Kitchen - the embodiment of practicality, aesthetics, cleanliness, home, the room in which meetings occur, communication of family members. At different times of the day, this part of the house should leave a corresponding calming and inspiring impression. Modern types of interior allow you to comfortably equip the most non-standard rooms, and design the kitchen 12 square meters. m is designed not only to be practical, but also exclusive, uniting the work area with a dining area, including a bar, a sofa.
From the disadvantages - the possible location of the dining table at the end of the kitchen. Acceptable styles - minimalism, contemporary, supermatism. It is important to avoid placing dark shades at eye level and above, creating the impression of tightness in the narrow kitchen.
Two-Line Layout
If the width of the kitchen is from 1.5 m in the aisle, there may be a two-line, parallel arrangement of furniture. A rectangular table will visually enlarge the elongated kitchen. If most of the kitchen is dedicated to the dining area, then the table and seats can be chosen for every taste. It is better to abandon the upper row of lockers, installing in their place open shelves, and better - pictures, or prefer a transparent structure of glass.
With an impressive ceiling height, the lighting should not be excessively elevated so that the kitchen does not become like a well. Most likely, wall lights will be welcome. The recommended zoning of the working area is a special design of the wall.
U-shaped layout
For a rectangular room, the U-shaped arrangement of furniture is well suited, but for the harmonious operation of the kitchen the length of the sides should not exceed 1.5-2.5 m, and the length of the crossbar should be more than 2 m. The kitchen, combined with the living room. Along the "crossbar" with a window can be a sofa or rare furniture.
L-shaped layout
Perfect choice for a square kitchen and a large family. A lot of lockers, the most extensive working area, expanse for a variety of furniture and household appliances, including a washing machine and ending with a wine cabinet. This type of interior allows the owner to successfully implement the most daring ideas of the kitchen.
C-shaped layout
This layout is suitable in case of the combination of two zones, when the area of the adjoining room is reduced in favor of increasing the kitchen. If there is no need in the working area of the kitchen, the technique will fit in the minimum format: a refrigerator, retractable under the countertop, an oven with microwave functions, a double-burner plate, a bar counter, replacing a large dining table.
Island type of cuisine
This type of interior involves a partial arrangement of furniture in the center, in the form of an island, or a peninsula (against a wall), separately from the main row of cabinets, in an area of sufficient quadrature, taking into account the number of family members, their preferences, which is quite acceptable for one person or couples without children . The island is a dining area, hob and storage space, with a modern, stylish look.
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The presence of 1.2 m of width between the island and a number of cabinets gives a basis for this type of interior. Under the seats can be located drawers with dishes. Small-sized chairs on high legs, surrounding the same compact dining table, will be useful to accommodate a company of several people in the event of reception.
About Styles
How to choose the style of the kitchen suitable for you.
Massive furnishings, natural decoration materials, carved facades, elegant ornaments are attributes of the classical style. The situation involves the placement of modern household appliances that do not fit into strict stylistics, inside cabinets, plenty of free space, and, of course, practicality, elegance, refinement, comfort, beauty.
Characteristic for minimalism: minimal amount of things, minimum decor, restraint of color scale, maximum functionality, plenty of space and light, correct geometric shapes of compact objects, free material preference. With the overestimated cost of such furniture, its advantage is that everything in this kitchen will be placed. For the design of the kitchen 12 square meters minimalism is a completely acceptable solution, but is there not a lot of emptiness on the ascetic and orderly "footage"?
High tech
Glass, metal, shiny surfaces, simple shapes, equipped with mechanical devices, push-button fittings with a "steering wheel" can turn a kitchen room into a real control room of a spacecraft.
"High technology" is good with minimalism, loft style or others, emphasizing functionality, simplicity. The artificiality of materials, the transformation of forms, the cold shine, the lack of handicraft knickknacks - all this may be reminiscent of success, but some kitchens would not be prevented by a bit of "warmth".
Романтика, уют, тепло, структурность не отполированных поверхностей, декор из натуральных образцов охотничьей, рыбацкой тематики, глиняная посуда, изделия ручной работы, камин, кресло-качалка — составляющие атмосферы настоящего загородного дома. Country отличается не только сельской простотой, но и происхождением — подобие русской избы, американского ранчо, а может быть, швейцарского шале удастся воплотить в планировке кухни 12 квадратов на современный лад.
A few design recommendations
For the interior design of the kitchen 12 sq.m. m, adjacent to the balcony, there are also a lot of options to give the atmosphere interesting features. For example, a partition belonging to a balcony can serve as a bar counter or serve as a support for a newly-attached locker. And the exit to the balcony can be made in the form of an arch or decorated with a glass door (you only need to provide for the insulation of the balcony for the time of cold weather).
Zoning methods:
- furniture with the method of its arrangement;
- features of the construction of the room - podium, niches, arches, partitions, semi-walls;
- lighting;
- multi-level ceilings.
With ceiling heights of 2.5-2.7 m, the headset can reach the ceiling itself, which will create an additional volume - for storing utensils and hiding the outlines of the hood or other purposes.
Textiles in the kitchen have the property of getting dirty, absorb odors: it is better to replace it with an alternative to a material that is tolerant to frequent washing and resistant to penetration of fat.
An extract in the kitchen of 12 square meters is of the utmost importance: with its insufficient functionality, those present will be forced to inhale all the evaporation of the cooked food.
Save space of the dining area with a corner kitchen design of 12 m2 can be installed with a hanging top and the same seats with a support at a right angle from the wall: when the dinner is complete, the dishes are removed to the sink and the counter top returns to the inoperative vertical position.
