Toxins are not an easy topic. Many discuss them, not even knowing what it is and how they work.
Unfortunately, in our homes there may be plenty of things and materials containing toxic chemicals. Being exposed to these substances for a long time, you and your loved ones are at risk of getting sick.
We have tried to list the most common factors that can contribute to the accumulation of toxins in your home. Use this article as a guide when you buy materials and chemical products for the home - and you will create a foundation for maintaining the health of your entire family.
What are toxins?
The term "toxins" can be interpreted quite widely, so before discussing them in more detail, it is worthwhile to explain what exactly are the toxins. According to the broadest definition, toxins are chemical substances of plant or animal origin that can harm human health.
In particular, mentioning toxins in residential buildings often refers to the sick home syndrome (SAD), which is defined as "a strong negative impact on the health and mental state of people, directly related to the time spent indoors".
Despite the fact that the symptoms of WAS in different people can be different, and can include any ailments, from a sore throat to a cold and a burning sensation in the eyes, they have something in common. They are repeated, and often aggravated, after an hour or two, spent in the house.
Learn more about building materials
Our knowledge of building materials, like other knowledge, has expanded significantly over time.
Unfortunately, this means that some of the building materials we used often in the past have proven to be toxic. If you and your family are looking for a place to live in the old house, try to find out more about it.
Here are the most common toxic substances that can be contained in building materials:
Asbestos использовался в качестве изоляционного материала в период с 1928 по 1978 г., но, как недавно выяснилось, он может вызывать рак легких. Для вашей же безопасности имеет смысл пригласить специалиста, который проверит ваш дом на наличие асбеста и удалит вредный материал.
Radon — бесцветный, невидимый газ, который также может вызывать рак. Он может проникать в жилище из-за структурных изменений в почве, вызванных, к примеру, строительством нового здания поблизости. Дом можно изолировать от источника поступления радона.
In the last century, when building buildings, lead paint was widely used. If you live in an old house, watch closely the young children and animals that can eat crumbling paint.
The most likely cause of mold is leakage or high humidity. The house can be cleaned of mold and / or get rid of its cause, depending on the type and complexity of the lesions.
Fortunately, all these substances and materials are easy to detect, and the owners of the home are always required to report the availability of such materials in the house. Therefore, before you buy or rent a long term housing, include all of these materials in the list of mandatory inspections.
Pay attention to furniture
The things that you fill your home can affect your health and the health of your family as much as the walls that surround you. In particular, furniture can be a potential source of risk.
The problem most often lies in the seats of your favorite, soft and cozy sofas and armchairs. Many chemicals that are used to make furniture fire resistant can cause cancer - and yet we breathe them every day.
However, do not blame only the sofas. Harmful chemicals are used in both paint and coating fluids. The simplest solution is to learn as much as possible about furniture before buying it. Read about the methods of making furniture and buy furniture, in the making of which only natural materials are used.
Get rid of aggressive chemicals in your home
The next step to getting rid of the toxins accumulating in your home is the strictest revision of detergents and cleaners. In the end, you use them all the time, while you live in the house to keep it in perfect purity - so it will not be superfluous to make sure that these funds do not harm your health.
Very many of the cleaning products used in the farm (and quite popular, besides), consist of potentially harmful chemical components, especially those that are called disinfectants. During the purchase of household products, pay attention to what is written on the label, and support manufacturers that sell natural and environmentally friendly products.
If you do not want to pay more (and the "green" products, as a rule, are more expensive), there is an opportunity to make such money yourself at home. Look for useful information on popular websites - for example, the resource Pinterest offers a huge number of recipes for the manufacture of such tools.
Your home is an island of comfort and security, protecting you and your family from the threats of the surrounding world. The desire to make it as safe as possible for your health and the health of your loved ones is natural. This article describes some of the potentially hazardous materials and substances. Read it carefully and treat your home with great care and attention.
And you had to feel the symptoms of WAS? Do you take care of buying cleaning products with caution? Tell us in the comments.
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