Shoes of elves, a dove, a catchment or an orlik. Such names have a plant known to flower growers as well as aquilegia, planting and caring for which are not particularly difficult. But the basic requirements for the cultivation of this flower in your own place on the site will nevertheless be recognized.
His flower is such that it is very similar in form to magical orchids from the distant tropics. This cute plant in the whole world reaches about 120 different species. We can only grow hybrids from seeds. Although aquilegia hybrid at times looks much nicer than its relatives.
Gently pink flowers aquilegia - an excellent choice for any garden.
The highlight of this year's summer season was the aquilegia of light purple.
The solar aquilegia, planted in a pot, will decorate the courtyard of any house.
In this article, read:
- 1 In what conditions is better to grow?
- 2 What kind of care does the plant need?
- 3 In what ways can you multiply?
- 3.1 Growing from seeds
- 3.2 Reproduction by cuttings
- 3.3 Reproduction by the bush compartment
- 4 How to write an aquilegia in the design of the site?
- 5 Known plant varieties
- 6 Aquilegia is a fairy flower of elves. Video
- 7 Aquileia in the garden
In what conditions is better to grow?
More comfortable in the garden feels aquilegia, or catchment, in the penumbra in the open ground. But this does not mean that it can not be planted on the sunlit territory. However, here the flower quickly shreds the plant, and it will not look so gorgeous.
The flower to the fertility of the soil is calm, although it prefers loose, light and moderately moist soils. Therefore, when planting, you need to add a little humus or compost, thoroughly digging up the substrate.
Well-groomed flowers of aquilegia in the garden.
A path from aquiles of various colors. An interesting combination of white, purple, crimson and yellow color will be the highlight of any stylish flowerbed.
Exquisite classics - red aquilegia at the doorstep of the house.
What kind of care does the plant need?
The main care is the tireless loosening of the soil and the weeding of weeds, timely watering (but not excessive, as the plant is not selective to moisture). It would be superfluous to feed twice for a warm season. In the ground, it is possible to add organic or complete mineral additives.
In order not to reduce decorative, it is recommended to transplant the plant to another place every 5 years. Also, after flowering, all the stems must be cut off. And to multiply aquilegia from seeds in this situation is better away from the main plants.
If there is an intention that the aquilegia will blossom early, the cultivation must provide for the distillation of the plant.
Contrast inflorescences are the first choice of modern summer residents.
Solar aquilegia in the garden.
Correctly manicured flowers of aquilegia.
For this, the rhizome is transplanted in autumn in pots or in boxes. They are placed in a dark place, where they store until the arrival of permanent frost. For the winter, the pots are transferred to a cold room (in a cellar, for example). Here the aquilegia-catchment is left until January and February, and after that they move to a heated and maximally bright room. Here it will begin to grow and form flower stems, the room temperature should be approximately +12 .. + 16 ° C. With all the conditions, Orlyk begins to blossom in early April.
Fertilize the plant first on the site can be one mineral fertilizer: 55-65 g superphosphate, 25-30 grams of saltpeter and 15-25 g of potassium salt. In summer, the top dressing usually consists of an aqueous solution of Mullein, plus 25 g of superphosphate, 8-13 g of potassium salt. Dosage: per 1 m² - a bucket of nutrient fluid.
In what ways can you multiply?
Cultivation from seeds
Cultivated aquilegia from seeds after harvesting in autumn or already in spring. Sow the seeds in special boxes or directly into the open ground.
Посев, произведенный по осени, даст всходы более дружные и живые. Тогда как весной семена аквилегии рекомендуют немного примораживать. До появления первых всходов аквилегии из семян придется ждать около месяца. Cultivation from seeds предполагает оптимальный режим установившейся температуры — +18°С.
Aquilegia of lilac color is grown from seeds.
Aquilegia dark-lilac color is perfectly combined with purple and white inflorescences.
Reproduction by cuttings
With regard to ornamental and varietal plants, their propagation by cuttings is possible. For what from an adult bush breaks cuttings, which are planted in river sand. It's good to get a little guy in such a case or place the plants under the film in a shaded area and spray them regularly with clean water. Before planting, the orlist is recommended to be thoroughly treated with a growth stimulant.
Gently pink flowers for the garden of a real lady.
Reproduction by the bush compartment
This variant of reproduction is not so often used because of the fragility of the plant, as well as the depth of its rhizomes and the inconvenience of carrying out work for these reasons.
However, if it is necessary to reproduce the flower in this way, it is done in late summer or early spring. Having dug a flower, cut off it with a secator leaves (almost all). Leave only the strongest and youngest. The root system is thoroughly cleaned of lumps of dirt and washed.
After this, cuttings are made about 7 cm long, and the core rhizome is divided into several parts by cutting. It is important to control that on all parts there are small roots and kidneys. The parts are successively planted in the soil prepared beforehand (loosened and nutritional). It is important to adhere to the regular watering regime.
Flowers of aquilegia in the field.
White-purple flowers of aquilegia in the front garden will delight the eyes of their master and his guests.
How to write an aquilegia in the design of the site?
When developing the design of the garden plot, it should be borne in mind that aquilegia can be planted singly, in a group, and also in close proximity to other plants. A successful neighborhood will come from an eagle with lupines and digitalis. The leaves of the catchment area look good together with carved Astilba bushes. You can consider them in partnership with gravel and bells. The watershed is a cut plant, it looks great in a bouquet. Choosing the appropriate territory for the catchment area, you need to know that this flower is weakly toxic. To death, the case may not reach, but it is better to be safe and keep the catchment area away from children.
Elf shoes keep the freshness of the leaves until late autumn, so they will successfully support the design of the flower garden during its withering.
Known plant varieties
Frost resistant species, which we have common - common aquilegia. It includes aquilegia hybrid with a variety of varieties (in peduncles height - 50-90 cm). These are such as "Rote Stern" and "Crimson Star" - varieties with red and white flowers, "Elena" - with blue-yellow-white, "Delictissima" - with yellow-pink, "Rosea" - with pinkish.
A variety of aquilegia by Rote Stern.
Sort akvilegii Krimson Star.
Blue-yellow-white flowers of aquilegia variety Elena.
Yellow-pink flowers of the Aquilegia variety Delektissima.
A variety of aqueducts of Roseau.
Terrier aquilegia includes varieties with different colors (pink, blue, crimson, white), hybrids (diameter of their flowers reaches 9-11 cm).
Aquileia is terry.
The white coloring of the early blooming variety "Edelweiss" looks spectacular.
White flowers Aquilega of early flowering. Sort Edelweiss.
The American species is aquilegia blue with many forms for the garden, having long spurgey white flowers with lilac, crimson, pink and yellow hue. Noteworthy aquilegia fan - low-growing variety (15-20 cm, diameter of flowers - 5-6 cm). A long period (35 days) of flowering has an aquiline Olympic with pink and blue flowers. Aquilegia golden-flowered - a popular low (40-60 cm) cultural appearance with an abundance of large flowers and long spurs.
American type of aquilegia.