In the design of kitchen projects of 12 sq. M, the diagonal method of laying tiles is considered, expanding visually.
About the color palette
The desire to create an unforgettable mood in the kitchen space during its design often involves extravagant receptions, including the choice of color, which goes far beyond ordinary ones. It is worth recalling that light colors and their blotches visually expand any space, and the kitchen design of the 12 square will only benefit from this technique.
The ceiling, the facade of the headset, the furniture and the floor can be white or pastel colors, and bright accessories will highlight them well and complement the color scheme. Saturated colors restrict space and make objects less voluminous. For the western side, it is recommended to decorate the kitchen in green and yellow colors, orange walls, white furniture. For well-lit, perhaps more improvisations with dark colors. White, black, lilac - a palette for a spacious kitchen. Consider a few bold color solutions for the kitchen.
Brown in the kitchen
Brown - to match the majority of finishing materials, is universal for a kitchen of any style, practical, combined with any color (it becomes fresh with blue, lilac and less strict with pink and warm shades), a color favorable for the psyche. It looks good with bright walls, in a spacious lighted dwelling with large windows. Incorrect use of brown can be associated with gloominess, and dark brown is rarely successful with red, but a competent combination of tones - a little brown and white, gives a winning option, brings a feeling of coziness, warmth. Brown is recommended for classics, English style, loft, country.
Golden is the color of luxury, exacting to the refinement of the situation and combined with all the colors of the sun (better in a 1: 3 ratio), as well as white, black, gray, brown, shades of blue. Over-saturation with gold is harmful: more than a few finishing elements or objects in this color (chandeliers, vases, photo frames, hoods, mixer, furniture fittings) are in harmony with exquisite details and natural materials in order to maintain balance and emphasize the nobility of style.
The sink or chairs of the chairs can be gilded. Unacceptable excess pretentiousness in terms of decoration, accessories on the background of gold - it will reduce its importance and become a minus in the interior. The western side or the desire to visually make the kitchen more illuminated - the prerequisites for using gold: bronze wallpaper, golden plaster, brass shiny coatings. Applicable in the style of art deco, minimalism, hi-tech.
Blue or blue?
The cool color of the sky in the kitchen moderates the appetite, helps reduce pressure, tends to mental activity, is associated with cleanliness and freshness. Blue is ideal in summer heat and is unjustifiably cold on winter evenings, so it's best to use it selectively, dilute with yellow and red details, limit to blue curtains instead of wallpaper, or glue blue one wall. Ideal with white, including Gzhel painting, Chinese porcelain, Spanish tiles; good with neutral colors, turquoise, lilac, purple, black, gold, green. Applicable in the style of art deco, Provence, Empire, Scandinavian.
Friendly yellow
A successful solution for a dark or small kitchen, color stimulates activity, digestion, animates the interior, is optimal as accessories (curtains), or background, as its excess can be tiring.
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He has a lot of shades: lemon, olive, cream, peach, sand, wood, which perfectly complement each other and are recommended for painting the walls and decorating the kitchen set. Yellow looks balanced with gray, white gives luminescence, green animates, and together with pink interior becomes more gentle.
Red kitchen
Color extroverts and irrepressible originals, people mobile and hospitable, has an expanding and approximating property for the perception of objects, increases pressure and appetite. Suitable for spacious kitchens, but in large volumes tiring.
It should be noted that bright, but muffled tones will eliminate the oversaturation effect in doubtful cases, they are almost always win-win in combination with others that there are warm, warming, enhancing colors, and cool, refreshing colors that are important for the northern or southern sides of the world. The same color can please or oppress: red is counterbalanced by its opposite - blue, but more pleasant in a chord with light blue. It is rarely used as the main, and more often - to impart a pulse into the overall gamut.
"Fifty noble shades"
Gray will emphasize the tranquility, freshness, refinement of the hearth, neutral and versatile, capable of emphasizing the charm of any color. Gray facilitates the saturation of interior decorations, enhances the beauty of natural materials, ideal and practical as a background, considered noble, acceptable for classics, art deco, as well as high-tech. The kitchen is flawless classic white and gray, but in a chord with any other color - lilac, red, light green, beige - gray - metallic, asphalt, graphite, silver - gives rise to a new mood. A lot of materials - tiles, parquet, granite, wood look good against the gray background.
Sharp black: "good compositions"
Black - the color of extravagance, hi-tech, industrial, kontemporari, with white - as a classic and art deco, good in brightly lit kitchens, not for decoration of small rooms, only a small amount will emphasize the refinement of style, but its predominance gives a negative weighting effect. Black is especially good in composition with white and red.
White - the color of purity, refreshing and expanding, allowing endlessly to experiment with the design of the room, the color is beyond competition. In terms of marginality, dark colors lose to white, and in terms of care, the quality of materials is more significant in practice.
Цвет не будет выглядеть слишком официально в кухне с теплым освещением, а также с добавлением ярких деталей, к тому же, существует много тонов белого: молочный, синеватый, приближенный к пастельным. Classic, прованс, минимализм, кантри — популярные стили, использующие белый.
For violet, the most suitable are the Scandinavian style, fusion, pop art, high-tech, modern. In connection with its overwhelming psychic effect, it is rarely used for registration in its pure form.
Yellow, white, light brown in color, of materials - gold, bronze, wood - the most spectacular in the environment of the violet.
From these arguments it follows that the space, with an area of 12 meters, stores a lot of opportunities that there is a chance to realize with the next repair, bringing to perfection the kitchen of your dreams. It is worth mentioning, the interior design of the kitchen 12 sq. M. m is suitable for the implementation of any style, and its creation is an individual process, and the combination of directions with a non-standard approach has not yet been canceled.