When decorating gardens and country plots, Geiger is very popular, planting and caring for which are quite simple. The evergreen culture has frost-resistant leaves and grows well in the shade, which makes it possible to use geyher in the fall period, when other flowers have withered and withered.
The uniqueness of the unpretentious plant is that it has several varieties with foliage of various shapes and different shades: depending on the species, the color of the Geicher can range from red to black. From the beginning of autumn until the fall of snow bright flashes of its leaves will decorate the flower beds.

Colorful bush geycher. Leaves of different colors will look fabulous in any garden area.

The dark leaves of the ornamental shrub are exquisitely combined with other greenery on the plot of land.

Geiger, whose leaves are green on top and burgundy from below - an unusual flower, which has become the most popular among modern summer residents.
In this article, read:
- 1 Rules for planting and care
- 2 Methods of reproduction
- 3 Variety of species and varieties
- 4 Geicers in landscape design
- 5 Charming Geiger in the autumn garden. Video
- 6 Geiger in the garden and in the suburban area
Rules for planting and care
Despite the unpretentiousness, the geysher reacts violently enough to a poorly chosen place. It slows down growth, the color of the leaves dims. To enjoy the view of the plant in all its splendor, young geichers should be planted on sunny areas, protected from cool winds. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil is well drained.
For such a culture as the geicer, planting can be of decisive importance, therefore, it is necessary to remember the basic conditions for planting the plant in the soil:
- open areas with moderate shade;
- water-permeable soil;
- quality drainage of the earth.
Cultivated varieties geyhery can grow on any type of soil, but most comfortable they feel on light and nutritious soils. Occasionally they can be fed, but the amount of fertilizer should be 2 times smaller than for other flowers.

Exquisite dark red Geiger contrasts against the background of fresh greens. The flower harmoniously fits into any landscape composition.

Amazing coloring of the leaves of the Geiger. Bright-maroon veins on small leaves with a green edging look unusual.

Modern designers in landscape compositions boldly combine different sorts of geychers.
As the root system of the flower begins to rise above the ground during growth, at least once a year it is necessary to spend hilling.
Under the conditions of a moderate watering regime and the conditions of the Geiger planting, the hybrid is almost not sick. Its decorativeness can last up to 5 years. After the expiry of the period, the rosette begins to disintegrate, and this indicates that the plant is about to be transplanted. When transplanting the flower is divided into several parts, each of which must have full leaves. Separation is made in spring or autumn.
First of all, pits with a diameter of about 30 cm in which the plants are placed are prepared. Then they are sprinkled with soil, mixed with the overripe compost and ash. After 1-1.5 months, young bushes form a new root system.
Preparation for winter includes only one action - geyheru should be covered with fallen leaves or cover material. The leaves are not trimmed, as this can lead to freezing in severe colds.

The leaves are well-groomed geichers of an exclusive dark purple color.

Carpet from geyhery an excellent ornament for registration of a personal plot for a country cottage.
Methods of reproduction
Three methods are used to propagate the culture in the soil:
- division;
- cuttings;
- growing out of seeds.
When dividing, special attention is paid to the removal of dry shoots and long roots. It is necessary to preserve live brood kidneys located in the sinuses of the dried leaves. Reproduction by seeds allows you to get several copies of the variety you like at once. Sowing is best done in early spring, namely in March or April. When boarding, you must follow the following procedure:
- prepare a wide plastic container with a depth of no more than 5 cm with drainage holes in the bottom;
- The container is filled with loose soil mixed with coarse sand or perlite;
- Before sowing the land, shed boiling water;
- Seeds geyhery mixed with fine sand;
- after the soil has cooled, sand with seeds evenly spread over the surface;
- Cover the crops with glass or film.
The container with seeds should be on a sunny place, far from cold and drafts. When the shoots proklyutsya, in the film holes are pierced, and the glass is raised. After the appearance of the third sheet, the bushes should be placed at a distance of 6 cm from each other.

Charming Geiger is able to create in the yard of the house the atmosphere of a fairytale lawn.

Natural stone, small islets geyhery, a short cropped lawn - a good choice for the decoration of the yard.

Geiger can grow in pots. Autumn color Geichers in yellow-red tones.
Variety of species and varieties
Geiger hybrid, obtained as a result of the cultivation of geychery blood-red, growing in the mountainous regions of North America, became the progenitor of all known varieties. Most of them have flowers of pink or red color, but there may be other variants: white, cream, etc.
The plant is valued not so much for the intensity of flowering, as for the coloring of foliage.
So the modern catalog of culture includes specimens with violet, red, bright yellow, purple, silvery leaves. The famous Marmalade variety is orange-yellow in color, while its flowers are small, greenish, with a length of peduncles about 30 cm.

Geiger bright blood red color for the garden.

Gently-pink geyhera - an amazing plant for the infield.

White Geiger creates the illusion of a light frost on the sheets. Beautiful picture.

The veined leaves are geochairs of cream color, planted over the house.
The obsidian variety, which has a glossy foliage of black color and does not change the color intensity even under the influence of sunlight, is very popular. Variety Cherry Cola affects not only a rich raspberry or cherry color, but also a triangular shape of the leaves. Such bushes aesthetically look in single plantings on lawns.

Geishera variety obsidian.

Sort geyhery see cherry cola.
Geiger in landscape design
Geichers, which are herbaceous flowering plants, are widely used to create decorative groups in landscape design. With the help of this culture, you can disguise the shortcomings of the site or fill the voids in flower gardens.
Geicher blood-red is well combined with woolly stachys, red geranium, raspberry pion. Such groups are planted in the rabatki, on stony sites or when drawing up the foreground of the mixborders. In combination with sedum, ornamental grasses and Geiger iris is often used to decorate the front of the site. In addition, the ideal companions for the flower will be the daylily, astilba, primula, bruner and thick-leaved balan.
The combination of geicher and hosts in landscape design can be used in the design of shores of artificial or natural reservoirs. At the same time, miniature hosts are selected, which with their greenery will shade the bright foliage of the Geicher.
If the site needs bright colors, the geiger is the best option. Planting and caring for the plant are not complex, and the decorativeness of its flowers and leaves will give the territory a cheerful appearance for many years.

Bright green figured leaves with black veins. Geiger is universal. Suitable for any landscape compositions.

Blooming Geiger on the slopes of stone blocks.