recommend to further aggravate the situation by "wrapping" the windows. By the way, in the loft the curtains are not used at all.
- Council about mirrors. Add more reflective surfaces to the room. Mirrors and glasses will "multiply" light and advantageously increase space.
- Striped advice. To expand the room, use finishing materials in stripes. For example, the floor in narrow rooms is faced with a material with horizontal lines. Similar patterns can decorate the accent walls. Do not overdo with the "striped", from which will be filled in the eyes. Just a couple of accents will be enough.
Almost every second former student lived in a hostel during training. At many this time remains in memoirs, as the most light. Also, young families in the first years of marriage often have to huddle in small rooms before buying a full-fledged housing. Owners of tight premises, as a rule, are heavily constrained in means, therefore design should be developed according to the budgetary plan. Inexpensive furniture and unpretentious decoration is easily supplemented by stylish decor. The result is a laconic, but aesthetically beautiful environment.