Decorative lianas, able to grow in the middle of Russia and look very impressive, are clematis: varieties for the Moscow region of these plants are presented in a wide range. For cultivation in our climate, it is possible to consider well such varieties as clematis grape-berry, alpine, Siberian, large-leaved, Okhotsk. These vines resemble woody shrubs, whose flowering usually occurs in May-June and is represented by wide-campanulate flowers. The appearance of individual flowers can be observed throughout the summer. These plants are winter-hardy and unpretentious in care. Until recently, gardeners avoided them. Now many people try to plant clematis in their garden.

On its own and irreplaceable in the decorative design of arches, hedges, windows in the house. A plant of climates or lomanos (polezesh in the bush and break a nose) from the family Lyutikov, can be curly or bushy.

Pale purple flowers of Clematis General Sikorski.
This lianate shrubbery, combing its various supports, can reach a height of about 5 m. It is also called a clematis. He is quite unpretentious and hardy, to develop in one place is capable of up to 30 years. But exacting to the sun (although calmly tolerates and partial shade) and constant watering. A primer is suitable for him, it is important only that it is not a swampy area. How to plant a plant properly and how to care for clematis? The answers to these questions are given below.

A beautiful combination of dark pink flowers and delicate green leaves of tightly woven mesh netting Clematis Madam Julia.

The unusual lunar color of the Clemence is Madam Le Kyltr.
In this article, read:
- 1 Popular Clematis
- 2 Basic ways of planting a plant
- 3 Competent pruning of plants
- 3.1 Rejuvenating pruning
- 4 Preparatory activities before wintering
- 5 Clematis planting and care tips on growing flowers. Video
- 6 Clematis: varieties and species
Popular Clematis
Clematis has about 300 species. With this amount, any gardener can choose what he likes.
Classification lomonosov can be built on the basis of various features:
1. By diameter of flowers:
- small flowers in clematis (up to 8 cm) - Multy Blue, Rubra, Duchess of Albania;
- medium flowers in clematis (up to 12 cm) - Hagley Hybrid, Summerdream, Multy Blue;
- large flowers in clematis (up to 20 cm) - Andromeda, Julia, Betty Balfour.
Very beautiful look krupnotsvetkovye kremonosy. But small-flowered species (for example clematis vinogradolistny) are also no less attractive due to the fact that their flowers are collected in fluffy inflorescences and give abundant flowering. And the original seed heads are an ornament of a shrub in the autumn.

Velvet dark-violet flower klementessa Warsaw night.
2. The color of the petals all the existing variety of lomonosov is divided into:
- голубые — Blue River, Blue Light;
- white clematis - Henryi, Duchess of Edinburgh, Shirayukihime;
- purple - Hakuokan, President, Trekatrei;
- purple - Luther Burbank, Wine;
- crimson, red, purple - John Howells, Romance, Gipsey Queen;
- pink - Hagley Hybrid, Barbara;
- with several shades - Etoile de Malicorne, Capitaine Thuilleaux, Venosa Violacea.

Clemence White Angel.
3. Species in the shape of flowers:
- полумахровые — Kathleen Dunford, Mrs George Jackman;
- terry - Denny's Double, Red Star, Paola, Piilu;
- bell-shaped clematis - Alenushka, Gazelle, Integrifo, Integrifolia;
- звездообразные — Mikelite, Multy Blue, Lady Betty Balfour.

Clemens Rouge Cardinal.
Also lozenges are distinguished on:
- undersized (up to 1.5 m tall) with long shoots;
- Clematis cleavers, curly and erect;
- flowering early and forming flowers late (late summer).
Basic ways of planting a plant
If interested, how to plant clematis, then you should know that the multiplication of clematis is possible in many ways: cuttings, layers, seeds. Seed sowing is suitable only for small-flowered plants (for example, it is possible to plant clematis grape-seed).
Planting clematis is possible throughout the growing season. But it's good to practice this early spring or autumn.
If it is necessary to grow clematis from seeds, then sowing can be done in pots at home, and you can sow immediately into the open ground.
For large-flowered hybrids, for which it is important to preserve varietal properties, usually a method of dividing the bush. For this purpose, an adult liana (older than 5 years) is selected and a partial root system is separated from the side by means of a shovel together with the branches. The part thus harvested is planted as an independent plant. Waiting for bloom such a seedling will not be long, as it grows rapidly and develops.

Experts of ornamental shrubs are advised to start decorating the garden with unpretentious in the cultivation and care of klemantes.
There is no difficulty in multiplying clematis by layers. In spring, the lateral processes are inclined to the ground and fixed with staples. Then a strong kidney for 10 cm sprinkled with a layer of soil. Next year, a rooted branch is detached from the mother plant.
When to plant clematis, brought from Holland? Since such plants will become worse and start to bloom abundantly late, then it is better to plant them in the fall. For seedlings, two-year-olds are selected whose root system is developed sufficiently (of the order of 4-6 sturdy roots with a length of 10-15 cm). The saplings should be blacked out or obtained by dividing an adult bush that was grown in similar climatic conditions.
If you buy a seedling with open roots, then it should have more sleeping buds. On the roots there should be no thickening and rot. Most gardeners choose when buying plants with flowers, so as not to be mistaken. But in the spring you can expect flowering only from the clematis of the first two groups of pruning.
When buying a seedling with several sleeping buds, it can be planted in the soil in April-May, the frosts will be nesstrashny. Bush with shoots and leaves well hold in a warm room until the arrival of stable heat on the street. And gradually temper it for disembarkation into the open ground.

