Design of elongated kitchen - photo of interior design idea

Design of elongated kitchen

The design of the room consists of many different details: the choice of materials for decorating walls, floors and ceilings, functional and comfortable furniture, the distribution of light, the use of important techniques that can give the room a special style. It is important to use the full potential of a small space, including work areas. The design of the elongated kitchen (12 sq. M., 8 and 15 sq. M.) Depends on the purposes pursued by the owner of the apartment.

Popular design options for a small elongated kitchen include:

  1. The classical style will not lose its special charm and popularity. This type of decoration can give the room elegance and calm beauty.
  2. Minimalism. In such a situation, it is worthwhile to think about the choice of minimalism in earnest, due to the lack of excesses, many serious problems can be avoided: lack of space (due to the lack of a large amount of furniture and ornaments) and the question of locating work areas (such zones become hidden, combined with other interior items) .
  3. Retro. In this case, a small space becomes a definite advantage. Stylized items make the kitchen cozy. In such a room are placed only the necessary things: a stove, a refrigerator, working surfaces and cupboards for dishes. Finish the image helps decorative elements: statuettes, paintings, watches.
  4. High tech. An excellent solution for those who are accustomed to combine common practicality and beauty. Characteristic of the use of objects that combine several functions (working surface with drawers, pull-out tables).
  5. Fusion. One of the most difficult to perform styles. It is a certain combination of several styles, quiet, saturated tones predominate, often using bright details that many will seem "out of place." Understand the nuances of their own difficult, it is recommended to contact specialists.

Corner stretched yellow kitchen with original table Style determines the direction in which the subsequent actions will take place in favor of the choice of materials.

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Choosing the right color scheme can create the effect of visual expansion of an elongated kitchen. Experts recommend:

  1. Choose light colors and shades. Suitable white, peach, blue, light green and pink. They will create the necessary effect of increasing space.
  2. It is necessary to avoid dark shades and black color, it eats up useful space, oppresses mentality. It is recommended to use these shades as additional details.
  3. To ensure that the kitchen space does not seem excessively sterile, add a few bright elements: a colorful refrigerator, bright household appliances, paintings, lamps, curtains. It is important not to overdo it.

Extruded kitchen in a private house with a stove and a window in the ceiling

The use of dark colors is allowed when decorating the floor or some elements of working areas.

Extruded kitchen on two sides of a wall with a window


It is recommended to use natural materials (stone, wood), it is allowed to combine with plastic, coating with special varnish, the presence of steel or iron parts. The choice of material for work surfaces should be based on practicality (moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical stresses).

Extruded narrow kitchen in the apartment For the decoration of walls it is recommended to choose:

  1. Wallpaper. It is advisable to choose a special washable surface. In this case, wallpaper will not be afraid of pollution and moisture, which can be considered an indisputable advantage.
  2. Plastic panels. Not resistant to various mechanical damages, this is the only drawback that is compensated by other quality characteristics.
  3. Ceramic plates. One of the most popular options. The only drawback is the loss of the original appearance after a certain time period.
  4. Painting. High-quality painting can solve the most important issues. The main thing is to preserve the atmosphere of comfort, avoiding the appearance of cheapness.

Extruded kitchen with dining area Floors are recommended to be covered with ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum. Choose surfaces that are easy to clean.

Narrow kitchen of 12 square meters of elongated shape


Lighting способно придать окружающему пространству необходимый объем. Можно выделить такие полезные идеи:

  1. Using multi-track lighting. Using built-in lamps can solve many different inconveniences. It should highlight the main working areas.
  2. It is recommended to place several lamps on the ceiling. It is advisable not to put them in the same row, this error can lead to the creation of an additional effect of an unnecessarily narrow space.
  3. When using a large number of lighting devices, reflective surfaces are allowed, which will give the room an additional area.
  4. Do not obstruct the penetration of natural light, use light transparent curtains.
See also: The combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen - 50 examples in the photo

Illumination of a working surface in the extended kitchen It is advisable to use additional light sources in working areas.


It is worth paying attention to the choice of a kitchen set, as well as other furniture. It is important what material you decide to use, as well as the location of the main items to extract the greatest practical benefit.

Design of elongated kitchen 12 кв м с окном Choosing a kitchen set:

  1. Measure the size of the kitchen and the headset in advance. The main mistake can be considered that the ready set eats up too much space, choose the most practical models. The best option is to use a headset, made specifically for the kitchen.
  2. Use of high cabinets is allowed. You can use them in your favor: to visually increase the space, use cabinets with transparent doors. It is allowed to use open shelves.
  3. Use lockers with doors that open vertically. In this case, you do not have to worry about the occurrence of traumatic situations.

Design kitchen-living room elongated shape It is necessary to consider the need to place a dining area. The small space of the apartment provides for a dining place only in the kitchen, so it's worth taking care of it in advance:

  1. Use folding tables or chairs. This will provide convenience, such a zone is easy to move or remove.
  2. It is allowed to combine the working and dining areas. In this case, the working surface becomes a table, behind which you can eat.
  3. It is recommended to use a small rectangular table (rather narrow and elongated). With its help, a full-fledged lunch place is created.
  4. You can use unusual options: get a sliding table or bar.

U-shaped kitchen in lilac in combination with wood When planning a narrow kitchen, you need to resort to important tricks that will help simplify the further use of the kitchen space.

Modern extended kitchen with dining table

How to save space?

In case of occurrence of such a question one should turn to simple tricks:

  1. Use sliding work surfaces.
  2. The working surface can be an extended window sill. In some cases it can serve as a dining table.
  3. Drawers play a big role.
  4. Combine several zones.
  5. Use glossy surfaces that reflect light. This technique will help visually expand the space.
  6. Multi-level and spot lighting will be useful if the goal is to create the effect of visual expansion of the room. Moreover, with sufficient illumination of the working space it is much more convenient to do work.
  7. It is not recommended to use heavy fabrics and dark colors, they become insidious devourers of the useful area of ​​the kitchen.
  8. A sufficient number of boxes and shelves will help to avoid finding small things on visible surfaces. This will help to avoid a sense of confusion.
  9. If the room has access to the balcony, you should arrange it in the style of the kitchen. You should think about combining the balcony with the room, this solution will be very useful: you will add a real area on which you can put a fairly large table or sofa.
Read also: Design of tiles in the kitchen +56 photo of the decoration of the floor

Kitchen 15 sq. M with table and window It is these techniques that will create the desired effect and will allow using the space of the narrow kitchen in full force.

A long and narrow kitchen with natural light When planning a small kitchen, pay enough attention to the placement of furniture and the choice of colors - these are the factors that become decisive. If you have any difficulties, please contact the specialists.