To the meeting of the coming New Year are being prepared with special trepidation. Thought not only a festive menu, but also an important component - serving the New Year's table, which hosts guests and hosts. And not for the first year the table for Novogodya is made out according to the rules of the Eastern calendar. Consider the color and tastes of the animal ruling the year, the priorities in food.
And the right choice is the color design of the New Year's table in tonalities:
- green;
- brown;
- yellow;
- sand;
- beige;
- golden;
- white.
By the way, shades of khaki, marsala will come. But should not be present as dark, gloomy, and flashy tones. If such a palette seems to be masters of a strict and pale, it is diluted with bright accents, for example, red.
If the furniture top is made of wood or material in shades of wood, will support the color tonality of the New Year's eco-table. Then it will not be necessary to cover the table with a tablecloth, which corresponds to this style.
Variants of the New Year's decoration
There are a lot of them. Here are examples that you can take note.
- Minimalism and grace - for those who meet the New Year in a narrow circle. On a circle, a square or a rectangle of a table are placed the devices for each participant of the celebration. The middle of the table top is occupied by a composition of ornaments and candles. The color accompaniment of this style will be supported by beige, red, green, brown, white, gold.
- White and gold decoration, although traditional, but still attractive for many people who meet the New Year. Candles and dishes are selected in white or in shades of milky and beige, which adds to the atmosphere of warmth. Light and purity will provide elements of pastel, gold and green tonalities. With them, "friends" are wooden objects, metal candlesticks, fringing on plates and dishes.
- Fans of fantasy options can combine in creating a festive atmosphere of different textures and colors. The last should be 3-4 to avoid getting unnecessary variegation. The dishes are preferably monophonic or with unobtrusive ornament. Napkins are matched to match tablecloths, ornaments - in accordance with the general style of the New Year's entourage.
- In the living room with a lot of wooden objects it is appropriate to decorate the table of wood. The dishes in this case are set simple, giving a soft luster. A large number of candles will create the illusion of a fireplace fire. Tablecloth and napkins from natural fabrics - in warm dairy, beige, burgundy, brick, green shades.
- White-red color combination will also create a festive atmosphere for the New Year. Softens the contrast of cold white and hot red warm candle light. Especially if the upper lighting is muted or not at all. Dilute the white and red background yellow tonality and a combination of cold and warm tones.
To celebrate the New Year is necessary at the table, covered with a suitable tablecloth triumph. Choose the canvas in accordance with the size of the table top in the priority color scheme. The best option will be a tablecloth of dense fabric in one tone or 2-3 copies of different tonality. You can use tablecloths and in a restrained color.
One option may be a linen cloth or a sackcloth. Spectacular and rich looks brocade. If you choose a silk tablecloth, there is a chance of encountering an unstable position of dishes on the table. Silk has a sliding property, and everything located on the table will move out.
Variations for the tablecloth on the table set:
- Classical location is relevant at all times. At the same light fabric will add more light in the room, damped warm and natural tones will bring a note of comfort to the room.
- The rectangular tablecloth laid on the diagonal looks spectacularly on a round, standard table. The highlight of this option will be a combination of contrasting paintings or shades of one key.
- Originally looks like a cover, similar to the carpet track. In this case, the tablecloth is taken in width, slightly not reaching the side faces of the table top.
- A catchy background for dishes and dishes is achieved with the help of 2 tablecloths. The base (in beige, cream or sand shade) covers the whole table. Auxiliary - a bright key (for example, red, green) and the length is the same as the first, but with a width not exceeding 3/4 of the main one.
The most suitable cloth for a tablecloth is a smooth or fleecy fabric of the right color. It is also suitable white, but it more corresponds to a spacious brightly lit room. As well as too light tablecloths, against which a festive look of utensils and cutlery is lost in the twilight.
Finished colorful napkins with New Year's stories will help any mistress. Doing with them does not need anything, these attributes are beautiful and so. But if the variants, fabric or paper, are made in the same color, the beauty and originality of the design will not hurt them.
The simplest thing is to decorate the napkins with special rings made of wood, metal, paper or ribbons. You can decorate the rings with small Christmas-tree toys depicting the symbol of the New Year's holiday.
But there is a temptation to fold the figures from the napkins to fit New Year's. More commonly used for folding are the options for Christmas trees. One of them is not difficult to perform. It will take a folded four-fold napkin. From the planned middle fold from 1/2 on the left form a triangle, which must be bent twice pressed on the median line. So do with 1/2 wipes on the right. Get a wavy Christmas tree. It should be put on a plate.
It is possible to make a candle from a folded corner of a napkin. Cone-shaped workpiece should be rolled, beginning from the base. They put a candle on a plate, straightening the waves.
If there are children at the table, for them 2 napkins twisted into a tube are decorated with Christmas bells for gold. Unfolding a napkin, children hear a magic ringing.
There are many options for folding napkins. It is important that these holiday attributes are combined with a tablecloth. Which of them to prefer, fabric or paper, the hospitable mistress decides. And do not forget about the functional purpose of napkins.