A curly climant is created to create a vertical garden gardening, give only a fulcrum.

A fluffy spruce decorated with snow-white buds - this may be a clement in the skillful hands of a patient gardener.
To clematis grapefruit can safely grow in the climate of the Moscow region, you need to thoroughly approach the issue of choosing a place for planting, correctly implementing the latter. For the weaves you need a strong support and protection from strong wind. Clematis do not tolerate stagnation of water in the root zone, which is the main cause of their death.
The root system of clematis is of two types: pivotal and fibrous. Plants with a rooted root do not tolerate a transplant. Therefore, in order not to replant clematis, it is advisable to choose the right place for them from the very beginning.
The seedling is placed in a spacious pit, the parameters of which are 60 cm in all directions. In the pit, a loose nutritive primer should already be laid ahead. The root neck is buried 1-2 knots (i.e., 8 cm). Carry out the pouring of the kidneys with sand and earth in such a way as to exclude the accumulation of water at the base of the bush.
The deepened buds will become a center of tillering for a time, from which strong plants with abundant flowering will subsequently form, not afraid of overheating or frost. But weakened seedlings are too deep to be buried so as not to impede the formation of young shoots. The growth of the bush occurs to the third-fifth year from the moment of planting, it is noticeable in abundant flowering, which, in addition, affects such factors as variety and growing conditions.
The pit for planting should be digged at a distance of 30 cm from any surface, 100-150 cm - between individual plants. In the period of showers and rains, the water should not drain and drip strongly from roofs and sinks.
Then the young plant is watered. Roots pritenyayut or soil mulch with sawdust, bark, needles. The shoots are tied up.
The subsequent care of the bush consists of constant watering (a pair of buckets for the plant three times a week), loosening the soil, weeding the weeds.
Competent pruning of plants
Anyone who wondered why the clematis does not bloom should be looking for the reasons for the errors in pruning. Since the pruning of shoots is of no small importance for plant growth and its flowering. Trim shoots should be clean and well grounded device (garden scissors or pruner). Sanitary pruning can be done at any time, while removing the dry, damaged and burnt parts of the creeper.
However, the gardener should pay special attention to the autumn pruning. It is she who sets the tone for the appearance of clematis next year.
The pruning of the plant is classified according to international standards.
A - unedged. In such species buds are formed exclusively on last year's shoots. Therefore, in pruning for such a vine, there is no need, since it can prevent flowering. In autumn, remove the weak processes, carry out forming or shortening due to excessive growth.
In - lightly-cut vines differ in that they bloom twice a year: first the flowers appear on last year's branches, then on the shoots of this season. In the first year, the seedlings are shortened to a height of 30 cm. The shoots of two-year-olds and older plants are cut to 1.5 m.
C - severely trimmed lomonoses bloom late and only on new processes. Pruning is done completely, keeping 3 pairs of kidneys from the soil (30 - 50 cm).

A hedge of climbing klemantesa.

An unremarkable hedge for a beautiful Clemence.
Rejuvenating pruning
Those of the gardeners who have long bloomers or do not do it at all, it will be superfluous to rejuvenate the pruning. With its help you can achieve a long and particularly lush flowering. Its secret lies in the fact that every year, harvest those vines, which turned more than 3 years old.
Still gardeners with the experience resort to a technique of three-tier pruning of plants without dependence from to what group of plants they belong. For each tier, an equal number of shoots (3-4) with a length of:
- the first tier is 100-150 cm;
- the second - 70-100 cm;
- third - from the ground 3 kidneys.
The remaining shoots are cut completely. The first shoots bloom long shoots, then - the second tier of shoots, in the end - those that are cut off stronger than others.
Therefore, flowering persists and lasts throughout the warm period of the year.
And to increase the size of flowers and to avoid thickening of the creeper, it is necessary to trim the faded shoots up to a length of 50 cm until the end of the summer. Then this will not be done, to enable the bush to gather strength before wintering.
After autumn pruning, it is necessary to feed clematis. However, too hard work with mineral fertilizers is not necessary - Clematis will not suffer this. The optimal option in terms of fertilizing is the introduction of specialized flower blends in the calculation of 40 grams per m².

Clementtes Genny.

Clematis Ernest Marhamms.
Preparatory activities before wintering
Preparation for winter plants includes the following activities:
- Spud the soil to a height of up to 15 cm with the addition of compost, humus or wood ash.
- Carefully cover the root cervix.
- The shoots are removed from the supports and neatly laid out.
- When there is a stable temperature below 0 ° C, the flowers are covered. To do this, use materials that provide the condition for ventilation inside the bush and do not allow it to break: wooden boxes, lapnik, cut branches. In the area with severe winters it is recommended to scatter additional dry foliage, sawdust, needles, peat on top of the first layer of shelter.
Shelter is removed in the spring, when the threat of recurrent frosts will pass. Then they clean up the hovel. If, despite all the attempts made, the clematis has died out, it is not worth hurrying to uproot it. In the root system, young shoots can develop.
For beginners, the process of growing lemons may seem complicated.
But the result will surpass all expectations, when there will be flowers at the clematis, and with them - the opportunity to admire the abundance of forms and colors for many years in their own garden.
Clematis planting and care tips on growing flowers. Video
Clematis: varieties and species