Its gorgeous inflorescences are fascinated by the hydrangea panicle, planting and caring for which are not difficult in the opinion of those who already grow this charming plant. Unusual beauty of a low shrub (up to 1.5 m) has already been evaluated by many gardeners of the central strip of Russia.
The inflorescence is 25-30 cm long. The standard diameter of the flower in the inflorescence is 2-3 cm. Their shades are diverse: from cream and white to purple-red. There is also a gentle lemon color (panicle Limelight).
To the plant quickly rose and pleased with its abundant flowering for the next year, it is necessary to provide for it vital conditions for planting.

Gently pink inflorescence hydrangea paniculate conical shape - a topical decoration for any modern garden.

Blossoming flowers of a violet hydrangea paniculate.

Rounded buds of snow-white hydrangea panic at the threshold of the house will delight the eyes of its hosts and their guests.
In this article, read:
- 1 Planting and caring for the bush
- 2 Feeding hydrangeas
- 3 Popular varieties of hydrangea paniculate
- 4 Hortensia paniculate - the favorite flower of the finickiest gardener. Video
- 5 Hortensia paniculate in the suburban area
Planting and caring for the bush
If the weather allows early in the spring, then the best time to plant a hydrangea is difficult to find. You can plant the plant in the autumn. Despite the fact that the bushes tolerate the cold well, preparation for winter for them (especially for young plants in the early years of life) will not be superfluous. To this end, heat-loving varieties are insulated from autumn.
For many types of hydrangeas, partial shade is preferable. Whereas for a panic hydrangea it is better to choose solar spaces, which are provided with wind protection.
Choosing a place for planting, you should also take into account that the shrub does not get along on sandy soil. After choosing a place, you should dig a hole and perform its correct preparation for planting.
The size of the pit should be large enough: it is usually a square of 50 to 50 or 80 to 80 with a depth of 40-60 cm. The orientation should be based on the size of the root and the seedling itself. By equipping the pit, it is important to remember that fertilizers will be laid in it. Therefore, it does not seem great.

White-pink inflorescence hydrangea paniculate will be beneficial to look at any household plot.

So it looks like a properly manicured hydrangea paniculate.

The shop, surrounded by bushes of hydrangeas with pink and purple flowers, is perhaps the most romantic place in the garden.
In an open hole pour a couple of buckets of water and wait for the night until the moisture is completely absorbed into the soil.
In the morning the pit is filled with a nutrient mixture of peat, fertile soil, sand and humus (2/2/1/1), together with mineral-organic additives (urea and potassium sulfate 25 g + superphosphate 65 g).
Will help acidify the soil mixture of pine and spruce needles. The prohibition here is a lime additive, which the plant does not tolerate and because of what can perish. The pit is considered ready for landing when it is laid with the mixture entirely.
Before planting the seedlings, he shortens the roots and removes excess annual shoots. They leave only 3 to 5 kidneys. This requirement is advanced with respect to tree-like plants. Pruning hydrangea large-leaved is not required. Since her flower buds are located on the top of the shoot, they can not be removed.
Planting a plant in the soil is the simplest thing that remains to be done.
Arranging the seedling in the hole, dig it with soil so that the root neck is level with the ground.
Note: the root neck is the place where the root system begins at the trunk. Visually, it looks like a patch with a shift of color from green to light brown.
After planting, the bush is abundantly moistened and sprinkled with mulch - a mixture of acid peat, humus of leaves and needles. This layer will contribute to the preservation of moisture in the soil and better rooting of the plant. Planted plants should be immediately protected from the scorching sun and wind for a period until it settles.
Feeding hydrangeas
Feeding with a variety of fertilizers will allow you to quickly get the desired result in the form of bright and large flowers on the plant. It is better to use special fertilizers, created for hydrangeas, because there are such large-leafed fragile varieties that require moderate feeding. And in such compositions everything is balanced.
For the plant requires fourfold top dressing: from early spring to late summer.
1. Top dressing in the spring is performed with the first sap movement in plants through organic fertilizers, which are a good stimulus for the development of inflorescences.
2. The second top dressing is planned for the period of bud growth. Optimal here is the composition with urea, potassium and superphosphate.
3. The third time fertilizers are laid in the middle of summer, which contributes to the continuous flowering of hydrangeas. The procedure is a regular watering with the addition of mineral components.
4. The fourth top dressing is carried out when preparing for the winter. It is inadmissible to add nitrogen. The optimal solution is a specialized fertilizer for hydrangeas.
Since the shrub is sufficiently hygrophilous, it is necessary to moisten the soil under it in time. It is watered every week abundantly, pouring up to 30 liters per square meter of land near the bush. In rainy weather, the volume of watering is reduced.

Among modern dacha owners, hydrangea paniculate with cone buds of white and pink color is more popular.

A path made of hydrangea with a panicle, as an alternative to decorating the courtyard.

Volumetric inflorescences of snow-white hydrangea panicle will become the highlight of any front garden.

Flowering hydrangea is paniculate.
Competent pruning hydrangeas should provide for the formation of a bush ideal shape. Carry it out in late March. Having selected up to 5-10 large shoots, shorten them to 5 buds, the rest is removed. For old bushes, a so-called rejuvenating pruning is performed. For what the shoots are cut, leaving the hemp 6-7 cm in height. The next year this will ensure an intensive growth of young shoots. Hence, a stronger flowering.
Popular varieties of hydrangea paniculate
Different varieties have differences in the size of the bush, in the shape and color of the inflorescence, in flowering periods. Next will be listed already loved and the most common varieties.
Grandiflora is the most popular variety with large white inflorescences of classical form, eventually becoming pink.

Snow white hydrangeas, the variety of Grandiflora, will eventually turn pink.

Lush shrubs hydrangea paniculate. Variety of Grandiflora.
The swarthy Limelight is a late bloom variety with huge pale-lemon inflorescences, very similar in color to those of the hydrangea panicle Silver Dollar.

Hortenseia metelacha varieties Lamachite.

A sort of hydrangea paniculate Silver Dollar.
The butterfly Kiushu is a shrub that is early blossoming, the openwork inflorescences are white and pink with fertile and sterile flowers.

Hortензia metelchato varieties Kishi.
Hydrangea panicle Levan - its inflorescence is pinkish-white, similar to the flowering of chestnut.
Among the "magic" varieties is the well-known Magic Candle.

A sort of hydrangea paniculate Magic Candle with inflorescences of classical form.
For the decoration of small flowerbeds, hydrangea panic Pinky Winky - a short shrub (up to 1 m), having pinkish-red inflorescences, in which sterile flowers prevail among fertile ones, is suitable. Also, the panicle Pink Lady has large inflorescences of white, after a time they turn pink.
A sort of hydrangea with a panicle Phantom pleases with its cream-white flowering, beginning with the end of summer.
Pink Diamond can expand both in breadth and upward (up to 2 meters). The difference of its inflorescences is a long narrow pyramidal shape with a dark pink color, a reddish-lilac shade.
The hydrangea of sandwich Sanday Fries is distinguished by the fact that its rich flowering has a bright crimson hue.

Hydrangeas paniculate Sanday Freize.
The most snow-white of all varieties is Vanilla Freize.
Among the interesting novelties include a panicle Bobo (a dwarf plant with a delicate pink bloom) and Diamond Rouge with large and first white flowers, which later become saturated red.

Сорт гортензии Бобо.

Hortenseia metelcato Ray Diamond.
Having studied the varieties of an amazing hydrangea, someone will find something suitable for themselves.
And caring for her is a pleasure.