The main characteristic that determines the country style (countryside) is the diversity. The Russian hut, a bright Ukrainian hut, an English cottage or a Mediterranean country house - all this quite fits the definition of "peasant" style. The main thing that unites various types of design is the proximity to the extremely simple rural life. At the same time, it does not matter which country or culture they are talking about. When creating an interior, comfort and convenience are put in the forefront. Elegant and refined decor is not very appropriate. All interior items are durable, reliable to roughness. It can be seen that they can serve more than one generation, but several. The theme of today's material is the design of the kitchen in the country style, its features, the main features and ways to translate design ideas.
However, for all its many facets, there are a number of basic features that define style canons:
- Use of natural materials;
- Natural color palette;
- Rectilinear geometry of interior items;
- Use of a large number of textiles;
- Shelves and lockers, open or closed.
The origins of the style refer to the time when nothing was known about plastics and polymers to mankind. Therefore, such materials will look in rural design, to put it mildly, weird. There is no place in it for chrome parts. It is advisable to replace them with forged metal. The mixer can be made of material simulating an ornamental stone, for example, malachite, marble or granite. Relevant in the interior and stone table top. But stone is quite expensive material. You can solve this problem using an artificial stone. In general, special attention must be given to the materials for the manufacture of countertops and sinks, since these working areas are most intensively exploited.
Natural wood is the most commonly used material for country interiors. Of the varieties of wood preferred over budgetary options - birch, pine, spruce, linden.
Color Solutions
With all the diversity of color options, the country style does not accept any "acid" and too bright colors. Optimal shades for the prevailing color are pastel. Milky, soft blue, light yellow, white and beige - these colors create the impression of rest, peace, peace and comfort. In addition, they visually increase the room, which is especially important for a small kitchenette. Darker colors can be used as accents, for highlighting certain zones, giving saturation to the interior. It is best to choose as "accent" olive, terracotta and brown. Kitchen design will look original and stylish, thanks to well-chosen combinations.
Read also: Kitchen design of a small area (30 real photos)
Basics of finishing
The main feature of finishing the kitchen, sustained in a rustic style is that in the finish, natural materials should be predominantly used. However, some of them are very expensive, others are not practical enough. Let's try to find a suitable compromise option and choose the best types of finishes.
The decoration of the walls in the style of "country" can be varied:
- Staining. Here you should give preference to the natural "rustic" color scheme: shades of beige, green, olive or brown. Of neutral tones, white and gray are appropriate.
- Decorative plaster with deliberate negligence. She emphasizes the old-fashioned and simple interior. It seems that the diligent but not very skillful owners themselves worked on the arrangement of the kitchen.
- Wallpaper. Uniform cloths are unlikely to look authentic. Much more appropriate plant motifs, strip, cage or original ethnic patterns.
- Tile. Practical and relatively inexpensive ceramics are perfect for wall covering in the work area. It is also possible with the option of tiling the walls completely, and not just in the work area.
- Wall panels. The use of wooden plating is the best suited for recreating rural life, so their use will have to be very useful.
- Brick. This can be a natural material or wall coverings with imitation of masonry. Simplicity, naturalness and old-fashionedness are exactly what the designer wants. However, the kitchen "in brick" looks too cramped and uncomfortable, so it is appropriate to combine this material with wood or paint the walls.
To decorate the ceiling, you can use these options:
- Whitewash. This decoration looks very organic. The smoothness inherent in modern styles is completely inappropriate here. Accurate negligence and "sloppy", rough surfaces with brush marks - that quite corresponds to style requirements. Does the plaster crack over time? This is absolutely not critical and can not be better suited to the country.
- Matt stretch ceilings. Reflective surface is not suitable categorically! This is an inexpensive and practical option. With a careful attitude, the tension surface can last for a long time. The disadvantage of this option is that the stretched fabric "eats" about 4 cm of height, which is not so little for a low-rise apartment.
- Tree. This material can turn a kitchen in a city apartment into a cozy "house in the village" (just like in advertising) or a closed terrace in the country. However, wood of a natural shade makes the ceiling visually lower. Therefore, it is advisable to use a wooden lining, painted white. You get a cozy kitchen in Scandinavian motives (the sun in Norway and Sweden - the visitor is infrequent, so the Scandinavians adore bright colors).
- Whitewashing + tree. This is the use of ceiling beams against whitewash. The interior is cozy and habitable. However, all materials must necessarily be of the best quality. In addition, this option is suitable only for high ceilings (from 3 meters).
Optimal, according to the canons of style, are materials such as wooden floorboards, stone or ceramic tiles. The first two materials are expensive and not available to everyone. A good alternative to wooden floors is a parquet board. It is cheaper than solid wood, and outwardly almost does not differ from the natural material. Even cheaper options - linoleum or laminate with a realistic imitation of wood. If you choose floor coverings with a high class of strength, they will not just look nice, but they will last long enough. Natural stone can be replaced with tiles made of porcelain stoneware. It is desirable to choose a cover with imitation of natural stone or ethnic patterns. The black and white range fits well in the Provencal interior.