Very important: There are symbols of the year in the Eastern calendar, which do not like pretentiousness. Echoing their tastes, to the edges of each napkin is just attached tinsel and in the form of a triangle put on a serving plate.
After the tablecloth is spread, the order of the dishes arrives. The set includes a variety of options. They include:
- serving plates;
- cutlery (preferably silver or with a silvery tinge) for different dishes;
- glasses;
- glasses;
- wine glasses.
The dishes for the New Year's feast preferably use a simple, no-nonsense, but beautifully decorated. In the priority - rounded forms of specimens. Color performance should not be too bright or dark. The use of several shades and different textures and shapes in the dishes will achieve an indelible effect. On the table for the coming year, the best dishware variations will be clay, semi- and porcelain, wooden and products of thick colored glass.
Cutlery can be bandaged with ribbons in the beloved colors of the animal - the ruler of the year. This will give the overall composition on the table a kind of chic. In addition, it will make it easier for the hostess to replace the already used appliances with clean ones.
The main wide plate should be beautiful and with a New Year's plot (on it the remaining plates are placed when changing the dishes). Well, if it's a service. But in the absence of such a set will help out in white, which is temporarily easy to transform, using stickers, foil, sequins.
Exactly not place on the table on the occasion of Novogodya plastic, broken and not washed to shine copies. All the whole dishes should sparkle with purity and reflect the festive illumination on the surface.
On the table you need to put dishes according to the number of guests with the hosts. If there are not enough items from one set, it is better to supplement with copies that are close in similarity to those in the basic set. The dimensions of all objects must contain food without blocking the space. Dishes with cooked dishes are important to arrange so that everyone can easily take what they need.
Elements of decor
A festive atmosphere creates and properly organized decor. In this case, you should also choose natural colors and materials. But also from shine it is not necessary to refuse. Here, assistants are, first of all, garlands, Bengal lights, and also sources of natural light. Fire can come from the fireplaces. But since there are not many who they have, candles are an alternative.
Comfort and magic are achieved by arranging a large number of candles of different sizes. Massive and thin candles in candlesticks made of metal, glass, ceramics will give the room a mystery. The tone of attributes is preferable simple and clean, for example, dairy, burgundy. Metallic shades, such as copper, gold, silver, are not excluded.
Read also: Decor bottles with ribbons - beautiful ways to design
When serving the table, small candles are placed next to the devices of every New Year's celebrant. In the center of the table, several large candles are set: their fire resembles a fireplace, such a hearth unites and "warms". Around the table on the curbstones and shelves, you can also put the candles, not forgetting about the fire safety.
As decoration on the table, small figures of the symbol of the coming year are used. And, for example, if it's a Dog, the soft toys and figurines depicting it are appropriate. They should be supplemented with figures of stones and favorite treats of this animal. Strengthen the elegance of serving the table with wooden elements, plants, dried flowers, berries, sprouts of cloves, vanilla sticks and, of course, twigs of coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar). Decorating the table with Christmas toys, beads, garlands, create a flickering background on the table for the New Year's feast.
Accessories should be a thematic picture of the feast. Their presence in a reasonable amount should not interfere with the arrangement of plates with festive dishes, snacks, desserts. According to safety rules, quickly flammable dried flowers and tinsel should be placed away from the candle flame.
It is very important: When decorating the table for the New Year, it is wise to adhere to the advice "not to overdo it". And, instead of piling up complex compositions, it is better to limit oneself to a few. It can be low trays with cones, spruce branches, tangerines, candles. To place a New Year's ikebana is preferable in the middle of the table on a wide golden ribbon.
Serving rules
Serving the New Year's table and placing the dishes in priority is taking care of the comfort of the guests. Cutlery should be in accordance with the rules of etiquette. The number of items should be equal to the number of guests and hosts.
A beautiful, glossy serving should be comfortable and functional. And since dishes - the main attribute for eating New Year's dishes, it is placed on the edges of the table. Plates are stacked, next - glasses and forks.
Serving rules provide the following sequence:
- The tablecloth hangs on all sides with its ends 30-35 cm;
- Napkins folded in a triangle or folded into a tube are located on each set of plates;
- The plates are placed in the order in which the dishes are planned to be served. And if the plate for hot is at first, it is placed on a plate for snacks. In this case, all such dishes are put in 2 cm from the edge of the table;
- cutlery put, starting from certain norms. Plug the prongs up to the left of the plate. The knife is placed on the right, unfolding its point to the plate. Dessert spoons are placed on the right side of the knife, scoop down;
- glasses and glasses will take place to the right of the plates and in the order in which it is planned to serve drinks. Thus the placed glasses should not be an obstacle for the use of instruments;
- salt and pepper put in the center of the table in special stands. To these vessels it is not superfluous to add soup with mustard, sauces, butter;
- vases with flowers - they should be provided on a large table according to the number of bouquets. The replacement will be a small bouquet near the appliances for everyone sitting at the table. We must make sure that the flowers do not crumble and do not block dishes from the guests;
- Cold appetizers on dishes in the middle part of the countertop are better to repeat at opposite ends of the table, so that New Year's people can reach these dishes by themselves.
