In the nature there are a lot of ornamental bushes, trees and lianas hydrangeas, species and varieties for Russian gardens represent only a small part of them. In the botanical gardens of the central part of Russia, as well as in some private collections, you can see rough, oaky, serrate, deflected and petiolate hydrangeas, as well as sargent and bretshneutera.
However, not all species feel comfortable in our conditions, so only collectors can seriously become interested in these plants. According to the majority of gardeners in the central part of Russia, only a few species deserve attention due to two main criteria - ease of care and ornamentality of the plant. Below we will talk about how to care for plants, and how the reproduction and cutting of hydrangeas of these varieties occurs.

Hortensia rough - ornamentation of collections of domestic gardeners.

Snow-white hydrangea flowers are oaky.

Hydrangea serrate in a pot near the house. The serrate hydrangea resembles a hydrangea rough.

Гортензия отклоненная.

A tall bush of hydrangea petiolate with lush white inflorescences.

Hortense varieties.

The conical inflorescence of the hydrangea of the Bretschneiter.
In this article, read:
- 1 Древовидная гортензия
- 2 Метельчатая гортензия
- 3 Animal beauty
- 4 Transplantation and reproduction of hydrangeas
- 5 Charm of hydrangeas. Video
- 6 Hydrangea in the backyard
Древовидная гортензия
In Russian gardens this species is widely distributed under the names "White globular" and "White cluster hydrangea".
These plant varieties in our region bloom much earlier than other species (somewhere from the middle of summer) and bloom until late autumn. Special preparation for winter is not required, since the tree variety is sufficiently frost-resistant and quietly hibernates without shelter.
Pruning hydrangeas is carried out annually in the spring for a couple of kidneys, but in this case the shrubbery has a more meager appearance, and the beginning of flowering is slightly shifted (around the end of July). Therefore, according to many gardeners, it is better to trim only weakened and damaged appendages, along with obsolete flowers.

The hydrangea tree bush with a large white inflorescence of classical form is an excellent decoration for the threshold of the house.

Bright inflorescences of a hydrangea of a tree-like bright pink color.

The contrast of white and green looks profitable in any dacha section.
Метельчатая гортензия
For Russian gardens, this plant is the best of the decorative. It can be grown both in the form of a bush and a multi-stem tree. The panicle hydrangea is a perennial plant that can grow in one place for more than 40 years.
The leaves of the bush have an oblong shape, long flowering. The first buds appear in June, and the main period is in August and September. Inflorescence has a pyramidal shape of greenish color, which gradually becomes pale cream or white.
In the autumn, the suns that have accumulated, the inflorescences of this variety acquire a slightly pink, brick or pale purple color, and then again become green.
The care and cultivation of paniculate hydrangeas is quite simple. This plant is unpretentious, resistant to our conditions and is able to survive even harsh winters without cover.
It is believed that pruning hydrangeas, or rather its weak branches and shoots, does not give a mass flowering, but its individual inflorescences will be much larger. When to cut a hydrangea in autumn or spring?
Some gardeners argue that the dried inflorescence is best left until the spring, as they give additional protection to the bush from frost.
Others do not see the relationship between these two aspects and recommend cutting off after all in the fall, and in the spring only to refresh the slices until the first buds wake up.

Hortensia paniculate - a tall, lush shrub for your infield.

The pale pink buds of hydrangeas are planted just above the house.

Violet inflorescences of hydrangea paniculate.
Dubolic beauty
Unlike the previous panic, hydrangea oaky is not so known and common in our gardens. However, those places where it is grown, with the arrival of autumn are decorated with crimson foliage and have a very spectacular decorative appearance (Figure 3).
Hortensia oaky is capable of becoming an adornment of any garden for all seasons. From summer to late autumn, she pleases her owners with chic inflorescences with a fragrant pleasant aroma, to which bees, butterflies and other insects fly with pleasure. Flowers, as a rule, have white color, their inflorescence has the form of a cone.
Plant hydrangeas should be in the shady places or in the penumbra, on the flowering of the plant this will not affect. As for the soil, it is better to use a moisture-permeable mixture. It will not be superfluous to feed the soil by adding fertilizers.
Like the previous species of plants, oak-tree hydrangea care requires a completely uncomplicated: it is enough to observe the necessary soil moisture for this hygrophilous plant, not allowing the earth to dry out.
Cutting hydrangea oaky beetle is carried out in spring or autumn. Removing dead and damaged shoots, allowing faster to appear new.
Hortensia oaky, like many other species of this shrub, is highly resistant to colds. However, in the first year of life for the winter it is better to transplant it into a pot and take care of it as if it were an indoor plant.

Large flowers of oaky hydrangeas. The white edging looks gently and gracefully.

The lush hydrangea bush perfectly fits into the landscape design.

An example of a well-groomed hydrangea shrub.
Transplantation and reproduction of hydrangeas
Transplanting plants in the ground, they need to be placed in pits with a depth of about 60 cm at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other.
Before replanting hydrangeas in prepared areas, fertilizers should be added from urea, organic matter or granulated superphosphate.
After the landing, you should take a break in feeding for a couple of years. And after this time, feeding should be done several times a year.
Reproduction of hydrangeas is carried out in several ways:
- cuttings;
- effluents;
- with the help of seeds.
For cuttings in autumn, cut green ends and put in the refrigerator. They are wrapped in a PVC package with moistened sand. At the end of winter, the little pots are planted in pots with soil. Before planting a hydrangea in a pot, the lower part of the cut is dipped in 1% of the composition of the heteroauxin powder and talc.

Multicolored inflorescence of hydrangeas. Blue, pink, purple flowers harmoniously intertwine with each other.

Pale pink and pale purple inflorescences are favorites among modern gardeners.
Pot, in which the hydrangeas will multiply, should be covered with a film, and after a couple of months (by the middle of spring), the green shoots of the plant should be planted in a shoestring in a shady place. By the end of the summer they are transplanted into the ground to a permanent place.
Reproduction of hydrangea by seeds occurs as follows:
- in spring the seeds are poured into the container and slightly sprinkled with soil;
- before the appearance of sprouts, they are kept in a cool and humid place;
- then the seedlings are transferred to a place with a moderate temperature;
- in the ground is planted after the passing of the threat of frost.
In order to propagate a hydrangea with layers:
- should choose a healthy shoot of the plant;
- lay it in peat loosened with peat and gravel the soil;
- pin down;
- top with sprinkled soil and cover with a piece of film about 20 cm of shoot.
The earth under the film should always remain moistened. Next year, when roots and new shoots appear, they can be separated and planted in the ground.

Violet flowers of garden hydrangeas are collected in voluminous, lush inflorescences of rounded shape.

With the help of hydrangeas, the landscape designer decorated the site near the house.