While doing the design of a children's room for a boy, it is worth considering the age of the child. If the crumb before 3 years can safely be placed in the parent bedroom and do not attach special importance to the design, the older child already has its own interests, preferences, has a character, personality. It is necessary to take into account these nuances when planning the design of a children's room for a boy.
To create an ideal interior, consider the following factors:
- The size of the available space. Depending on the available space, choose the options for decoration, furniture. Optimal colors, lighting and much more are selected;
- Number of children placed, their age. If the interior is thought out for two or more children, the rational use of space will help a comfortable stay. A competent calculation will help you get a comfortable, beautiful space;
- Possible budget. Repair, filling the room entirely depend on financial possibilities.
The ideal children's room for the boy includes several obligatory zones: sleeping, working, playing, sports. Depending on the available space, some of them can be combined, combined.
Age features of a child for a boy
Choosing the design of a room for a boy, the first thing to take care of the age-appropriate. The kid is offered a bright, colorfully decorated room, furnished with all kinds of pictures. A teenager of similar frills does not appreciate. A matured child should choose the ultramodern design, laconic, restrained. The absence of unnecessary decorative elements will only be a plus.
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Boy's room up to 3 years old
The decision to place crumbs separately from birth is rare. This option confuses parents with the need to constantly visit another room for frequent feeding, caring for the newborn. Sooner or later, this picture is replaced by the move of the parents / baby to the common territory.
The design of a children's room for a little boy is not much different from a similar girl's. The decoration of the room produces a restrained, uses pastel colors, eco-friendly materials, a lot of cozy textiles. Complete absence of screaming colors, motley, abundance of elements. Particular attention is paid to safety. Furniture use only the most necessary according to age. Kid try to provide maximum freedom of movement.
Growing up, the baby dilutes the environment with bright toys. Having learned to move independently, a small person is still difficult to keep the boundaries of the children's room. The child is curious, omnipresent. Caring parents are trying to promote full-fledged development, so the study of the surrounding world is provided by the framework of the apartment.
Boy's room 3-7 years old
The child grows up, if possible, it is better to transfer it to a separate territory. This situation will be convenient for adults, the child will also appreciate the new option.
After 3 years there comes a period when it is possible to fully enjoy the design of the room for the boy. It's time to pamper the child with the riot of colors, create a thematic focus of the interior, make a variety with the help of various elements, pictures of cartoon heroes.
A boy of this age will appreciate a bed stylized as a typewriter, cute pictures on the walls, depicting trains, a seat-bag repeating a soccer ball, and much more. The choice of decor is limited only by imagination. Parents are pleased to plunge into childhood, inventing together with the baby a design project of the room.
In the nursery for a boy of this age should not be boring, gloomy colors. Furniture is comfortable, but safe. It's worth taking care of the opportunity to do your favorite things, but cluttering up space will still be superfluous. The child becomes mobile, although sometimes awkward.
A boy's room of school age up to 12-14 years
Together with the admission to school, a new stage in the development of the child is coming. The boy becomes more serious, there is a need to equip the workplace, sports corner.
The child still shows interest in cartoon heroes, but the interior of the children's room is better to implement without explicit accents on the characters. The thematic focus becomes key. The nature of the children's room is preferable to the boy's interests. Possible sports, equipment, nature, travel. Dreams, dreams of a young researcher of the surrounding reality help to decorate the interior of personal space.
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A school-age boy is interested in the options of a loft bed. There is an opportunity to compactly place a desk, wardrobe, bed. A lot of space is released around, which is important. Especially considering the option of a limited area.
If there is a place for a sports corner - it is necessary to equip it. The child will join the sport, which will have a beneficial effect on overall physical development.
Children's room for a teenager
The adolescent period is the most difficult stage in the life of an adult child. The boy is already trying to be like adults. Cartoon pictures, thematic decor is preferably dismantled. At the forefront of ultramodern design of the room for the boy. A teenager will appreciate a stylish, laconic design, a restrained manner of execution. The following styles are most preferable:
- Minimalism;
- High tech;
- Modern;
- Loft.
Such a design will adjust to a serious way, emphasize the sex, shade masculinity. It is best to create a design for a teenager's children's room with him. Participation of the child will support his tastes, emphasize the importance of the boy. The inner world of a teenager is very controversial, so the possibility of a minor deformation of space will be invaluable. A serious assistant will be transformed furniture, universal decoration.
Features of the thematic design of the children's boy
The age of the child, the direction of hobbies will help determine the themes. The choice of themes is great, modern technologies will help to realize any, even the most insane idea. The most popular are the following thematic interiors of the boy's children's rooms:
- Cars, other equipment. Many men from the early childhood gravitate to all that buzzes, roars, moves. The kid will admire the child in the style of formula-1: a bed-machine, interior stickers, the corresponding direction, curtains "checkered". The older boy is impressed by the cosmic direction: shuttles, future designs, futuristic compositions.
- Sport. Many boys are keen on watching various competitions, doing sports on their own. The interior of the children's room, associated with training, symbolism, famous athletes, is recognized as stimulating the will to win, the team spirit. The color range of the thematic group: bright, strong-willed colors that repeat famous sports symbols.
- Travels. The desire for tourism, pioneering, knowledge of the unknown, the discovery of new horizons give out the future of the inveterate traveler. Pirates, treasures, the sea are attractive to the lover of adventure. The theme is characterized by marine motifs, globes, maps. The decor is typical, it repeats the real objects connected with travel: a compass, a steering wheel, ropes, chests. The decoration is made using blue, blue, white, yellow.
- Nature. Young naturalists are drawn to all living things. They love family trips to nature, to the country. Perfectly take care of indoor plants. Plant various pets. The thematic picture of the nursery will be made up of photo wallpapers depicting a forest glade, exotic animals. Characteristic colors of the interior: green, yellow, white. The presence of a living corner will complement the interior.
Small children's room
Modern furniture plus small design tricks will help even the most limited space to make a modern, cozy, functional children's boy of any age.
Finishing a small nursery is made exclusively of light materials. The ceiling is desirable to carry out tension, glossy. On the perimeter to distribute the area lighting. On the floor put a carpet, a parquet of light shades. Facades of furniture perform glossy, mirrored.
Furniture selects a transformable, multi-tiered. Suitable loft bed, retractable copies, multifunctional furniture sets. As a bed, you can use a sofa with an orthopedic base. This option is able to solve the problem of sleeping at night, provide a place for rest, reception of guests during the day. Folding countertops, assembled chairs as a mobile addition.
Open shelves, the creation of clutter are categorically unacceptable. Storage of things is carried out in built-in closets, closed boxes, containers. The placement of toys of a small child should be carefully monitored. It is advisable from the early childhood to teach the boy to order.
If you have to place several children in a small nursery - you will have to try especially. The task is complex, but resolute. Will help bunk beds, folding work surfaces. The limited space will not allow the imagination to play out in the decor of the children's room. We will have to give up unnecessary details, decorate the interior very laconically.
Requiring multifunctional space, the children's room, needs a special, carefully planned design. The child grows rapidly, preferences and interests change, therefore, repairs will have to be carried out with an enviable regularity.