In the "buffet", meat, fish, vegetable dishes have groups. The food is prepared in such a way that it is easy to take with a fork and eat without using a knife. And this - all kinds of canapes, tartlets, slicing.
Decoration and proper serving of dishes
In the decoration of the table, you must observe the measure, so as not to interfere with the arrangement of dishes cooked appetizing and decorated with taste. But even the usual slicing turns into the decoration of the table for the New Year. And there are several rules that will help to give dishes a uniqueness.
The products are cut very thinly with a slicer or sharp knife. When choosing the combinations of products are guided by the tastes of the owners. But do not combine too juicy and dried ingredients to prevent the juice from changing the taste.
Observance of the color compatibility of the components of cutting will make a beautiful composite layout.
There are plenty of options for laying out cut products. Here are some of them:
- a fruit plate is obtained from rows of rounded dishes of oranges with peel, peeled mandarins, the middle is given to the "flowers" of kiwi. Fill the dish in a round-out manner from the edge to the center, alternating the ingredient of one tonality with another shade;
- taking a rectangular dish in the form of a "tortoise", spread on it the taken products in rows, with one product occupying its own row. For decor take slices of lemon, cranberry berries, sprigs of fresh dill;
- as from cheese with a filling, and from a ham, sausages the remarkable rolls fastened by a skewer, - for it take a dish.
To surprise visitors it is possible, having built a fur-tree ikebana where coniferous branches represent the chopped cheese, a cucumber, sausage. Delicious "needles" thread on a skewer, attached to the center of the dish. Fruit "paws" of spruce are obtained from lemon, grapefruit, kiwi. Moss under such "Christmas trees" depict contrasting in color cut vegetables and fruits, berries and pomegranate grains.
Salads, salads
In the decoration of salads apply well-known options. From the appropriate products are created a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, a dog, a New Year's clock.
If there is no time, then these methods will help out:
- Cut the red Bulgarian pepper into clean pieces and peel the seeds. On the prepared salad, each half is put peel outward, resulting in "bells". "Tongues" are made from feathers of green onions, the top of the salad ellipse is decorated with dill sprigs.
- The "clock" with arrows is made on an even surface of the salad. On its circumference it is enough to draw figures 3, 6, 9, 12, the rest are designated by olives. For the arrows selected ingredients that are "at hand".
- Many salads are served in a mixed uneven form. For their decoration use a yolk of boiled eggs, grated on a grater, pomegranate granules, cranberry berries. The salad surface is simply plentifully sprinkled with one of these ingredients.
But the most affordable as a decoration for salad slices of products from which a salad dish is made, and greens. It is not difficult to make a rose from a sausage (tomato) and add a leaf of a green salad. So you can decorate a separate piece of salad cake.
What's hot
As for hot dishes, on the eve of its preparation it is worthwhile to think about decor. Especially if the dish is made in the middle, like, for example, pilaf, roast. For traditional baked in the oven goose can use papyolki on paws and apples, pears, lemons for obkladyvaniya birds, twigs of fresh greens. Do not forget about the figuratively chopped carrots, beets, cucumber, fruits.
If the garnish is served separately, it is necessary to prepare a colorful mashed potatoes from potatoes and build a slide from it. The dyes for this are natural vegetable juices. Similarly come with pasta, which is best done by yourself.
Not bad cope with the role of the decor of dishes whipped cream, sour cream. "Shapochka" of these salted foods will add a zest to the dish or take the place of the sauce.
Fresh fruit on a large platter (can be in several tiers), spilled in sparkling transparent decanters natural juice - these products will bring to the New Year's table the memories of childhood. And an integral part of the New Year - tangerines are good on a separate dish, and as a basis for fruit assortment.
Unnecessary Tips
The abundance and variety of delicious dishes and drinks is an indispensable condition for creating a good mood for the guests. Priority on the table will be cooked variations of meat and meat components in salads, sandwiches, sliced. Supplement the picture of the celebration of vegetables, fruits and small snacks.
Dishes are served in the right order. Access to them meeting New Year should be unlimited. Arranged items and food, taking into account the needs of everyone sitting at the table.
A multi-storeyed tiered dish will help out in case of convenient and solemn arrangement of sweets and fruits. It will also save space on the table.
Appetizers "one tooth" is best served with skewers, decorated with images of the symbol of the year.
To each napkin you need to attach a name plate - so it will be easier for guests to sit at a table. The tablets on each plate (next to it) are also relevant, with images of the animal, the ruler of the coming year, made on them.
Do not interfere and handing each guest a presentation in the form of a miniature animal made of wood, cloth, clay. A gift wrapped in a golden package can also be put next to each guest's personal plate.
The first night of the year is greeted at a beautifully decorated and decorated table. And the variety of hearty and delicious dishes predicts an abundance of food for the whole year.