The kitchen is the place where all the inhabitants of the house are most often found, that's why it would be desirable that everyone here would be comfortable and pleasant to spend time. It is quite difficult to please simultaneously the preferences of all tenants. Perhaps, the most universal option for solving such a problem will be the green interior of the kitchen. Psychologists say that this color helps to establish a harmonious emotional state, it promotes relaxation, and therefore it appeals to any person. Green embodies the earthiness of the blue and the unrestrained dynamics of the yellow, counterbalancing the effect of each other. Combining them in unequal proportions, you can get a huge number of different shades of warm and cold, so that everyone can find exactly the color that will be to his liking.
With gold
If you create a classic interior, then the ideal companion of the green will be gold. Making the main rich color of the July foliage, it will be appropriate to supplement it with curtains of yellow-gold color, a crystal chandelier with a gilt base. In general, all the decorative elements are worth painting in gold. This duet can be supplemented with a dark carved wood covered with varnish.
Read also: Gold color in the interior: examples of design and combinations Classic interior, it is always relevant, and executed exactly in green and gold it turns out especially worthy and prestigious. Having created such a bohemian gloss, no one will doubt the solvency of the owners of such a kitchen.
With white
The combination of white and green in the interior of the kitchen is quite popular, it's not easy, because kitchens are usually relatively small, and this color palette can visually expand the space. For this effect to be maximum, it is better to give preference to light green.
It is also important that most of the home appliances that modern manufacturers offer are white, this color is most universal. As a result, this important fact has to be taken into account when designing the kitchen design. Do not consider this a minus, you can very professionally beat these conditions, creating the impression that the white technique was chosen in this version specifically for your interior. It will also be easy to fit white blinds, doors, dishes. It is interesting to look at design solutions, where only one wall will be a color accent, and the rest will be neutral white. At the same time, it's better to choose white in a pure form, but its shades are creamy, milky, ayvory, champagne.
The kitchen set can also be two-color, for the purpose of practicality of operation it is necessary to make a saturated green facade, and the ends are white or the colors of a young foliage.
Light voluminous curtains made of green chiffon or veils will accentuate the overall airiness of the interior if combined with a lacy white curtain. An openwork motif can be repeated with white ornaments on colored wallpaper or on other kitchen textiles.
Light green
Light green это оттенок зеленого с преобладанием желтого цвета, соответственно этот цвет считается теплым, он будет более динамичным в отличии, на пример, от холодного бирюзового, где преобладает голубой.
Yellow-green produces a sense of filling with sunlight, giving home coziness, it prompts to action. This color can be diluted by adding some contrasting details. Thus, in the green room, you can place red chairs, or the facade of the headset can be diluted with sky-blue elements.
The contrasting details should not be random in the interior to avoid this, you should repeat this color at least 3 times.
To make a monochrome interior more interesting, you can vary the texture, i.e. apply different materials in the finish. If the surface of the headset is glossy, then for a change you can put chairs, covered with velvet, hang a guipure tulle.
Olive это благородный глубокий вариант зеленого, он подойдет для создания спокойной обстановки, без лишнего движения и суеты. Этот цвет отлично комбинируется со всеми оттенками серого, а также фурнитурой цвета алюминий или титан. Именно на фоне этого оттенка зеленого будет красиво выделяться натуральная зелень комнатных растений. Здесь будут уместны такие грубые, но фактурные растения как сансевиерия, замиокулькас, толстянка.
Деревянную мебель для такого дизайна лучше выбирать темного цвета венге. С осторожностью нужно использовать цвет оливок для маленьких комнат, этот цвет приближает, а как следствие зрительно уменьшает объем. Персиковый способен удачно контрастировать с ним при условии соблюдения практически равных пропорций. Также этот нежный фруктовый цвет в достаточном количестве аннигилирует визуальное сужение. Olive будет уместен как в классических, так и в современных дизайнах кухонь.
The most successful trio
Green, orange, purple - these are the right companions, selected according to all the rules of color. Applying three colors in the interior, one needs to choose the main one, which will be supplemented by two others, used in less saturated versions and smaller quantities. For the design of the kitchen, it is wise to make the main color set. It should be noted that orange color is able to arouse appetite, so if you do not want to fight with a constant false sense of hunger, do not put a lot of orange on the focus points.
Green, blue, purple. For kitchens with windows facing south, you can use this combination of cold rows. It is not necessary to use colors in pure form, it is better to diversify the shades by choosing azure blue, lilac or lavender. When choosing colors, rely on your natural taste.
For kitchens with a lack of sunlight, it is appropriate to use a palette of lemon, carrot and the color of a green apple. These colors will provide scarce energy, can awaken and invigorate in the morning.
The Right Duets
To create an aggressive design, you can combine green with red or black, these combinations are the most contrasting and vivid. Such palettes are suitable for hyperactive people who are in constant movement, rushing, and a phlegmatic person is likely to be annoyed or too quickly bored. If you are not sure that this combination will please you for a long time, then you can think over the design with moving contrast elements to replace them at any time, we are talking about tables, chairs, curtains; and the stationary components, walls, ceiling, floor, built-in headset, paint in green or other neutral color, the use of which is beyond doubt.
A gorgeous pair of green with brown or with a tree. Brown is a derivative of the most provocative red, but has a more calm character, not causing a storm of emotions. In combination with natural shades of green, it creates a wonderful atmosphere for relaxation. Despite the contrast of this neighborhood, this combination is universal and suitable for any temperament.
Design a variety of variations of green and wood colors for the headset, they will necessarily all be successful.
Green at all times has been relevant, its popularity is unquenchable. The most natural and natural color is always associated with the summer heat and the refreshing coolness of the coniferous forest. Using a green tone in the interior, color therapy is performed, aimed at restoring strength, health, and psycho-emotional balance. Using these or other combinations with green you can achieve almost any effect, whether it be a romantic romance or male independent logic, constructivism. There is no doubt that the green environment impresses everyone.
When creating a green kitchen, do not forget about the basic rules of design. Consider all the principles of color, observe proportions, adhere to visual balance, do not forget about the influence of lighting on the color palette, be sure to listen to the opinion of professional designers. With all of the above, you can create the perfect green and not just the interior of the kitchen.