If the kitchen serves as a dining room at the same time, different types of floor coverings can be used to zoned the room. For example, in the working area of the studio, kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room is appropriate tile, and for the dining area suitable tree or its imitation. As for the color of the floor, it can be both natural and colored.
Beautifully fit in the "village" decoration of the kitchen colorful knitted or woven rugs, you can and homemade.
Lighting кухни, выполненной в деревенском стиле, сочетает использование искусственного и естественного освещения. Подбирая подходящие осветительные приборы для кухни, нужно позаботиться о том, чтобы они были выдержаны в едином стиле с предметами мебели, текстилем и декоративными элементами. Некоторые дизайнеры любят играть «на контрастах», разместив посреди сельского интерьера богато оформленную и вполне современную люстру. Однако, подобные смелые решения требуют опыта и особенного таланта, иначе можно скатиться в примитивный китч.
Here are some design tips for choosing a lamp in the kitchen of the country:
- Chandeliers for antiquity will complement the picture of peasant life. Tiffany chandeliers with stained glass will look especially good. No less successful choice - chandeliers with light bulbs that imitate candles. A cheaper option is a lampshade in the retro style: glass, plastic or textile, on a spiral suspension.
- The shade of lighting is preferable to warm, close to the natural. The interior will seem cozy, and the variegation of textures, shades and textures - not so screaming. Color lighting is undesirable.
- A good solution is to equip the kitchen with a dimmer, a device for adjusting the intensity of lighting. At will, it can be made muffled, cozy or, on the contrary, very bright. Thanks to the dimmer, it is realistic to create the impression that the kitchen is lit by the flames from the fireplace or candles.
- In addition to the central chandelier, it is advisable to use additional lighting from the wall lamp or table lamp. Unusually, but very beautiful will look in a spacious room floor lamp, located next to the kitchen sofa.
Furniture and equipment
Country is an embodiment of old-fashionedness. Therefore it is quite logical that all the elements of civilization are better hidden behind the furniture facades. This applies to washing machines and dishwashers, the AGV column, the microwave oven, the refrigerator, etc. But the kitchen stove, hood and oven can hardly be hidden, so it is advisable to choose them in retro style. This technique is on sale, it is not a problem to find. As for furniture, here the requirements are as follows:
- A set of kitchen furniture. Ideal if it is wooden. Products from MDF or chipboard finished with veneer are also good. The decor can be carved, metallic; appropriate glass inserts.
- The design of the cabinet can be massive, antique, or lightweight, with open shelves. This is quite in the spirit of country. Ceramic utensils or clay pots, exposed for show, embody coziness, simplicity and rustic hospitality. Capsules for tea, a bunch of medicinal herbs, containers for bulk products - all this is fully functional and at the same time serves as a decor.
- The color of furniture depends on the size of the room. A large, well-lit kitchen, even furnished with dark massive furniture, will not look overwhelmed with interior items. If the room is small, then much more appropriate light furniture (shades of ivory, beige, cream and gray colors).
- The table and chairs can be woven from vines, rattan or wooden. Looks good forged furniture.
- The use of corner lockers helps to better equip the space.
For a realistic reproduction of rural life, you can use chairs of different types and shades in the dining group. Instead of the usual furniture, you can order products of "summer" design. For example, a rough-knit table with a cross-shaped substratum.
Consider how you can blossom the "rural" decoration of the kitchen with accessories and textiles. Curtains should be made of natural fabric. It can be monophonic, in a box, a flower, peas or with fruit patterns. Very original look products, decorated with lace and embroidery. As for design, it can be different: from traditional "grandmother's" curtains to completely modern curtains pleated, roll or Roman. You can also use the decoration in the form of lambrequin. The color range of the scenery is natural: green, yellow, blue, blue. Finish decorating the window of the plant in ceramic pots (begonia, cacti, aloe, calanchoe and, of course, geranium). For the decor of the kitchen, you can use these types of accessories:
- Baskets of vine and metal, stylized boxes and chests;
- Деревянная или глиняная посуда. Walls можно украсить декоративными тарелками;
- A real kerosene lamp, stylized antique candlesticks;
- Napkins, connected with their own hands, cloth dolls, homespun tablecloth;
- Embroidered paintings;
- Hours are "walking".
By the way, these same elements can be used in the arrangement of a living room.
It is desirable that the elements of the decor are combined according to the color scheme or patterns with curtains.
Country - an unusual, original style, which opens almost unlimited possibilities for creativity. However, if the kitchen is small, you need to be careful not to overload the interior with excessive decor. However, if you creatively approach the matter, even in the tiniest kitchen up to 10 square meters. m, not to mention the spacious, you can create a beautiful design, not oversaturated with details.