Magnificent tschuggen grand hotel in the swiss alps

Cost of living in Tschuggen Grand starts from $ 423 per night. However, guests are guaranteed not to be bored here. By own railway you will be delivered to a 70-kilometer ski track. Do not want to skate? Near the hotel there is a route for trekking 25 km long, passing through picturesque Alps. It can be overcome on foot, on a mountain bike or try your hand at snowshoeing. After an active holiday, it is very pleasant to swim in an outdoor pool with a water temperature of +35 degrees. Or visit the exclusive spa, the passage of which is organized through a heated glass bridge. There are four gourmet restaurants in Tschuggen Grand. Oh yeah, and you can come here on private helicopter.

Photogallery Total | 10 pictures Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps Magnificent Tschuggen Grand Hotel in the Swiss Alps