To create rock gardens and decorate curbs in suburban areas, gardeners often use a long-term alissum. This is a short, grassy plant with highly branched shoots lying on the ground. Leaves in the plant are few, but abundant flowering more than compensates for this deficiency.

Alissum are planted along the garden path. Delicate light purple flowers look exquisitely on any site.

Lush inflorescences of snow-white alissum.

Delicate alissum flowers will decorate any cottage area.
In this article, read:
- 1 Types of alissums
- 2 Reproduction of the alissum by seeds
- 3 Rules for planting and care
- 4 Use of the alsum for the design of the garden plot. Video
- 5 Alissum in the garden and in the suburban area. Photo Gallery
Types of alissums
To date, the family of cruciferous, one of whose representatives is the alissum, has more than 150 species. The most extensive species diversity of allies is represented in European, Asian and North African countries.
In landscape design, the most frequently used is the alissum rocky, growing to a height of up to 20 cm. The native land of the plant is the Mediterranean region. It was there that the flower first began to be used for gardening. Alyssum is rocky and is currently used to create curbs around lawns, garden paths and flower beds.

Alyssum rock yellow color perfectly fits into any landscape composition.

Flowers of the alissum of the rock grow on a large stone boulder.
Plants of this species prefer moderately moist soil, well warmed by the sun. In the case of a competent selection of the planting site, the plant blooms profusely and for a long time. Flowers of the alissum of the rock are of a racemous form and are so densely that they are able to completely cover various defects in the territory: cracks in fences, stumps, pits or ditches.
Another representative of the family - sea alissum - is widely distributed in warm coastal regions: along the coast of the Bay of Biscay, the Azores and Canary Islands. The plant prefers a temperate climate and sandy soils. The cultural sea alissum, represented by breeders with a wide variety of varieties, can be grown on treated and fertilized fields and plots. The main condition here is the presence of calcareous soil. Sea alissum is very undemanding in care, but regular spring pruning of old shoots will greatly enhance the abundance of flowering.

The gently purple flowers of the alissum of the sea gracefully border the playground in the garden for relaxation.

Rounded inflorescences of sea alissum at the threshold of the house will please its owner and his guests.
High decorativeness has an allysum ampel, used for decorating terraces and arbors as a pottery. Widespread recognition was given to the alsteress Esther Bonnet, grown in flowerpots, flowerpots and hanging baskets. Effective plant is a lush white ball, covered with small fragrant flowers. To create a composition in a basket with a diameter of more than 35 cm, about 7-8 plants will be needed.

Multicolored buds of alissum in large pots for decorating the garden plot.

Snow-white flowers of the alissum are favorably combined with tender-violet flowers.
Reproduction of the alissum by seeds
Cultivation of crops in an unstable climate should take into account its low frost resistance. Many flower growers are interested in information about when to put alissum, planting and care how to be carried out. In the northern regions, the plant is grown in seedlings. Usually at the time of landing in the ground small seedlings are transformed into fluffy bushes with a lot of blown and closed buds.
Seeds of alissum have good germination and grow rapidly. They do not require special preseeding preparation, due to which even the beginning gardener will cope with the landing. As a rule, sowing is carried out from late February to early March.
First of all, it is necessary to prepare containers for planting (box, plastic container, peat pots) and fill them with loose, moist soil. To obtain seedlings, the seeds are distributed over the soil surface and pressed lightly with the palm. Then the containers are covered with polyethylene film and installed in a warm place. The first shoots should appear in 7-14 days. When they are slightly strengthened, the film can be removed: the seedlings will grow in an open container. The main requirement is to provide conditions close to the Mediterranean climate.
If it is decided to get the alissum by growing from seeds, it is necessary to remember the features of watering the seedlings: it should be moderate so that the accumulation of moisture does not lead to decay of the roots.

Well-groomed flowers are alissum.

Small flowers of the alissum of the perennial are harmoniously combined with larger flowers.

Violet flowers of the alissum perennial planted along the garden path to the house.
Rules for planting and care
When young plants grow enough and grow strong, they can be planted in open soil. If excessive moisture is noted in the ground, it is necessary to provide drainage by adding large sand or other loose material to the ground with fractions from 1 to 2 cm. If there is drainage, the marine almossum or the rock can grow even in the penumbra.
In order to enjoy the beauty and aroma of the lush flowers of the alissum for a long time, one should not forget about regular watering. It should be moderate, as overmoistening can lead to the death of the plant. In the wild, the flower tolerates the drought well, but it has the most negative effect on the flowering period.
For the alissum, the cultivation should provide for free space, since the shoots of young bushes grow very rapidly. Already in 30-40 days after landing, they are able to cover a fairly large area. Experienced growers, knowing such qualities of the plant, plant it at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other.

A gentle, modest and at the same time elegant flower looks luxuriously on any front garden.

Sprawling bush Alissum perennial.
Of great interest to gardeners is a one-year-old alissum, or lobularia. An overgrown plant resembles a fluffy white cloud or dense hummock of violet, salmon, pink or lilac shades. But the Lobularia is valuable not for the abundance of buds, but for the honey aroma attracting a large number of bees and bumblebees to the site.
In contrast to its long-term congenital, lobularia is sown directly to the beds. Make a landing immediately, as the soil gets warm: from the end of April to the beginning of May. The planting material is spread over the entire area of the soil and sprinkled with a thin layer of compost. If cold nights are used, the bed is covered with a non-woven material. When the bushes grow, they are thinned or planted in a permanent place.
Known are such varieties of lobularia as the Snow Queen, Golf, Vanilla Cloud, etc. Very aesthetic in landscape design will look a combination of one-year and many-year alissums: for example, a vanilla cloud with white flowers and a yellow Plenum create an excellent composition in a rock garden or flower garden. It is also possible to create successful compositional solutions using other varieties and species.

Correctly planted variety of long-term aliensum. Little flowers look elegantly against the background of bright greenery.

Flowers alissum with large petals. An outlandish, not capricious flower - a favorite among modern summer residents.

Alyssum has been planted over the house for many years. A subtle design concept is embodied using white inflorescences.
Use of the alsum for the design of the garden plot. Video
Alissum in the garden and in the suburban area. Photo Gallery