Photos remind of important moments in life, dear loved ones. Good photographs can be an effective decoration of the room and fundamentally change the style of the interior. On sale are photo frames made in different styles. They are used to decorate the interior, to create original decorative compositions. Of course, many store photos in a family album or on a flash drive, and in fact you can choose from there the best shots, pick up the appropriate frame for them and put them in a prominent place. This will allow to decorate the room, emphasize the individuality and tell more about the owners of the apartments. In modern decoration of interiors, photo frames of different sizes and decorations are often used.
If you combine several photos it is important that they correspond to the same subject or have a similar color scheme.
In addition to their own photos, they also use collectible pictures of professional photographers. Therefore, if there is no possibility or desire to apply pictures from a family photo album, you can safely refer to the assortment of modern photo galleries. Also do not forget about the appropriate frame. Photo frames perform a decorative function and protect the pictures from burnout, damage, dirt and wear.
Basic frame for photographs
The following materials are used for the production of photo frames:
- plastic;
- natural wood;
- glass, crystal;
- metal;
- leather, textiles;
- gypsum;
- artificial, semiprecious and precious stones, crystals.
Plastic photo frames are a common and economical option. Frames made of natural wood are environmentally friendly, giving the room a natural freshness and additional coziness. Glass, crystal frames for a photo bring in an interior a note of luxury and solemnity. Metal frames successfully blend in with ultramodern interiors. Soft textile models fit the children's room.
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There are elite photo frames, for the manufacture of which expensive metals, alloys, stones, crystals are used. Photos in the appropriate frame are able to visually expand the space, hide defects, create accent, emphasize the style. By the way, photo frames in the interior are filled not only with photos, but also with other unexpected items.
What else is placed in photo frames besides photo cards
PhotoFrame is already a self-sufficient element of decor. Beautiful effect is obtained from collages collected from empty frames. And if you connect creative thinking and put various objects in them, it is possible to create a masterpiece in truth. Melomanov, as a variant of filling fit vinyl records or CD discs with images. A beautiful half of humanity will like jewelry, costume jewelry, lace or embroidery placed inside the photo frames. Elegant and aristocratic in the photo frames look vintage geographic maps, old recipes, menu pages. Also framed are interesting quotations, poems, statements, magazine covers or a memorable artifact with old postcards, invitations. Even the scraps of old wallpaper look very stylish in the photo frames. There are a lot of options, and everyone is able to create an exclusive decoration of items that are in every house.
The rules for combining different photo frames
It can not be said that there are some specific rules for combining photo frames of different sizes. First of all, the frame should be in harmony with the photo, and then with the general style of the interior. The photo frames made of various materials, for example plastic and metal, are difficult to keep together.
The frame and photo should be combined, not competing with each other.
Frames made in dark colors increase the intensity of colors in the picture, give out warm or cold shades from the general color scheme. Photo frames of metallic, golden and silver colors are perfectly combined with saturated tones and counterbalance flashy colors. For colorful, color images it is necessary to select a frame of calm, discreet tones. Black-and-white images are suitable for frames of black, white and gray shades. Vintage images should be placed in a frame with a similar stylistics.
The rules for creating compositions and collages
To create compositions on horizontal surfaces, in addition to the photo frames, additional elements are used. It can be candlesticks, caskets, figurines, figurines, toys, vases and other accessories.
See also: Modern elements and interior decoration items
On the walls, you can create a collage in several ways:
- symmetrically;
- аsymmetrically;
- vertically;
- horizontally;
- diagonally;
- correct and irregular rectangles, squares, etc.
By placing different size photos in one horizontal line, they need to be aligned on the top or bottom edge. If the composition is formed diagonally, then it is desirable that the diagonal should go up, and not down. Chaotic placement can also look very interesting and extraordinary.
If there are already bright elements on the walls or the colorful coloring of the wallpaper, then it will be inappropriate to use the photos for additional decoration of the walls.
Decorative photo frames
If the photo frames of simple geometric shapes seem strict or boring, you can buy or make your own decorative frames. Models of this type can be of absolutely any shape. In souvenir shops there are samples decorated with artistic carvings, stucco, engraving, additional details and elements. There are stained-glass photo frames-collages with an original design that hold several cards with images. Or decorative photo frames made in the form of an antique statuette.
Для декорирования рамок используются техники: декупаж, папье маше, плетение, скрапбукинг и другие. В качестве украшений используются фигурные багеты, камни, ракушки, пуговицы, цепочки, текстиль, мозаика и все что угодно. Decorative photo frames с зеркальными элементами могут визуально расширить пространство. А рамки с светодиодной неоновой подсветкой станут оригинальным современным украшением. Кованные массивные изделия придадут помещению эффект старины. Большинство декоративных рамок оформлены так, что они хорошо смотрятся и без фотографий.
Different styles of photo frames
The design of photo frames is very diverse. Products can belong to laconic minimalism, exquisite baroque or to elegant vintage, eco-style, ultramodern high-tech. As already mentioned, the frames are chosen so that they are in harmony with each other, with photos and with the style of the room. The classic style of the interior is hardly suitable products in the style of high-tech. Eco-style is popular and is appropriate literally everywhere, products in this style are made of environmentally friendly natural materials. Fans of luxurious surroundings will like baroque or vintage.
How to place photo frames
There are many original ways to place photos and photo frames. One large picture above the headboard can make the interior stylish and original. An unusual way of placing frames and photographs will emphasize the individuality of the whole apartment. For example, you can make the photos dry, fixing them with clothespins on a rope stretched in several rows.
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Lovers can decorate on the wall a collage in the form of a heart with their joint photographs. Genealogical tree on the wall with photos of relatives will be an exclusive decoration and revered family heirloom. In children's rooms, you can create an original, with the help of photo frames, the stages of growing up a child. Now it's fashionable to create monochrome compositions from black and white images.
Photo frames in different rooms
A dull and undistinguished corridor can be turned into an exciting photo gallery. To do this, it is sufficient to place many photographs, images within the framework at the same distance from the floor or chaotically along the stairs. In the nursery it will be good to arrange collages for boys in the marine style. For girls, a doll or fruit theme is suitable. Today it's easy to find many options for photo frames that are stylized for the children's room. In the living room, it will be interesting to look at the chronological composition from photographs of different time periods located around the clock. Self-portraits with the same style are also suitable for the living room. In the bedroom, photos are placed above the bed or on the bedside table. In the dining room it is better to place several photographs on one wall to accent the room.
How to choose a photo frame
For portraits it is better to choose traditional products of strict rectangular shape. For festive, solemn photographs, a colorful and positive frame fits. If you want to purchase a frame as a gift, then decorative items will be very suitable for this option. When choosing it is important to consider the size, so that the pictures fit perfectly to the frame. If you want to create a collage of several photo frames, it is desirable that they are combined. Tastelessly look collages in which simultaneously involved wooden, plastic, glass, metal and wicker photo frames.
Photos, pictures, images in the appropriate frame are unlikely to lose their relevance. Even with the advent of digital technology, family photos within the framework are often found in every apartment. And today it is a popular reception for decorating rooms. This at any time looks elegant, prestigious and relevant.