Humanity since ancient times it dreams to create a device that can work indefinitely without any external sources of energy.
But even if we assume such an incredible thing as perpetuum mobile(VD), then in physics such a classification is accepted.
The perpetual motion machine of the first kind (VD1) produces useful work in the most direct sense of the word from nothing, from absolute emptiness. That is, nothing enters at its entrance, and at the output we have heat or electricity. The efficiency is calculated as the ratio of the output to what was input. Consequently, for VD1, the efficiency is equal to infinity.
The perpetual motion machine of the second kind (VD2) converts the heat of the environment into useful work completely without any waste, which distinguishes it from conventional converters that convert the heat of the environment into useful work not completely. For VD2, how many entries there are, as many will be at the output. Therefore, for him kpd is equal to 100%.
Skeptics of the scientific world believe that such a device will violate the laws of thermodynamics, on this basis, its existence becomes impossible, well, or unlikely. But maybe humanity still does not fully understand the laws physics, acting in our universe, and VD is in fact possible. It is incredible to imagine what prospects and opportunities will open before us.
According to the Norwegian mathematician Reidar Finsrud he managed to develop a car, which, in his opinion, is the first true perpetuum mobile. The most important property of VD is that it is in fact infinite source of energy. From the economic point of view, this is a completely contradictory idea, considering the annual revenues of energy companies all over the world. Comment on your opinion about trying to create a perpetual motion machine.
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